VOlTxvi ~ Spray, N. C., Monday, July 15, 1957 V . POPULAR ATTRACTION—Providing summer recreation for Towel Mill em ployees and members of their families is the swimming pool operated by the Pieldale Community Center Enjoying themselves above are, left to right, Peggy Ann Dodson, daughter of Clyde Dodson of the Towel Mill weave room; Anne Morris and Elvena Stegall, of the Towel Cost Dept. (More pictures on page five). Fieldcresters Go To I Blue Ridge Meeting Five Fieldcrest men, representing ^I'pervision and the Industrial Rela- Department, will attend the 38th Southern Industrial Relations Confer ence. The conference will be held at Blue Ridge, near Asheville, July 17-20. I Those to attend are C. J. Frank, Jr., j and Jones W. Norman, of the Indus- [ trial Relations Department; Oscar Sim mons, Karastan Mill; Jack Jarrett, Sheeting; Ralph Pickup, Towel. Theme of this year’s conference is “Broadening Understanding—The Key to Good Human Relations.” Nationally- known speakers will discuss various phases of improved human relations in industry. More than 1000 persons from industry in the southern states are ex pected to attend. Speakers include Francis M. Bunch, manager, supervisory and employee training section, employee relations de partment, E. I. duPont deNemours & ' Company, Inc. Wilmington, Del.; Dr. Francis P. Gaines, president, Washing- (Continued on page three) Fieldcrest Man To Be Sworn In As Member Of Prison Commission Dr. William McGehee, who has been appointed by Governor Luther H. Hod ges as a member of the State Prison Commission will be sworn in Wednes day, July 31. This commission, which if; responsible to the Governor for the operation of the North Carolina prison system, was created by an act of the last Legislature. Dr. McGehee, director of personnel research and training at Fieldcrest, was chairman of the former Prison Advisory Council which served in an advisory capacity and which was in- strumental in bringing about the separation of the State highway and prison systems in North Carolina. He was first appointed by Governor Scott Wm. McGehee in 1949, and was ^ NUMBER 1 Conant Appointed To Development Post Appointment of Roger Conant as di rector of product development for our domestics lines, effective July 8, has been announced by Frederic W. Hoit, vice president, domestics sales. Mr. Co nant will have his headquarters at our domestics sales office in New York and will be responsible for all activities of the Design Department there. Mr. Conant is considered outstanding in his field. His previous experience includes 11 years with Bates Fabrics, during which time he was responsible for bedspread and fabric styling. He also has been with Burlington Mills, Lord & Taylor, and R. H. Macy in mer chandise development activities. ROGER CONANT Joins Fieldcrest Mills reappointed by the late Governor Wil liam B. Umstead. Linn D. Garibaldi, president of the North Carolina Telephone Company at Matthews, is chairman of the new State Prison Commission. He was vice-chair man of the former advisory council. Mrs. J. Melville Broughton, who serv ed on the Advisory Council, also was appointed to the new seven-member Prison Commission. The Commission will hold its next meeting July 31 in the new Prison ad ministration building at Raleigh.