WOODFORD R BOEBINGER THE STANDARD PRINTING CO. FIRST ST. AT JEFFERSON LOUISVILLE 2,KY. MILL WHISTLE Volume xi Spray, N. C., Monday April 27, 1953 Number 19 Community Club Opens Membership Campaign The annual membership drive for tlie Tri-City Community Club (formerly known as the Girls’ Club) begins April j and continues through May 6. Miss Isabelle Buckley, club director, said a pal of 200 members has been set for this year’s drive. Mrs. J. F. Law is general chairman of the campaign with Fred Sturtevant in charge of the industrial division. Mrs. William P. Price and Mrs. Carl Hoehl ''^ill direct the campaign among clubs Snd civic groups. James Webster is chairman for the schools. . Membership rates remain the same as in previous years—$2.00 a year for adults and $1.00 for persons under 18 ^®ars of age. Organized groups and activities spon sored by the Community Club include the New Leaksville Woman’s Club which ^^leets for programs on homemaking, the '-hild Study Club, study and discussion (Continued on Page Five) Employees To Vote On Representation Employees of the Company’s North *-arolina mills will vote Tuesday, April ^^1 to determine whether the TWUA- ^lO or the UTW-AFL is to be their ^srgaining representative. The run-off ^lection will be conducted in all of the ^ri-City plants under supervision of the National Labor Relations Board. The CIO received the highest vote in a three-way election April 7 but failed to get a majority. The “neither” block, ^dicating no union, will not appear on the ballots in the run-off election. Em ployees voting will vote for one or the other of the two unions. All employees who were eligible to '^ote in the previous election will be eligible to vote tomorrow. The mills ^ill vote as a unit and the over-all vote ^ill determine the outcome. A simple **iajority of the ballots cast will decide the winner. The votes will be counted at the re corder’s courtroom in Spray beginning 4:30 p.m and it is expected that the I'esults will be known by 6:00 o’clock. The hours for voting have been posted Blanket Employee Honored For 45 Years Of Service Mrs. Cora H. Rickman, who has been a spinner at the Blanket Mill since 1908 was honored April 1 upon her com pletion of 45 years of continuous ser vice with the Company. She is shown above as she was congratulated by Harold W. Whitcomb, assistant general manager, who presented her with a gift and a letter from the management ex pressing appreciation for her long rec ord of faithful service. Mrs. Rickman now works at frames located very near the spot where she began as a spinner in 1908. Her hus band, Samuel A. Rickman, a fixer in the Blanket Spooling Dept., also is a long-service employee of the Company. in the various departments and the voting booths will be in the same loca tions as before. The voting procedure will be similar to that of the election held on April 7. Of the 3321 employees eligible to vote in the first election, excluding those in military service, a total of 2823 participated. The CIO received 1368, the AFL 1090 and 344 employees voted “neither.” Seventeen votes were challenged and four were declared void. Large Crowd Expected To Hear Bennett Cerf Final arrangements have been com pleted for the appearance of Bennett Cerf, noted author, publisher, humorist and television panelist, before a joint meeting of the Carolina Cooperative Council and the Junior Carolina Coun cil in the Leaksville-Spray junior high school auditorium Thursday evening, April 30, at 7:30 o’clock. Council officials said a capacity crowd is expected to attend the meet ing. It will be ladies’ night with wives of the senior council members invited. Also, wives, husbands or escorts of Junior Council members have been ex tended an invitation. John P. Powell, program chairman, sa’d Mr. Cerf v/ill comf* from New York by plane Thursday morning. A Company car will meet him at the air port and drive him to Spray where he will visit some of the mills during the day. Mr. Cerf will attend a dinner with the Council officers at Meadow Greens club at 6 p. m. preceding the pro gram in the junior high school auditor ium. He plans to return to New York after the Council meeting, taking a late train from Danville. Walter Schacht Joins Quality Control Dept. Walter E. Schacht, Jr., joined Field er est Mills April 1, as a quality control engineer. A native of Wilmington, Mass., he served in the Marine Corps from October 11, 1945, until Sep tember 1948. Im mediately upon his discharge from the Marines, he entered North Carolina State College and grad uated in March of 1953 with a B. S. degree in textiles. He played four years of varsity football at State, was president of the Monogram Club, and a member of the Athletic Council.