Fieldale Team Enters League J, JL^ JLj %Jf J|( 't «.t55 FIELDALE TOWEL MILL BASKETBALL TEAM The Fieldale Towel Mill’s first year entry into the City of Martinsville Industrial Basket ball League was marked by a season record of 7 and 7, with six of the 7 losses by two points or less. The team placed fourth in its division and in the first game of the play-off defeated the only undefeated team in the 16-team league by eight points. Team members shown in the large photograph are, front row, left to right; Rufus Wade, Tracy Hairston and Jerry Bowles. Top row, left to right, are Pete Setliff, Robert Mosley, Tryon Wade, Jim Mat Martin and Bobby Stockton. Players not present for the group picture are shown below. They are, top row, left to right, Raeford Settle, Walter Hughes and Lynwood Dandridge. Bottom row, left to right, are James Manns, Larry Spencer and James Whorley. RAEFORD SETTLE WALTER HUGHES LYNWOOD dandridge I' # s?f JAMES MANNS LARRY SPENCER JAMES WHORLEY Terry and Tammy Fowler oaaaoDooaDDDODaro^lfdt ■ ‘dm ,s„.w«^QDo6boodQoaaDo||g8| WfeitSjsrsn n nf500 E3on no£;'.-r Terry Jean Fowler and Tam my Dineen Fowler, ages six and eight years old respectively, are the children of Mr. and Mrs. Noble Fowler. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Harris. Mr. Harris is a shift foreman in the Woolen System at Hit Greige Mill. The children’s formerly a dofferatfc Sheeting Mill. The resides in Norfolk, Q. What are the rules tor deducting finance charges on department store revolving charge accounts? A. You may deduct the “finance charge’’ levied by retail stores on your revolving charge accounts if the charges are based on your unpaid balances and computed monthly. Also, in the case of bank credit card plans, you can deduct the finance charge if no part of this amount is for service charges, loan frees, credit investigation fees, etc. However, if you buy items on the installment plan and the carrying charges are separately stated, but the interest charge cannot be ascertained, deduct the lower of (1) 6 percent of your average unpaid monthly balance or (2) the actual charge for the year. For more details, see IRS Publication 545, “Income Tax Deduction for Interest Expense.” Use the order blank on the back of your 1040 tax forms package to obtain a free copy. of my tax to the Pres Election Campaign Fin A. Yes. Without in your tax liability or dffl your refund, youmayi $1 ($2 on a joint ret you neglected to “4 on your 1972 return, still do so on your 1971 Q. Aren’t there sonit tions that can be claimi though the taxpayer d the standard deducfc doesn’t itemize? A. Yes. On your tii these deductions “adjustments to incon include employee penses, such as busins. expenses, moving a payments by self-eniplf dividuals to a retire* and the sick pay excli Credits against tax may also be clai# out itemizing your For example, many are eligible to claim w ment income credit i credit for contributio® litical candidates. Q. I should receive a refund when I file my return for 1973. Can I still check off a dollar Eddie Piem, Leslie Waddell Eddie Piercy, his first birthday lofMr. 11, is the sonc.- " Belmon Piercy of the grandson four of Leslie Dawn Waddell, months old, is the daughter ui Mary Waddell who is employed in the Spinning Department at the Alexander Sheeting Mill. Hicks Street, employed at J Sheeting Mill- in the Carding L> Mrs. Street, Mozj the Weaving the