THE MASONIC JOUKNAL Local and State. 0 !'aha:u Giles by the coluiim for a tobacco factor V'. Most of the yoLiag ladies atteiiding school at the College, left for their liomes yesterday to spend (he holidays. ih'o. Baker of the Franklin Courier^ has found ‘'•old—but it was in somebody elses p')s- siessior. The next session of the State Grange, Cat ronsofIl Lsbandry, is appointi'd to meet in (hi«ci{}\ Xew Books, Bap 'r-^. Envelope.s and other Stationary in largo abundance, jut in, at Vai'Ks’ B()(.k Stor“. -lo Uev S. D Ada n , the new pastor of the il. E. Chu ch o • liie ensuing year, filled his piilpiton last Sabbath. Wilson authorities gave sik tr.mips lodging n the guard h U'C, and the next day ih. y re- fusel work al fair wages. the ahnn lai.ce of uf'wspaper men ihiL'igb toey C'iiip.aiii ofa lack of gas.—But ^V Godson's gone. ''i^hcNort leni mail lat Tne'day was several hours behind time, cause 1 by the breaking U)Wii of the engine somevr'liere up me road. [ [An old lady near Old F.>rt, aid'd by iier do^ Gaj'lured two of the escuiied c iivicls, tur.ied Uiom ovir to the uutlc rides and pocketed the rew'aid. A JjAkgk ivOTof N-'w Jewe.rr, Watcbc.s, llings, I’ius, C'liarms, CliaiU', & •- just re -ei-.ed j;t 7- OlIA.MBEKLAIN S. A big ribbitlmnt in A.ama:ice C)iniy,iii which about 0 men and as many :o.;S were -ngagcd, ^e^ulte ! in the capture ofll8 co.iou tails. Folbwiiig the ;ood exa np,e ofgreensboro Ralei ^h -S to have a ;r idc I .'.ciiooi, and ca,»t JohiiE. Dagger, of Warn nti-n, is to have charge of i;. Ayo 1 .g man named Hall, froin Dure coun ty, sentenced to death for artemp.'Mi rap ’, has had his sentence commuted by ■ li ■ G »veruor to 20 ye u*' impriaonmeiu in ii;e pe d te.uiary. 'I'o m. et the cliange on tne N. C. road the Atlantic an 1 N. C. road :uis ebange i it l- ul ', leaving X •"bern at 13.dO a. m., to c ai lect with our road coming w s.. No chan • Eau. in writing up the lire scare oflast week, the Sentinel man who was pr.-s nir, couchules : “Greensboi-o is very poorly [irepared foratire.” A Iht't, W-' are sorry to say, we can't deny. The largest and most choice collection of new a .d elegant (’hromos ever in this market. Fancy goods in abundance. Call and see them, at 15 Yates’ Book Store. The buildings of the extensive Tokay Vine yard near Fayetteville were destroyed by lire last week, romlting in an estimated loss of about S'i'* 000. a little over half of wliloh was covered by insurance. Our young friend, Mr. Eugene Ecked, is not beliind his neighbors in a nice display of beau tiful Christmas goods, such as is to be found in a well appointed drug store, and tliosedesiring Miytiiing in his line would do well to ‘‘peep in.” Last Tiiui’sday the ghi house of Jas. F. Jones of county, together with 20 bales of cot on, were destroyed by lire. Also at Goldsboro on last Monday the sash and blind factory and steam gin liouseof \V. H. Underhill was destroyed We learn that the c.xercisesof the pivsont session at the college clos^js to-morrow eveun- ing, and that in honor of the occasimi the young folks will have a pleasant party, and make t’.iemselve.s as merry as the occasion will peviiiit. Tin next ses.-loii be ;in3 on Wednes day, Jan 12Ui. See ^‘ad.” It was again our pleasure to attend the Sun day '^chool Concert at Fleasaiit Garden on last Sabbath. T1 e exercises were very entertain ing and ti;e singing eicelh nt. The reports 8.IOW the schotd m aprosperouscondition, and t.i ugh in til# country and it winter, it is con- standy growingin numbers and interest. Our iVieiid> at a distance, who de.d in the •‘weed,” eannol do beiltr in the Stale tlian to .send their orders Bros, of this city. Ttiougli vve may nor lie i-repared to endorse, ail”‘onr Zeive" may have to say whi.e on his t aveis, y t wea e su e that all ttiei -work will come up fuliy to the sampl s exlobued by him. Be.'id stlieya'C gentiemen of in.egriiy a.;d pu.mtualiiy, and it aifords us r nii pleasure to ad . our uiHolicittAl le tiuuiny to thi- firm. Going like “hot cakes’- those beautiful Cliri'tmas ^>i od-. Gall early and secure acboiee, before the mo.:t desirable articles ha re b en selected, at Yates* Book St .re. -15 Our maila!T:ingement.s under tde new sched ule are completely reversed, gi-ing- is the hul.v ofoiii mat er at 5 o'clock in toe afternoon in stead ofiiie ^•arly m .rni ig as before, ihe mails arriving now lo.l .ws: From the Souto at 10,5S a. m. •• •• E ist “ 4,1 ) p. m. '■• " N'ortli ‘‘ 4,28 This ofconr-e, revolutionizes thnigs, but will wi.riv no s.-riou- iucoiiveaieijce to our business men as to t.te lime of a, rival, while it witl give Us ample lime for all corr spoil ieoc ■ belor* llo’ciocv, a. uj. tr.iins. The a Ivantages of day travv'l over iiigiil on these is certainly 10 be ai)peciat(‘d JOHN CilAMBEULAlN, the City Jew eller, is in receipt ofa splendid assoitment of Watches, E egant Jewelry, ihate, Ac., which the Ladic^are invite to call and exam .-Special atleutioQ to fine W iteh-work aud the .uahhfaciure oi special Jewelry. Wehster’s Unabrtkued Dictionart, 3000 Illcstuations.—O tr Mas.-nic students, our young me i at irade ■ a id in c >an in ,-ru )ins, woubl find this diet o .ai’y a va uaol * compan ion, a sourec of amuseme U a,Rl iustriictioii. with lh ‘ iiibh' nud l ie Nati)iial Freemason we io not see that they would need much eise. Our M . t r- of l^o iges, who .‘'ome imes mak • »ad work with tlieE.gii-ii language, would find valuable asi,aiu‘e in talking abo it “a pair of comprises” ih • “c .mpu s.” Every m .tlier wliom w>- m ly induce to bn this great wo k f >r her dear boy, will thank us Every Lidg-? s o dd nave on • for it^ ante-room table and fur theU'eof its ollicer*.—^\ational Freemason. CHAMBEULArx iiu receipt of Ills Christmas stock of beuit ui mwe.r}', Whuc les, Silver Ware. &c., of 11 * la est and most elegant d ‘- signs. These go >d'have l)ce i bought wit h refer nice to the deuiands >*f this ma.ker, and will be sol 1 (‘xt eme ylow for the cash. His stoclv of solid ware offers superh^r itiducem nits to purchaser.'. Call early and secure a choice, at Ck.vmrerl.ain's, 14- City Jeweler. TtiE Tableaux.—Last Thiir' lay evening the fir-t exhibilio 1 under the ausp e -s ft.;e LadlC'’ Orphan Akl As'ociation wa given at Benbow Hall, to a large andappreci.itive audi ence. Tne exhibilio i w.isa. ;iii ‘ s icceS', os- pei'i.illy the taiileau scenes, and oftue-etiie scenes from “Midsummer Night’s Dream.” Tennyson’s Fair Women,” ‘•Coronation at Moscow,” “Indian Life,” and character “Statuary” equaled any we ever witnessed, and the lait«r was certainly unexccdled, and was pronounced by the audience die crowning glory of tlie evening The opening characler song, “Nobody’s Cliiid.” struck a chord in every liearc and lironglU a tear to many an eye, while the hn* inorous tableau of “Hon »y Moon,” and “Re ply to the Little Log Cabin in the Lane” call ed forth rapturous applause The appoint ments were also exceTent and the vai ious coa- tumes approjiriate and attractive. The only drawback to die whol# performance was tlie lack of appropriate orchestra music during the necessary delays ill changing trom one scene to another, which deticiency, oner seen, we have no doubt will be remedied in future The proceeds, about ^80 , net 'were saiisfac tory, and will serve to gladden many a little- orphan heart. The ladies of the Presbyterian church will have a Oliristmas Tree and Festival at Odd Fellows’Hall, Bogart building, this eveui iig. A splondid place for loose change lying around for holiday service. Our Masonic Exchanges. A Gala Time.—The Masons of Keidsville on Monday next, the 27tli, have determim d on having a Social Gath ringand Feast. All the n -t pn.ceeds to be given to tlie Orpluin As, lum. The young men of Reld-vilie. in connexion with this feast, propose utilizing their innocent (.0 amu-ement ardgiung a gram] hall. It is sufficient f r t:,e lovers of something good to eat, to state that die Feast will oc under the immediate supi^rvisioii and ca.e of that jirince of caterers, A. P. T.aharbe, and liis accom- ptihe I lady. Tin* lover' of terpsicliore will fi.idaii elrgunt ball-room, fine music, and com- p -teni floor managers. It will be u e objec of tlie committee to cause all to iiave a general good iim!‘. J. \\. G. New Advert'sements. THE CONNECTICUT MUTUAL Liie InsLi ranee Company, OF HARTFORD. INCORPORATED IN 1846. Annual Income Ove'- $10,000,000,00. Expense to Income only 8.06 per ct. Insure in the Safest, ttie Cheapest and Best Company. fi^^Send fo!‘ stat nienl comaiuiiig table, rates, Ac. S.D.WAlT, Gener il Agent, Office opposite the P- st-office, Raleigh, N. C. JewUh Record, Philadelphia; Weekly at Masonic Departmetit. The Square, New Y’ork; Monthly at $1. Evening Chronicle. Philadelphia; Daily a( $0. Masonic Department. Enterprise, Dalton, Ga; Weekly at $2. Masonic Department. Masonic Jewel, Memphis, Ten:*; Montldv at^l. Musical and Masonic Journal. New Haven. Conn; Monthly at $1. Journal. Suspension B' idge, Ningra, N. Y': Weekly at $2. Masonic Department Masonic Advocate, Indianapolis, Ind; Month ly at $1,25. Masonic Chronicle, New Y"ork; Alontiilv at$l. Greensboro Female College. Greensboro N. C. The Spring 8'>ssioii of 1876 will begin on WEDNESDAY’, the 12ili of JANUARY", and couliiiue twenty weeks. Board (e.xclusive oi washing and liglitO $75.0 ). J'uition in regular course, $25,00 Charg ■' for extra st r lie- mod rate. For Catalogue conrahiing j)ar,iculars, apply to Rev. T. M. Jon “S, President. N. II. 1). WILSON, dfC 8-2m. Pres. Board of Trustees. Greensboro Machine Shop. —:o: All kiiiiN of Sewing Machines, Pistols. Guns, Lock>i, ilxe., r paired al; short notice. New keys made to old locks. E'pecial attention to the repair of saf' S and safe leeks. Give me a call. 13— J. II. COLEMAN. SAM WILEY. FASHIONABLE BARBEE, \ N J) II A I /; if R E S S E R , Greensboro, N. C. —0— y ADIES and GEN I'LEMEN waited on at f their liom -s w :en d si ed, and all work ■’.X ill :iis I'ne will he performed in the high est 9'yh* of the Art. Shop on South Elm Street, nearly op posite the Express office. 12— Voice of Masonry, ChicajfO, 111; Moiidilr .it $2,50. Masonic Token. Portland, Me ; Quarterly. Fremasons Repository, Pi'ovidence, 1.. I: Jloiithly at $1. Hebrew Leader, New York ; Weekly .at $.5. Masonic Review, Cincinali, 0; Monthly at $3,50. IPccW'/CoaroHt, Columbia, I’a; 'Weekly at 1. Masonic Department. Sussex Independent, Weekly .at $2, Ma.soH- ic Department. New England Freemason, Boston ; Jlonlli- ly at $! ' New tntiqiiarian Magazine and Masonic Rerinr, w York; Monthly at 62. DIRECTORY. CK-4ND CousciL OF N. C.—.Tolin Nichol.s, 0. IlaleLh, 1. U.M.; D. \V, liain,Kalcigii, D. Recorder. Gli.yND Cn.\PTER OP N. C.—Thos. S. Keeiiaii, "WMsou, G. II. P., D. W. Kaiii, Eal- eigh, G. Sect'i. Gk.\sd I.odgeofN. C.—Geo. W, Blount, Wilson, G. .h..D.'VV. Bain, Raleigh, G. Seefy. Grf.essboro CouNcn. No. 3, R. & S. M.. Greenshuro N. G,—Thos. J. SI. an, 'I. I M., S. E. Allen, Recorder. Time of meeting: 4th Wednesday iiigiit of each montli. CliOHi/.iN CiiAPTEU, No. 13, Greensboro, N. Tiios. .1. Slnan, liigii J, .J. N.’ Nelson, Semieny. T’ime of meeting: 3rd Friday niglit of each raoiitli. Elmwood Lodge, No. 240, Greensboro N. —11. N. Snow, ir. M.. S. E. Allen', Secretary. Time of Regular C'mmunicatioiis: .second Saturday night of each n omh. uiiX xi;i£ BEST. Wi u. Di EBSTEES UNABRIDQED U IOTIOSAE Y. IQ.000 rt«(i Mvaniixgs n(tt in other Dictionaries. BOOO Eiiu'ravininf.lSIO Quai'to. Frico $12. W ‘batt'r now is j'lorious.—it lyavps uuthing to be do. sirad. Raymond. r«.v.«ir College. E very scholar kuow.s the value of the work. ['»r. H. PrcscolL, ihe. IlisUnian. B elieve it to bo the most perfect dictionary of the lau- \lJr. J. G. JloUand. g uiJcrior in most respects to any other kijuwii to nr {Georoe. J’. ^farsk T he standard authority for priutiuj; in this office. [,-I. ir. CUtpc, Govermne.nt Prbiter E xcels all others in giving and defining scieutifi terms. {Pn'sidenl IliLchcock R emarkable coinpcndhini of human knowledge. [B'. *V. Clark, Vret't Agrirniiliral ColRge. ••1’HK best practical i'lNOLISH DlCTIONAHY i:XTANT.’ '— London Quarterly A^rit'U’.Ocrobcr. |S72. A NEW UK. To the 3000 iLLU.sntATiONs heretofore in 'Webster'a Unabridged we have recently added four pages of (ULOUi;i> loLLSTUATlONN. engraved expressly for the work at large expense. also Webster's National Pictorial Dictionary. 1040 Pages Octavo. 6003 Ji;ngriiTing,s. Price 6,5 —ro-.'-ros— g@”The National Standard. Proof.—20 to 1. Tile sales of Webstei ’s Dictionaries tlirough- onl the country in 1873 wers 20 times as large as the sales of any other Dictionaries. In proof, we will send to any person, ,)n applica tion, the statements of more than 100 Book sellers, from every section of tiie couutry- Publislied by G. & C. Mkhuiam, Springfield Mas-s, - Sold bv all Bookselicrs. C.yswELL Ciui'TEii, No. ,38, Kinston, N. C., —S. H. Rountree. IJigh Priest, Alexander Nicf)l, Secretary. rime of meeting: 1st and 3rd Tlmr.sdny.-- in each month. Kinston Lodge, No 310, Kinston, N, (). Thos. A. Harvey, ir. A., A. S. Padiick, Secretary. Time of Regular Communications: Thurs day'venhig of each week. {S^The above are specimens of a Directo ry of Goinniis, C/ufptcrs and Loaqe.s w hich we propose to publish of all siiiiiiar'Bodie'^. in or onto, the Sla'e, at $4 pi r year. 'Wh'irs Lodges subscribe for tlie Jouknal and insert their Directory also, only 65 will be chtirgcd for both. The advantage of the Directory to Grand Officers, Lodves, s;ecretaries and travelinji; Brethren is great, and needs no criinm-mt la reveal il.s impi'rtanee. AYe hope every J.oiV* tn this State will at once send us thei'r Direc CilARLES D. YATES. Bookseller & Stationer, | and dealer in MUSIC and FANCY sVRTICLES.! GllEENSliOKO, N. C. STF.ELE & DENNY, Manufacturers of Doors, Blinds, Sasb, Mouldings and Dealers iu ALL KINDS OF LUMBER. Office S. STEELE, corner East Market jt... Gbskksboh«, N. C. Tb»ms Caik. 32—

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