Modernization-Karastan To Get New Scouring Machine order has been placed for a latest-model Sargents 4-bowl continuous skein scouring machine for the Wj^^tan Mill. The new unit will give improved qual ty of scouring and the extra capacity needed for two , ^itional Clark needle looms now on order. Building alterations are under way and will be completed the time the new unit is shipped in mid-August. Picture shows type of machine being purchased. former boiler room at Karastan is being remodeled ^ake room for the new scouring unit which will be Vif^o^imately 70 feet long. The floor will be built up level the scouring room. Space in new room will be used [.,'Chemical storage, soap mixing tanks, etc. Picture shows “ris as workmen tear out old boiler foundations. AY, JUNE 14, 1954 Brick wall shown at right has now been removed. Steel columns are to support roof and roof beams. New scouring machine will extend toward left in picture virtually all the way across the former boiler room space. Outside doors to boiler room have been bricked up. Building alterations amount to a major remodeling job.