LETTERS FROM OUR SERVICEMEN I Draper Soldiers Have Reunion In Korea l^ear Mr. Thomas: I thank you for my military bonus. I yould like to teU you how much I en joyed working for Fieldcrest... I hope I "'111 be able to be back some day... I 'vould like to thank you again for all of help. Pvt. Elwpod Walker US 53-174-191 9th Engr. Co. ERTC Fort Belvoir, Virginia * * * ^ar Mr. Thomas: This is to let you know that I appre- the military bonus which I receiv ed this last week. I also appreciate the {WILL WHISTLE and I look forward to Jt each time. I am also looking forward to the day when I will return and work ^ith my friends in the Sheeting Mill. r.A. Ira Stultz 497-44-52 USS Abbot (DD-629) F.P.O. New York, New York « ^ ]|i I'ear Mr. Thomas: Just a word to say “hello” and to you the APO number in my address been changed to APO 973. How are the mills working now? Fine, J hope. I would like very much to be here at work. I get my discharge April 1954^ so I have 12 more months in *^6 Army. Then I will be back at work you. I am still receiving the MILL j'^lSTLE and appreciate it very much. . ®^joy reading them and knowing what I® going on back home and knowing what is going on in the mill. Yours truly, Pvt. J. B. Wilson US 52189080 863rd T Port Co. APO 973, c/o P.M. San Francisco, California h * * * ear Mr. Thonias: I enjoyed getting the Mill Whistle J^hen j jjj camp. I was always forward to it because it told of *igs that were going on in the mills. 'ooking thi: ow I would like very much to get the Paper while I am in the hospital and ould like to hear from my. friends the Blanket Cutting and Sewing Dept. Frank Hopkins S.A. 497-48-06 Ward 5-1 U.S. Naval Hospital San Diego 34, Calif ★ ear Mr. Thomas: the I want to thank you for sending me mill WHISTLE. I appreciate it much. Also, I would like to give ou my new address. Samuel E. Chilton F.A. 4974692 Division-E USS Basilone DDE-824 F.P.O. New York, N. Y. Dear Mr. Thomas: I wish to inform you of a recent change in my address where future is sues of the MILL WHISTLE may be forwarded. Also, to Fieldcrest Mills, the editor, and reporters of the MILL WHISTLE, I extend my appreciation for making it possible that servicemen as myself are able to keep up with the everyday events of our commimity. A/lc Clarence H. Mayes A. F. 14389635 670th AC & W Sqdn. San Pedro, California 4: Dear Mr. Thomas: I have been receiving the MILL WHISTLE ever since I have been in the service and enjoy reading it very much. I am sending you my change in address so that the paper will reach me more quickly. Tell all my friends in the Karastan Weave Room hello and to drop me a few lines. My new address is as follows: A/2c Coy V. Hudgins AF 14-455-172 525th Materiel Squadron Supply Flight New Castle County Airport Wilmington, Delaware • • • Dear Mr. Rimmer: Just a few lines to say “hello” and give you my address. I would like to get the MILL WHISTLE as soon as I can. I sure do wish I was back there in the mill. . . . Pvt. Richard G. Hall US 52293416 Co. “I”, 155 Inf. Regt. 31st Div. Camp Atterbury, Indiana Sherman Ellington Graduates From Air Transport School A2/c Sherman R. ElUngton, who grad uated from Military Air Transport school, March 10 at Palm Beach Inter nationa 1 Air Base, Florida, recently spent a 21-day furlough with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Elling ton, Leaksville, en route to his present base. Sherman is a former employee of the Synthetic Fabrics Mill. His father works in the Karastan Mill and his mother (Lillie) works for Dr. John S. Stone. For friends who may wish to write, his address is A/2c Sherman R. Ellington, AF 14454975, 340th A.R.S. Box 50, Castle Air Force Base, Calif. The average American workman uses 6 horsepower as compared with two horsepower only 35 years ago. These Draper soldiers recently had a reunion in Korea. At left is Billy Har vey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Harvey, and Kenneth Hall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Hall. Soldier Wants Mail Picture at right shows Frank An drews, youngest son of Mrs. Callie An drews of the Bed spread Spinning De partment and the late Mr. Manuel W. Andrews. Frank would like to have some mail from his friends back home. His address is: Frank Andrews AA497-42- 62, BKS South 5-117, NATCC Sec. 4, Memphis, 15, Tennessee. ★ At Great Lakes Picture at left shows Thomas H. Wade, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wade, of Draper. His father is employed in the Blanket Mill. Thom as is serving in the Navy stationed a t Great Lakes, Illinois. He would like to have letters from friends back home. For those who wish to write, his address is as follows: Thomas H. Wade, SR 497- 48-89, Co. 52, Ret Tmg Comm., U. S. Naval Trng. Center, Great Lakes. Illi nois. ONDAY, APRIL 2 7, 1 9 5 3 Nearly 16,000,000 people earn their living in manufacturing jobs.