Boiler Hoorn at Finishing Mill is kept spick-and-span Dryer was cleaned and repainted for better appearance. ^•ean equipment and orderly storage in Beck Dye Dept. Clear, uncluttered main aisle in Cutting and Sewing. l^inishing Mill Housekeeping Improved X j1 O T\/T-I1T ^4- TT' — J_ j j. i» T 1 ^ Finishing Mill at Eden has made outstanding -ji Pfovements in mill housekeeping in recent months, tor more attractive surroundings have made ^ f more pleasant working conditions for employees as aiding efficiency, quality and on-the-job '^he pictures above show a few of the areas where ty, ^ne pictur ®mendous i mprovemenis have been made. left: The Boiler Room was completely repaint- *^n both levels and the main floor was refinished. w°P night: In the Beck Dye Department, the dryer ^|®aned and repainted to give a better appear- ^ The mixing kettles shown on the gantry in the °NDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1968 background were cleaned up. Note that the wide aisle is kept open for free movement of traffic through the department as well as giving a more orderly appearance. Lower left: In the Beck Dye Department, all equipment v;as cleaned and the room repainted. Note that the trucks are kept lined up in the proper area at right, permitting orderly storage. Lower right: In the Cutting and Sewing Depart ment, the room was completely repainted, including the operators’ thread cabinets. Observe the clear, un cluttered aisle with the trucks properly lined up at lo„t, leaving the aisle open for easy loading and un loading of the hydraulic lifts.