I fShowrooms Illustrate ^Fashion Excitement ex!if‘'®Wng fashion with ill^ currently is being Kgj, dramatically at Chin showrooms in New York, and San Francisco. decora which were re- ftiarw for the summer carpet intrnH spotlighted the Kara of fde new Ralston for ®^iDh carpet collection. Kara given to show . dealers how they Halston For Karastan can „ ,'^foct the fasion impact of the new coliepf the u stores by tying in Haisj designs with other- Th merchandise, caropf^^^'^io displays showed the fashia„® with Halston couture forpj Halston II collection toiietp-perfumes and itUeri*^^' addition, window and Hakfp”^,.displays re-created the Stn 1. ic-uicciLcu uie tiew ofestyle as illustrated in the ' karastan film. ‘At Home with dea^g*!^’ ’ which was also shown to •Markets ®*"^onding the various Clean iticlaa-!,’_ oiodern furnishings. Platfgp**'® carpeted seating and be~i>. ais IS Jest” T'^’. Pi'osented “fess tParkeH philosophy that has „^^fston’s creations in all Slsow^*'^ ''^isiting the showrooms variety of lii Halston for Karastan” aaaterials developed to Pfovi^^ ‘“ai-cixais uevexopeu lo the ^ distinctive look wherever The;,''^ parpets are shown. Wexig]^ *aclude handsome smoked Psed^ t ^fgns that can be hung or' and ^^^'Standing with vignettes apiblgj? ®yc-catching block “H” ^atiia] pinned to the top %nrg^ oa a waterfall display innovation which was THIS VIGNETTE DISPLAY (above) In Karastan’s New York showroom was constructed to show dealers how they can create eye-catching and handsome displays in their stores tying in the Halston for Karastan designs with other Halston fashion merchandise. THE CLEAN, UNCLUTTERED LOOK expressed in Halston de signs keynotes this striking dis play (top, left) at Karastan’s New York showroom. The carpeted stairs and platforms establish a bedroom and living room area with pillows and a platform bed cover ed with the Halston II bed fashions from Fieldcrest. CARPETED PLATFORMS and pIF lows establish this living area (at left) in a window of Karastan’s Chicago showroom featuring the new Halston collection. Both the “Suede Look’’ and “The Halston ‘H’’’ are highlighted in this dis play. appealing to Karastan’s ^ at the ma^et was ^ich a new called the “Tri-Tower” '''as previewed at the Standing eight-feet high C^biiit; 'ca u -.7 m any carpet selling ^aisL unit holds the complete Mthr” for ” " ■ - Karastan collection, sample in the three lines A CONVERSATION PIECE FOR CARPET DEALERS. Re - creating the clean modern look seen in Halston’s townhouse, this living area (at right) appears in one of the windows at Karastan’s show room in Chicago’s Merchandise Mart. Besides showing a large picture of Halston, the display shows the new “Basketweave” and “suede Look” carpets from the Halston collection along with Fieldcrest’s “Halston Rose” de sign on the platform bed. HAL.STPN M 0 ]sj Cu convenient hanger racks. A Y AUGUST 2 9, 1 9 7 7