Fieldale 25-Year Employees Hear Jackson of *,'r^’''^*nued from Page One) said. Uanagi SP'^ouse, plant .. “ger, presented the 24 new ihex^V* becoming eligible for K*:Year Club: C. i,;r’'bara K. Alley, Claude 'a Jr., Helen S. Beheler, P- Bolejack, Martin S. Lawrence H. Fretwell, ton Fretwell, Hazel M. ■ Wallace M. Gourley, Hagood, H. Ray Harris, Aileen R. Odell, tiazei p Carter^ j p- Bent( Wrett Sl.l *'isiec 'elton u r.‘^PP’ Llarvey Stonp Sink, Marvin L. Dennis Walker p, • ‘ kjlliiv, ivictl VUl 1j. R, L.^Turner, Virginia ^ ^ifih C> ^ •L'tJIl Wolfe and Virginia ^^awings for attendance the '''eivpH f wiimei!,, wno ? ‘awel sets, were Glenn ’laboratory; Bessie Pa„i j t>ewing Department; ;aton aul n jjepartn ai, Weave Room; Ida Jepa'i^j^^aetired from Spinning New members of the Fieldale Towel Mill 25-Year Club Wiggonton (far left), division vice president and general wbo became eligible this year are shown with C. Hoyt manager, and David W. Sprouse (far right), plant manager. --- -w-v.* il V/llX is (;^®at; and Gertrude Hop- Pai,leaning Department. kiti ram P 8 •lie um also was winner of to guess the total servip years’' continuous ''^presented by the Fieldale Towel Mill 25-Year Club members. He was awarded the 25-Year Club display board con taining $25.00 in quarters. Entertainment was provided by “The Red Vests”, a Dixieland group from Eden which includes some of the top musicians in the area. Following the program in the auditorium a picnic supper was enjoyed in the school cafeteria. The Fieldale Towel Mill has a total membership of 387 in the 25-Year Club. Of this number, 215 are active employees and 172 have retired under the Pension Plan. W. O. Stone greets Jewel Hagood, Sewing. Sam Hagood, Weave, and Delia Roberson, retired 50-year employee, stand at left. Fi ®»dale 25-Year Club members register for attendance prizes and guessing game. Serv large crowd attending the meeting. A picnic supper Officials and program participants, right to left, A. L. Jackson W O >Gn m -fVkA a ■fV«A 1?1 .... 0—1 1 ^ mwwt ... — . —. _ . ’ * ^ '’ed in the cafeteria of the Fieldale Elementary School, OCTOBER 6, 1975 Stone, C. H. Wiggonton, D. W. Sprouse and G. L. Caraway. ■!, I ;--i •'C .. . .d