TYPICAL CASE— Improvements Made In Former ^Company’ House t 1 1*1 All i»rt/lTYlS 3 How a Fieldale couple remodeled and improved their home, purchased from the Company several years ago, is pictured below. Mrs. Ethel Harrington, an inspector in the Towel Sewing Dept., conceived the ideas for most of the im provements and did the planning. Her husband, L. E. “Lefty” Harrington, winder and folder in the Towel Sewing Dept, helped put tlie plans into effect and did much of the painting and some of the building of cabinets and other fixtures. Both of the Harringtons take a keen interest in their home situated on Third street in Fieldale and are continually doing something to further improve and beautify the house or premises. The house has been remodeled into an attractive home with five rooms and bath. All floors were re-finished and are kept like new. All of the rooms plastered or sheetrocked. . They converted an old back porch m an attractive bedroom and bathroom and used a part of the former porch enlarge the kitchen. Another novation was a long haUway into wbic open the three bedrooms and batn- room. The new arrangement makes possible to heat the house with an ou floor furnace located in the hall. ■■■■ THE KITCHEN at the Harrington home is well arranged, with plenty of cabinets. Window over the sink was Mrs. Harrington’s idea. Shelves hold part of her collection of novelty salt shakers. THIS HALLWAY was a major improvement in the hou interior. Three bedrooms open into hall where oil furnace is located. Hallway turns left, leading to attracti bathroom. (fjl IN LIVING ROOM, attractive book case and shelves were built in space that was formerly a doorway. YARD WAS LANDSCAPED, built up two feet and a concrete block wall constructe on upper side. Lower part of lot was leveled off for a graveled driveway Attractive ness of house exterior was enhanced by gutters and metal awnings and bhnds. FIELDCREST mill WHISTli® 6