Done ^hemselves don’t seem at all '^•■prised at what they have Accomplished. They are happy and very proud, but not ^nrprised. They also are annvinced that they will be able n sustain a high level of aificiency along with a low Percentage of seconds in the future. . If people keep communicat- 8 and working together the ^ay they have been doing, we’ll Wilkr-® fo keep it up, ” said Virgil es, second shift fixer. It made me feel real good. ,j^'^®*’ybody just did their jobs fiiD / nest they knew how and ^ Ped everybody else out when needed it. Everybody , fngether, that’s why we th' ^ ^n it.” — Mary Deweese, shift weaver. “In do ‘ nay mind, I knew we could ‘ngethi it. Everybody worked to nr and that’s what it takes get the job done” — Dalton ^Ds, third shift fixer. I Conti mued On Page Eight) GETTING THEIR “ALL YOU CAN EAT’’ BARBECUE are, from left, Ron nie Benton, Harold Wombles, Nathaniel Morgan, Sherman Moore, Billy Hudson, Robert Jackson, and Byron Windham. Serving at far ieft is David Lockhart. “We were abie to do it because everybody cooperated.’’—VIRGIL WILKES “Everybody really felt good about it.’’—BONITA DAVIS ■v|^^^*^ade me feel real good.’’ Deweese ‘Day -OCTOBER,10,1977