MILL WHISTLE Randolph Scott, Movie Favorite, Visits Fieldale ■I i It was a great day for the autograph fans when movie star Randolph Scott accompanied by Mrs. Scott visited Fieldale, Va„ October 10. The visit was a part Of the movie industry’s celebration of its’ 50th anniversary. ^ At left Mr. Scott is besieged by local fans seeking his autograph. At right the film favorite stands at microphone set up on the Fieldale softball field to enable Mr. Scott to address the crowd. (More pictures on page four.) Scout Fund Drive To Open Today ^ • tile plants in the communities. Robert Harris and Mrs. Marvin Mc- Fieldcrest men and women will play a big part iia the annual Boy and Girl Scout finance campaign which opens today and continues through November 10. The Tri-Cities’ goal is $7,850. Of this amount $4,100 is for Boy Scouts and $3,750 for Girl Scouts. These bud gets represent the minimum amount •leeded to carry on the scouting pro gram in the Tri-Cities during the com ing year. James T. Chandler is general chair- ttian of the fund campaign, with Mrs. William McGehee as co-chairman, rep resenting Girl Scouts. Welsford Bish opric will assist Mr. Chandler in the Boy Scout work and Mrs. Luther H. Hodges will aid Mrs. McGehee. The campaign at Fieldcrest mills will be led by Harold W. Whitcomb, assist ant general manager. Mr. Whitcomb is chairman of the industrial division com prised of Fieldcrest and the other tex- Michael will head the dri\re in the Dra per area. At Leaksville, those in charge are, E. L. Brown, Garr Price, L. B. Hardesty, D. M. Bouldin, Woodrow Norris, R. C. “Pete” Lee, Bill Robert son, Mrs. John T. Maclsaac and Mrs. Alex Stanford. The campaign in Spray will be head ed by Harold Griffiths, J. G. DeHart, Sr., White T. Reeder, Judge Herman Peters, Spray members of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, Mrs. John T. Burks, Miss Virginia Mills and Miss Nettie Dillon. John T. Wilson will direct the cam paign at the Duke Power village. On the Boulevard, leaders are D.L. Craddock, Paul Frohman, and Ben Holmes, with Mrs. D. L. Craddock for the Girl Scouts. Representatives of the Jaycees also will assist in the cam paign at the Boulevard and Leaksville. Clean-Up Campaign Proves Big Success; Winners Announced The Towel Mill at Fieldale, Va. won first place in the housekeeping contest, which closed October 26. There will be a drawing for a cash prize of $5 in each department, with all employees eligible to participate. The second place winner was Central Warehouse, with the Blanket Mill in third place. The Rayon Mill and the Hosiery Mill at Fieldale tied for fourth place. Because of the nature of their op erations, 10 handicap points were al lowed the Bedspread, Blanket, Sheeting and Towel Mills, in order to establish a fair basis of comparison. Judges in the contest were appointed by E. W. Med- bery, production manager, from among members! of Central Safety Committee. In addition to the contest between the mills, there were contests among the various departments in each plant. Employees of the winning departments will participate in a drawing for a $10 cash prize. Winning departments were: Bedspread, Carding; Blanket, Shipping and Receiving; Bleachery, Cloth Fin ishing; Electric Blanket, Warehouse; Finishing, Sample Dept.; Karastan, Finishing; Rayon, Winding and Twist ing; and Towel, Carding. Central Ware house had a four-way tie between the Print Shop, Bedspread Stock, Sheet Stock, and Blanket Stock Departments. The winning department at the Hosiery Mill is to be announced later. New Boiler Plant Will Go Into Operation "A ■ Installation of the new boiler plant to serve mills and offices in the central Spray area has been substantially com pleted. Located at the Nantucket build ing, the huge boiler will probably be put into operation the latter part ^ of this week. Old units at the Finishing Mill will be discontinued at that time. There has been a wood fire in the boiler since Monday, October 22. Frank T. Suttenfield, superintendent of the Finishing Mill, lit the match to start the fire to dry out the brick settings. The (Continued on Page Eight) 'A Scouting builds good citizens.