I ■WgBS! L»iWA'j!fti3rj:gg.i.T.y H a I s t o n thj,’'^SHION SHOW combining "’tr "Oduction of the Haiston de- *0'" Karastan and the latest Was held for a packed ((igL of more than 400 home- in Greenville, S.C. Waiij **''®^essional . model (above) the u '*°''''n a runway carpeted in Kifg Piston “H” design from the y^®*an collection. women from the area tioh models for the presenta- Of the carpet samples (at Fashion Show Combines Carpets And Ciothes A packed house of more than 400 Greenville, S.C., area homemakers applauded enthusiastically as May field’s carpet specialty store unveiled Karastan’s new "Haiston Collection” at a full-scale fashion show com bining carpets and couture fashions created by the famed designer. Frank Mayfield, owner of the specialty store, en gineered and managed the event in cooperation with the management of Lillie Rubin, a chain of women's fashion stores. The program was presented at Vince Perone’s restaurant which provided the stage, lighting and live music for the show followed by lunch. “We unquestionably could have filled this place twice,” Mayfield said. "We had over 200 requests for reservations before we even ran our ad in the Green ville News. And once the ad ran, we literally had to turn people away. If we could have anticipated such a response, we would definitely have scheduled a second showing. “The program accomplished its main goal to make Greenvjlle consumers aware of Haiston, Karastan and Mayfield’s. “We normally don’t expect immediate sales. It usually is something that builds over a season and longer. But we did close some nice sales on the Haiston designs within the same week.” Mayfield was quite optimistic about sales prospects based on the “quality” of the audience. “These were not curiousity seekers,” he said. The women were smartly dressed, obviously fashion-conscious, and one could tell they represented fairly high income groups.” The store owner chuckled as he related a conversa tion with one of the women following the show. “Ex pect me in your store within the week,” she declared. 'Til want 600 square yards of that beautiful ’Basket- weave’ carpet from the Haiston collection for my new home.” Astounded, Mayfield pointed out, “But Madam, I believe that’s even more carpet than Haiston used in his four-story New York townhouse.” The weil-coiffured and fashionably-dressed woman calmly replied: “My home is bigger than Halston’s.” The audience got a view of Halston’s townhouse in the Karastan film “Haiston at Home” which opened the program. In the film Haiston takes viewers on a guided tour of his home which is carpeted throughout with his designs for Karastan. Following the film, the three fabrics in the collection —Suede Look, Basketweave and the Haiston “H”— were presented to the homemakers. Young women from the community displayed samples of the car pets on the stage and a runway built out into the audience. A commentary described each of the de signs. The carpet presentations were alternated with the couture fashion show conducted by Charles Londick of Lillie Rubin. It was a full-scale show with more than 50 garments shown by the professional models who vi/alked, twirled and danced across the stage present ing everything from sportswear to evening gowns. All the women attending the show were given a complimentary gift of Haiston perfume and Haiston signature scarves were given to the first 200 women registering at the store. Mayfield said many people attending the show com plimented him for staging the event and voiced their approval of the Karastan film, the carpet collection and the whole presentation. One sale was directly related to the fashion show, he said. A customer purchased the Haiston “H” car pet for her home, and noted that her name was “Hughes,” referring to the whimsical comment made during the show that people whose names begin with “H” can “tell their friends the carpet was designed just for them.” The pattern features a subtle motif of interlocking H’s. Mayfield said, “I am convinced this is the way to sell fashion — to build new generations of customers and to attract the kind of customers who are willing and able to pay for quality fashion merchandise such as' Karastan.” k A Y NOVEMBER 7, 1977