Using roll leaf stamper, Norva McCullen stamps numbers in vari- Pat Gambill and Leora Evans (in foreground) attach ons colors, inspects dials before sending them to Control Assembly, dials to control cases. Cases also are molded at the plant. New Molding Equipment Increases Automatic Blanket Plant Efficiency Impco Injection Molding Machine Molds Dials For Automatic Blanket Controls To' help achieve greater efficiency and more economi cal operation, the Automatic Blanket Plant at Smithfield has recently installed an Impco injection molding machine in the Molding Department. This machine molds the dials for our automatic blanket controls. The machine is fed styrene pellets which are melted down into a semi-liquid and then pressed into dials by 60,000 pounds of pressure. The dials go from this machine to the dial stamper who uses a roll leaf stamper to stamp the dials in various colors. The operator then inspects the stamped dials and sends them on to the Control Assembly Department. In the latter department, the operators attach the dials to the control cases. The cases are also molded at the Smithfield plant. They are made from a white pow dered molding compound which is placed in the Baker machine and pressed into the mold by pressure amount ing to 75 tons. The installation of the new machine is another ex ample of Fieldcrest’s continuing modernization and im provement of machines and methods to increase efficiency and provide economies so that the Company can continue to make top quality products at the lowest possible cost. Monday, march 5, i962 1 Control cases are molded by this Baker machine using 75 tons of pressure. Operator shown is Billy Nowell.