[Page Two] The Trestleb o ard ®res!tlefaoarb Official Organ of the Masonic Lodges of Raleigh, N. C. PUBLISHED ON THE 15TH OF EACH MONTH BY THE MASONIC LODGES OF RALEIGH With the Approval of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina Entered as second-class matter, February 11, 1929, at t^e post office at Raleigh, N. C., under the Act of August 24, 1912. Office of Publication, 115-117 W. Hargett Street. Raleigh, N. C. STAFF BOARD OF GOVERNORS, John W. Fleming, William G. Hill No. 218, Chairman C. M. Lambe, Hiram No. 40 J. W. Kellogg, Raleigh No. 500 Editor in Chief - K- W. Parham Editor for Hiram No. 40 d- T. Mitchell Editor for Wm. G. Hill No. 218 W. Turner Shaw Editor for Raleigh No. 500 J- L. Peacock Busine^ss Manager - D. M. Penny Address all communications to the Editor of The Tbestlbboard, P. O. Box 1626 Raleigh, N. C. Matter for publication must be in the hands of the editor by the tenth of the month. EDITORIAL The percentage of donors to the Oxford Orphanage Perma nent Improvement Fund to the membership of the three Lodges in lialeigh lias been small thus far. There have been a very few large donations which has brought up the amount. It is not the amount you give that counts so much for you as the fact that you have given. Take stock of yourself and see if you have ful filled your obligation in this respect. If you have subscribed, see if you can’t subscribe some more. If you have not given, see if you can’t deny yourself at least the price of a picture show and send it in to the Secretary of your Lodge, making checks payable to the Board of Directors of Oxford Orphanage for the Permanent Improvement Fund. Do not hesitate beca;u6e the amount is small. Ask yourself the question, “Have I fulfilled my obligation to this Masonic Institution to the extent of my ability or have I received the benefits of Masonry without giv ing something in return ?” If your contribution meets the terms of this question, no man could do more than you. Educational Meetings It seems that our Lodges have been shy on Educational Meet ings this year. The editor is glad to see a let up in the deep stuff, but we have many opportunities to educate the craft in the elementary grades of Masonry and it appears that we are obligated to the new Mason to teach him what it is all about as well as to put him through the degree mill. Many of our officers (the editor is one) could stand a little more “laming” in the elementary grades. Our members are not given enough to do to keep them interested and there is no wonder that they grow tired of seeing the same performance by the same crowd all the time. Get them to enter this educational field and give us their ideas on what it is all about. There are few Masons who are not interested in such discussions and exchanges of views. What of the Temple ? The editor heard a remark a few days ago by one who should know, that the Masonic bodies of Ilaleigh at the present time have sufficient quick assets to erect a temple suitable to our needs. If this is true why can’t we get started? We need space for instruction rooms, refreshment, club rooms, adequate facilities for degree work, especially in the higher degrees. Can’t we start something, all of us together? Let us have your ideas on it. Then, if desirable, let’s put it up to all the Masonic bodies of Kaleigh and put it over. Brother J. C. Benjamin Passes Away As we go to press we learn with much regret and sorrow of the death of our good friend and brother Capt. J. C. Benjamin on Thursday, April 11th. He was a member of Wm. G. Hill Lodge and was active in every branch of Masonry in the city of Raleigh, and a great friend of Oxford Orphanage. Truly a good Mason has passed on. Some Expressions from the Brethren Brethren this is your column. Use it for discussion of timely topics or for any communication you desire to make. All for which we have room will be published. Send all comments on or for “The Trestleboard” to P. O. Box 1525, Raleigh. SOME OF THE LETTEKS THIS MONTH I’lease let me express in a few words my interest in and apprecia tion of our new organ, “The Tbe.sti.eboard.” I tliink it is filiing a great need in that it not only binds lirethren in closer fellowship in tlieir every day affairs but it wili stimulate greater interest in the doings of our I.odges. I shall be glad to lend my bearty support for its success and will continue to read it with much interest. Harvey C. Maness, Wm. G. Hill 21S. Allow me to express my delight at the first numlx'r of The Trestle- board which I have received. I have been a member of Wm. G. Hill for the past 2.1 j'ears and have only attended Ixidge twice, the reason for my non-attendance lieing that I moved away from Raleigh just after being raised. I am a memtier of Michigan Sovereign Consis- tor.v and Moslem Shrine. For ten years I had charge of the Chanters and for 14 years I have directed the music in the Consistory, but in all that time I have still continued to keep my membership in Raleigh hoping that sometime I will be in iKxsition to make my borne in Raleigh or near there. Keep up the good work. A. C. .Tackson, Detroit. Mich. Thank you for adding my name to your mailing list. I am still a member of Masters Lodge No. 075 iu Cleveland, but hope to transfer to William G. Hill Lodge within the near future. Please continue to send me your paper. H. K. Cari'EXTEr. Today I received volume I, number 2, of The Tisestleboard, it being forwarded from my Connecticut address. Nothing could be more welcome and I certainly am indebted to some good man for putting my name on the mailing list. Here's a “buck.” Keep me on your list for every cent of it and then holler for another. You’ll get it. With sincere fraternal greetings to “500" and all others. Yours for cooperative effort, E. F. Miller. Box 170, So. Norwalk, Conn. Glad to bear from you Brother Miller; have been wondering' what had become of you. What shall we do with the dollar? The Trestleboard has no subscription rate. I have read the March issue of The Trestleboard and congratulate you brethren on the tine and most worthy undertaking. I believe its publication will do much towai’ds stirring up Interest iu Blue Lodge Masonry and also the other branches of Masonry in Raleigh and vicinity. A. M. Maupin, Hiram 40. Very good idea, splendid medium hy which tlie hrethren, particu larly transient member.s, may know what is going on. 1 am a State B. & L. Examiner, necessitating my being out of city practically all the time, especially meeting nights. V. M. Stonebaxks, Hiram 40. Thank you for sending me The Trestleboard. I am convinced this publication will fill a need in Raleigh among Masons and will stimulate all to higher Masonic endetivor. There can he no douht but that it is alwa.vs a good thing for any organization to issue an official puhlication. Our great Protestant new.spapers in North Ctirolina, notably the Christian Advocate, Biblical Itecorder, Presbyterian Standard and others have done much to advance the worthy denomi national causes they represent. No doubt Masonry in Raleigh iu the future will be able to attribute a part of its renewed zeal to the issuance of The Tbe.stleboard. It is an attractive publication and can be made even more attractive as time goes on if the brethren will take an interest in it. If there is any way iu which I can be of service to you, do not hesitate to call on me. Wm. H. Richardson, Raleigh 500. .lust a word to you all. I am well and doing all OK, but I did not receive The Trestleboard which I have been receiving each month of late and have gotten so much pleasure out of . . . please have it sent to me. CiiAS. C. Smith, Plattsmouth, Neb.