THE MILLWH rieldaie, Va Published by fieldcres^ Mills, incr* Plants toco^ed in Spray, Proper and UaksviUe, Spray, N. C., Monday, February 20, 1961 NO. 16 I'Xninittee To Accept l^olarship Requests Foundation To Award *2,000 Scholarships To “'oyees Or Children ^^^ieldcrest Scholarship Commit- v(ii * , begin immediately to accept ^(en h scholarships ^ y the Fieldcrest Foundation to ^ iu^’^Ployees or children of employ- tii(j- a college education. ^ who wish to be consider- >it two scholarships must sub- , Application in writing prior to ’ ^®6l, to the Scholarship Com- * of the scholarships will 1 ounced by June 1, 1961. KfPlication form may be secured PVfj ® Industrial Relations represent- ?Wov^ mills; by calling at the C’ 'n Office of Fieldcrest Mills, 4 ^ General Offices building in Carolina; or by writing McGehee, director of per- \ jj^^^^arch and training, Fieldcrest Spray, North Carolina. 't ^^'Ooo 3 total cash value t "le rat ® period of four years \ of $500 for each of the four ^hoig^'^I^Se attendance. (Co are awarded each year, •'■tinued on page three) You A Saver? Christmas savings, saving through the J‘%g T, more employees are 3ioh ^ Fieldcrest Mills Credit Nrs are !S vacations, educa- eg children, or for a - ^’fe family emergencies. 'e tk ^ future with more se- K tall K have some savings on. Using the Credit fai aside a little every 'y is easy. You never miss 5t suivi ^^'^'^nilates into a nice Vvr> , .'^^ore you know it. It for you at once, H,S%‘^idends. ^ieldo ‘ Why not join Mills Credit Union, follow have done, and start savings each week. D. E. Simons, Towel Mill superintendent, presents Fieldale Community Fund check for $2,013.76 to Mrs. William Setliff, representative of the MartinsvlUe-Henry County Heart Fund. Looking on, left to right, are Carroll Eggleston, Carrie Phillips, Benny Crawford, Margaret Ann Stegall, and D. A. Purcell, Towel Mill manager. Fieldale Contributes $2,013 To Heart Fund The Fieldale Community Fund, in its first allocation in 1961, made a dona tion of $2,013.76 to the MarUnsville- Henry County Heart Fund. A check for this amount was present ed in informal ceremonies in the Towel Mill conference Room Thursday after noon, February 9, by representatives of the Community Fund Committee. D. E. Simons, Towel Mill superintend ent and a member of the fund commit tee, presented the check to Mrs. William Setliff, of Martinsville, representing the Heart Fund. Accompanying Mrs. Setliff to Fieldale was “Uttle Miss Heart Fund of 1961,” £jy0_ygap-old Soodie Stultz, and her mother, Mrs. Charles Stultz. Also present for the ceremonies were the following Towel Mill employees rep resenting the Fieldale Community Fund Committee: Benny Crawford, Packing and Shipping; Carroll Eggleston, Bleach ing and Dyeing; Carrie Phillips, Sewing; and Margaret Ann Stegall, Warehousing and Shipping. ^ Later donations are to be made to the Cancer Fund, March of Dimes and the Martinsville-Henry County United Fund. Under the Fieldale plan, only one so licitation is made in the Towel Mill each year. At that time an employ^ may pledge a single contribution to be paid in small installments through pay roll deductions for 12 months. The money so raised is used for the Community Fund and other authorized fund drives. The funds are administered by a committee composed of representa tives from each department in the mill. Management Reports To Be Presented At Joint Meeting Of Councils Management reports will be presented at a joint meeting of the Carolina Co operative Council and the Junior Caro lina Council Thursday evening, Feb ruary 23, at 7:30 p. m. at the Consoli dated Central YMCA. President Harold W. Whitcomb and other members of General Management will review the Company’s operations during the past year and discuss Field- crest’s plans for 1961. The talks will mainly concern manu facturing operations. There will be no presentations by the sales divisions on this program. The “management reports” meeting, usually held in January, is always a highlight of the Council’s program year. A large attendance is expected at the meeting this week.