Happenings...Happenings...Happenings. A Fine Time For Fishing! Byron Windham (right) and Mal- lie Proffitt (ieft) may be the envy of every Fieidcrest empioyee who dreams of spending a weekday or severai down at the oi’ fishing hoie. Windham, a retiree of Coiumbus Towel Mill, and Proffitt, a retiree of the Blanket Greige Mill, were each presented with a fishing rod and reel in February at separate sur prise retirement parties hosted by their fellow employees. Windham’s surprise party was held at the company lake in Phenix City, Ala.; the perfect setting to practice using his new tackle box and rod and reel. Proffitt was surprised by his colleagues when he received a variety of retirement gifts includ ing the fishing rod and reel, a chef’s hat and apron and a Field- crest blanket. BOB BELL Bell To Head United Way Bob Bell, area personnel manager, North Carolina Finishing Division, recently was named general campaign chairman of the United Way of Rowan County for 1978. As chairman, he will be in charge of all fund raising for United Way for Rowan county. Last year ' $420,000 was raised. During the 1977 campaign. Bell was chairman of the support committee and was in charge of training, public relations and other activities for the United Way. He also served as chairman of the Industrial group in 1976. Active in community affairs. Bell has served on advisory committees at Catawba College and Rowan Technical Institute. He has taught courses on personnel management at both schools. He is a member of the Institute of Certified Pro fessional Managers. Bell has been at NCF 20 years. DRAP 4 3 37 224-10-6507 686 LEONA 13YATT Ifjs MARSHALL FIELD & COMPANY MANUFACTURING DIVISION Hours Gross Amt. >0 DEDUCTIONS Imperfect Work Lights. Cash Advances House Rent Wood & Coal Mutual Aid OS Hospital JUb' Group Insurance Y M C A / Sundries Federal Old Age /O 9r- Cash Enclosed Believe It Or Not! If you’re worried about stretching your paycheck from week to week and remembering the good old days, think again! Those days may look better in memories than they actually were. Fieidcrest wages have certainly gone up since this paycheck (above) was issued in 1937. The amount, $10.30, was a week’s pay and even then there were de ductions for insurance, retirement and community funds. Maybe THESE days aren’t so bad after all! ■- JACQUELYN E. FULLER Fuller On Dean's List nt«‘ Jacquelyn E. Fuller, recip>^ „ Fieidcrest grant, receni*L,j)f honored for her ^ achievement at Elon CoU®»,„, was named to the dean’s Fall semester, 1977. listf«^‘ She is the daughter of # Mrs. Junior D. Fuller, of Her father is a bleacji .0, operator at Fieldale Towel Correction Frank Adkins of the " (5 Greige Mill and Lillie Draper Sheeting Mill have of continuous service -.5 ■ company and not 40 y® incorrectly stated in the last ■ of the Mill Whistle. Howard • * Jr. joined the company in ^ not 1933. . g5 The Mill Whistle apolog*^ these errors. THE MILL W