-•sr- Columbus Employees Proved It Could They Said It Col 5> DAVE RICHARDSON set his own record in addition to that achieved by the plant. He ran his 14 iooms at 99.2 percent for one shift and then broke his own record with a 99.3 percent. Everybody said the “9-90” program couldn’t be done. But employees at the Columbus Towel Mill proved everybody wrong. For the week ending September 11, they achieved an outstanding record of 7.5 percent seconds and 91.3 percent efficiency, a perfor mance envied by all those in towel manufacturing. In cele bration, an in-plant barbecue was served on September 14 to all employees. Back in March, efficiency was about 85 percent with seconds running about 13 percent, according to Harold Auman, plant manager. At that time he came up with the “9-90” program, which set a goal of 9 percent seconds and 90 percent efficiency by the end of 1977. All employees were notified that when they reached that goal, they would be served an “all you can eat” barbecue dinner. “They are number one,” Auman said. “I knew they could do it, they knew they could do it, and they proved it. This is an achievemnt unequaled by any towel manufacturing operation I have been able to find. “We felt we had potentially the best towel mill in the industry. “We have enormous talent, technical knowledge and determination, the best group of employees I’ve ever seen. They not only surpassed the goal we set, but they did it in a much shorter time than we would have thought possible. And they are just as determined to sustain this performance as they were to achieve it the first time,” he said. “It beats anything I’ve ever seen,” said Tommy Sanders, Weave Room superintendent. “I’ve been here 19 years and. I knew they were a great group of employees, but what they’ve accomplished now with this program is just outstanding. Every single person in the plant was involved from Opening and “Everybody pulled together, on all three shifts.”—MARY CANNON pid Evf cod ati) ceS for! xd sli)* an“ vefi “Bf not, it^ prd sud tha', al»' sec' ha'* ha- off CARDING AND SPINNING “Spud” Abernathy, Curtis Don^' barbecue dinner. ‘RealGoodl’’— DOC JONES THE MILL WHIS