lOL. XVIII Spray, N. C., Monday, May 30, 1960 NO. 23 buttle To Participate In NCC Cotton Clinic Jsheville Meeting To Review »®VeIopments and Results Research In Industry H. Tuttle, director of technical j'tvicgg at Fieldcrest Mills, will take on the program of the 1960 Cotton ®6arch Clinic at the Grove Park Inn Asheville, May 31, June 1 and 2. The meeting is sponsored by the Na- .*^31 Cotton Council of America and be attended by approximately 300 j^tTesentatives from various sectors of U. s. cotton industry as well as toesentatives from several foreign "^'itries. "he purpose of the clinics, which have held annually over a period of sev- years, is to review new develop- and the results of research in the !^Zation of cotton. Mf. Tuttle will be chairman of the j^fsday session at which four techni- J Papers are to be presented. He will the discussions following each pres- '‘ation. will be introduced by W. Earl ®^rd, vice president and director of .^arch. West Point Manufacturing ^>npany. West Point, Ga. Mr. Heard General chairman of the meeting. Ruth Manley, left, and Earsley Odell, both of the Packing Department, enjoy barbecue served in mill to Central Warehouse employees as an award for safe work. More pictures appear on pages four and five. Central Warehouse Given Safety Barbecue R. H. TUTTLE To Preside At Clinic . Employees of the Central Warehouse have worked over a million and a quart er man-hours without a disabling in jury. The last lost-time accident oc curred September 27, 1956—over 3% years ago. As an award from the Company for having operated all of 1959 without any lost time due to injury, the employees were given a barbecue dinner in the mill Wednesday, May 11. The barbecue, “hush puppies,” slaw and cold drinks were served to all employees at their noon lunch period. In recognition of their perfect re cord during 1959, the employees of the Central Warehouse are to receive an Award of Merit from the National Safe ty Council. The award is to be present ed later. John S. Eggleston, superintendent of Central Warehouse, in commenting on the mill’s safety record said; “Safety has an important place in our operations at Central Warehouse. While records, awards and barbecues are fine and we enjoy them, our real objective is to pre vent suffering and lost time resulting from injuries. “I want to congratulate the emjiloyees of the Central Warehouse for their out standing performance in safety work and to thank them for their interest and cooperation in helping to prevent injuries. We hope to add many more man-hours to our present record.” There were indicationes that interest in safety remains high at Central Ware house with emphasis being placed on the observance of all safety rules, the reporting and prompt correction of un safe conditions and the elimination of unsafe acts on the part of individuals. Credit Union To Pay Another 4% Dividend A 4% per annum dividend for mem bers of the Fieldcrest Mills Credit Un ion was voted by the Credit Union’s board of directors at their regular monthly meeting May 20. The dividends will be figured on the average monthly balances and credited to each member’s share account as of June 30, 1960. The Credit Union, an all-employee ac tivity at Fieldcrest Mills, has paid a 4% per annum dividend on savings each six months since the Credit Union was organized in June, 1958.