r -I!' ■ 'I'l >> i('i!‘i ,1 ' *54^ •^Hi i'^i . ' ^ 11 ^ :ai*i' If). ’‘ii’'!j'--''j|!, * f.' ‘j'^ i, ' '■i.'fSl ■i.' .1;' |i:l' i:,|: i ,,( Hi. ,i II ■‘|i'i lf% ■If] ' rV> ( ‘ t- 1 '')|'';-g;', J, ■!., 'I'lt j 't ^!4j| ' > ^ j!sW J X - / ‘M 1 .^1 J’ * ’ ?']'Il'fW lii"' ?S' K!'-|LVI Vi/'t ’■ I'Jl" i«v Ml, l!-] I ■: 1M:S ;■ .'iii-'*'i'!ff i'J T HE MASONIC^ JOURNAL qae^tioMH touching the case, unless by the'A.cienr Work upon and tts j they were to receive instruction. ^ ; consent of the accused and the Lodge, practice by I he Lodges enforced by pr.on I,^„.i membership Our IIalls"wo'!l"r^’‘'^ interest as altra(;tive retreats and tin ‘ecodij Conviction by the Civil Courts doe., not, er legisl.Uion-The aork of Ma.sonp i.s ^ human seces auracuve re.reais ana the great „P of course, earrv conviolion by the L (l^e lanuiia^e and tdvmholisiii. is iutt-nded to |^b; iences, riiiR it e iii.u ■ ' n-e iirofess to foster would dn ■ The Mason under clEU'ge*i must be trie.! teach and impress npo.i tiie mind uf the ! well as instruct. The monitoria pat ^ men who are now hert according to Masonic Lrge. suident .In iioiy principle., of our order. : .hesecond deg.-ee furnishes food lor a good -n « o o. kept o„t of o,„, 15 That a petition for the .legrees The hand oM ne innovator .lestroys the wi.ie range of study. 1 et ho« lew evei (ounusv i Cv u ns. A ai.t of tj, ^ , I , 1 li . j 1 . t,,+i .. ..ondLLop whde tak- nnhantvwitn proceedure. J am , must be presented at a regular uieetin^^ beaul\ u! o ir order. .;nd tlie hallowed lead it e\en Io the ^ i i...„ i +e,. c.... i “d^fieil, and lie over one month, under ret'erem-e Sanctit\ wtitj which its antiquity ol style to the usual committee of ifiquiry into iiu.-re ^es llie mind. character. Being about to travel to be i'iie j^nrmni work, as taught hy Ste- ab.sent several montlus is not such an vensun, is sinqde, {dam and grammatical; emergency as would justify the «uspeu- gioM of the law by ilis|>eusatiou. excejrt. perhaps, in the case ofa young man wlm had jiLst attained majordy. Tiiesiul leri discovery of’‘a favorable u{)inion nftlie Ancitur Institution'* on theeve ofajonr ney, smacks rather much ofa desirvfir the secrets of M ’souiw' for other f.urposf-s than a desire for knowledge. Masonrw is designed for the education and ciiiiglit- uneijcu111beivd liv iiseles.s cei'emouy, and leardiiiiu'. tlif" doctrines and {Hire [>rinci- Let us imvc .surli meel- ' ''7" the reuMm for much neglect „i „ idiscipline 1 fiat renson should now r., these remarks inhicatc .im su„ ish, for their is now fiiiiiisli ’ ' ' ing the degree ings as ^ gest. ami we would soon hav.. Lodges fell , i^^bed thedu*, active, nselii I, energr-tic meml'Crs; MASONIC CODE OF XOETII CAEOIlSt iinw(>rri.y and n.seless would lind no q-pp Pf,,,! result of a resnl iil ion congeniality u ii hin and llud'’ Sind) Wrtll .U ^J.^Sllnrv in unmisfakeable Ian- ! thev woiihi soun bt-made u> sever giia-.e, while its fradMOiial aii'l iiiston- : (Muine i.on. aiid thus m tke pure our r^lis. I al narraMves are {ireseiiie'i in no d.oiibt i Q-ir '■orkf' ot '■ enevuleiice the true wtu'k ful t'rm, and ihesnhlent I'ca lih reads j of Masoni v — w-mld la* h.istered ainl main- nf)t onl\- tie event, but ihe grand priuci- . taiued, our light l; ide to sliiue oud tl>e (]|e iiife'nied lo be iliii-!ral“d Ij- Wie|vvnild to.^ee [hal .M-'i.'-i'iis art what tiiey '. niiails ao'i ceremon i es Used. | [ > I'oies.s To \> . t Ui r 'vi cm'tire com ml 11 ees [jeT os revive iheutHfeoi Grand Le.;- i woiild be courts'd Lqiijtv to w hum every emnent ofitsvotarie^aiid not for conve- | tt,ret lor the State at large, giving lo | grievance migiil i-e teierrei and settle.l limn I'ieiierv powers as t,i i ijst rucM ng and | wit li sal isla u lull Masons might thus afqiointiiig Disij'icT Leciufors, ' hdrodiieetl nieiice solely. 13. That a unanimous iialiol wa.s n»* ces.sarv to restore an expelled or suspend ed Mason Heshonld not exp-‘ct higher privilege than that of holding in his lia'nl a certificate of his being in good .'•landing in his former Lodge 17. That the marriage ofa Ma.son’s widow annuls herclaiD»sas sitcli to • a Sonic Chanty, but does not afiect tlie rights of th« children. 18. That no or e has a right to ques tion a brotlier's vote on petition tor de grees or membership, no one has any right to know how another voted It is uumavsonic to disclose how any one voted or to exhibit ids ballot tliat it may be known. 19. Non age ofappiici*nt isgoud ground for adverse report of commit tee of inquiry. Petition tiled and referred tiiust ’ako the regular course, it cannot be witluirawu. 20. A levy of a tax l)y way of contii bution for a beitevolerit object is not un constitution al shun 1 he kuirt !louse, and much ill ha ilship oe avoidtul 3 heu, indeed Ijcl Him he-r'-^ will) kiiuWf'the aiicieul work, not orb' i , th-^ Let (er of I tie esoterii'. but who ;i}'preneiids a.ud can teach its crv{)iic uu- pu t I>M iiim be the Custo>iiau of the work, eiit'inted "dth its di.s^em uaiion liirough District Lecturers to lie appoifiieti on uj.^ reciuniiieudatlou, — this to |’er elii.ite liie u'O/’A', I he ancient work. — not to change or amend. Unle.ss there be some head centre e>{>fc.ciiilly eiAnisted wit tj this Me- {•arnueiit anti duly, and -ftiiiueni!y armed j knowledge, bv pi'oj.er le.qislutMii lot- ciilofciiu uii | 1 vf r\ mnull Uvui'I In 2L. The resoliUuuj furbi Mins' Mock ‘be pfoposed new Lo'lne huve Md.sonie burial ha.s been repealed It should not.be Uvored except tinder pecu liar circumstances. 22. A charge once preferred and filed bv the Lodge over the signature ol a M. M. must take the regular course of trial pres.'fibed ; ihe snbseqiient preferring of charges agairi.st the M. M. Signing tlie fir»t d es not hinder the [irosecution. WORK. I fell justified by the action of the ias Grand Lodge (see page 41, Proceedings ot 1H74,; in discarding the interjiolations ind addenda to the work ariii lecture and in declaring that ta ght by Steven •i n 11 we vsoiihl be a Dviiid buu lid ' oget her l»y the '‘in'ii'soiuiiie diain of sincere allectioii iiiU'Uii' wleuu ihere wouid be Ii" cotiien tIon, suve 1 h.a' jusl Itiuhle emulation as io who call best work aiul agree afid united bv a sincere .-ilt.ouiiiienl and pleasure reciprt>call V com.uun!cate> 1. ddien virtoe, lu.iJii.vms iis the Sun at Meridian wouid stiinr 1' filigeut on In.-* niiiid. enir*en the hea't and elevate and mature us in call made by the M Mb (L’and Master of Masons in Klori'ia fora Gbjnventiun of Grand .Mas l"is. looking to (he adoptioti of unifuriui ty (.d vvoi k Wilde (lie end may j r-o ticai- e \ ef, in Hindi a convention iinudi might be ijjuie to {.rotect Masonry against imjiu. iure. tSm h is our coiiiiecion, every section witli the other, tliat a common bond ought to be e.-tabliahed wliereby we mav more |)eriecliv know each otlier, TiieCTiMrul Master of Florida has is.siied been found 'tube well skilled in ihe a ciivulnr letter culling fi.r such a Con ri7«a/and Zau's of Mesonrv. U[ion this, vention to meet in Jacksonville on the (vverv thing else being regular, the Grami ; J5tl, ,„st. Shonid there lie evidence ofa Mastei causi's liispeusation lo issue ! pretty general acqueisjence. we should poti’Otrtf/the dispensing ol the true light | fa.I of riqiresentat'on there. Mnlnal of Ma.sonrv in a new Lodge, declaring j fraternal interchange of senliment.s in that, repo.sing special trust and confidence „ friendly, .-ocial meeting could not ftu'uiitv, we mav as well desj sir of ever attaining unifoniiity He migid be cliarged with another dutv, one witi'-ij is verv important atid should be in vom petent liatids, iha( of recoi.jmendation for dis{>etisarion for new Lodges. As now exist ingMhat duty falls u['0:i the nearest Lodge, which under the solemn sanction of U.s seal, de«d:o es to the Grand Master that the a{)plicatils, “or at least tiie Mas* several years ago lo(tking to the conit,: lalion of M hand 1)00 tor the guides I.odgps in Ma.sonic law. 1 caiinot heUj, shv than has Pro. Bain what ths volunf, contains lltsavsinllie preface. "]( embr.icc.s I he const it ut ion ami law.'; oflb Grand Lodge, tlie Ancient Constitiitioj and Cii.irges, all public cereiuoiiie,., juj iipcessar. blank forms asked bv I/idjipp' It will be seen at a glance tliai work involving greai labor, researcli and knowledge uf Masonicr jaw. He p,, from the past legislation of the Grat,l I.origp, frrun its bv-laws anil resehitiocs eliminated the law as now e.xisting, j., ranged the various snbjecis nmlerapiiro priate .sections, and perl’eitlv digesifiitli crude mass into in tel liiaiblp, and Ifo.] |duaspolog'- and with the index we lujv with reiiline.*.' tnni luanv snkje t. fo, liieli praise eannof be awarded for |1,( laiibfuln-ss witli whieh liie work liasleei rlone. a'ld, I iiiiglit almost sav, the ej- qiiisitp taste in its arrangeii.ent andorder. It will relieve J/asIers and olliei cS- ofiii er- and Lodges ot mneli woiki.. tlie perloi'iiianee of ibeir duties, ami save t he Troilble td' coi'respondeiice with tte Gland J/aster: and lo a verv g eat h- teiit aid I lie (l-.iiid J/avter Let it fe a'lufiled by the Grand Lodge as the lav, and tlien lei every Lodge, J/aster, ami ii- telligent J/ason obtain copies, and mab tiie work a band book indeed Let tin not lie j Grand Sei re'iiiy be rewarded for Id. !a- boi, by seeing tlie l esiilt appreciated Iv tbe fiaternilv ami liv proi er coinfeiisa- tion nv orde, of the Grand Lodge. Be makes no change, he is cut it led lo wages,' in til- irze.il and Masonic knowledge, iie doe.'! so. i\'o i, I am pei'.suade.l that he lioes so (>n triial, fur tie cannot have ocen [lied the grand Master's chair verv long before he finds that very few of the ciiar- tered Lodges are competent judges of fail ot good results, in [iioruotiiig harmo ny and the cultivation of the brotlierlv element so peculiarly onrs. DISCIPIjINF,. In conlormitv to tlie recommendation Our 1’eriodicai.s. The ,1 osniic Ji urna/ [uiblishfil a; Greetislioro. and the (/rj>/ia^is' Fnevi, at t ixford, should receive the jialroiUBf of every Mason. Tlie one to discUAvaiil promolgale questions which [irilainto Masonry in general, to cliionicle tliemove uient* of the Order, lo serve ns a mskt.! for the more general diffusion oi'MasoBit intelligence, and as i: vehicle for cctnimi- nieation among tlie brotlierliood.—that it may be such in everv sense it shonlilte the weekly Masonic visitor to every one desiring such 'iitelligence and coninnini' cation The other, estalilislied and |nb- lished 1)V the Orjdian Asylum, i. 'beme- IS what IS a proper knowledge of the ritual i of the Committee on Proiiositiums and , Hi„m through which we are informed of a, j and law's t Ma.sonry, , Grievances, adopted by the mrand Lodge | ,p, of 'he work, it.s nature, nee.k n ! OnrLodge.s are becoming too much en. I at its host,.es,s.on, seepages 47 848) I : .mi nece.ssities. No Mason h.iviiig iL son as the .^ncent Work ol Masonry, and | .gh ened to be .saii.sfied with poll parrott , gave notice to tlie W. M of Bine Lodge, | pst of the Craf- at heart and wtlnnS that intended Ky the Grond Lodge to be I each.ng, and will not brook instruction ' No 287, to show cause why the cliarter ^ keepabreast with ail the events oftl. tangnt and [.racMaed. In the Convention | from persons who cannot do more than [ ofsaid Lodge shonl l not be forfete,). He ' [„ ,pe ......onic splvere can atiord t» ot Grand I.ecturers it was agreed tliat all j give the mere verbiage of the ceremony. ■ answered fully, franklv , and explicitly. ^ l„.'de,,r,ved of either Besi,:e.s Win? who desired to teach would first qualify | !• we cannot have in.struction of the U'nllv exonerating hi.s Lodge from anv themselves by immediately learning the | right kind, if our intelligent young men, . criminality in the7roceedin°gs which work. L jion examination it was found I who are daily coming into our ranks, : subject of complaint. Ilisanswer « that Brethren S,.inuel H. Rountree and | cannot he made to .see something more in ' ed that hi.s Lodge wa.s not perfectly la onr rights than mere ceremony, if they : miliar with the rates of proceed..,'e t'n the , [.ernicions [uiblica, ions insinnatii.g tbeir a n o instructed as that the beauti- , conduct of Masonic trial, and there were wav into uLce, ,t is [.a, ticnUrlr incu.- be Tfl ^ T' '^egnlarities. Were we to with- bent upon all desiring .he preserva.ieuof unmeaning jargon, and he votes the tng roll than we now have , ” i . i , i .nnrf Lodge room a bore and Masonry a cheat. 1 find tint in nmt.ers of d' 'f ^ develop a pore Thomas Palmer an 1 T. M. Gardner. ^ Then follows complaints of lukewarmness Lodges are alarming loose , ‘ P’’"® l ^7 Gpon proper recommendation I after-"n all the activities which engage the much dispositioa tf wink ' at the 'short ’ know tlmt both paperssre Masonic heart and hand, inattention to comings of their luember.s. It must be the plaine.st requirements of duty-then , remedied. Our halls must be purified — defection and Masonic crime. ! purged of that wliich gives otfense to Hie HmTr^ffoHs Me should have more frequent meet-j pure Masonic principles. One Lodire inga of the Lodges, this the membership ' with twenty good men, exemDlifvim? Tn qthe ro-estabhshment of the Ancient wo'.ild desire if they were instructed in i their walk the doctrines wo 'profess is . , „ , . ,1 tG G'"'''’ ^rpnehended its import, : worth more than fifty with hundreds’ ol Uniformity.a work throughout the ; Members would be glad when the day | their rolls, immoral, dissolute inatten.l,! ■; fiT-lcrl 1 nf •/'ly^ IC Xl/E« f Wa o i vv -.if _ • •» .1 ’ l'C6ntlYC Bernice Walker, of those pre.-ient, liad the work in its original purity as taught by Stevenson. They were then ap pointed Custodians upon whose Certifi cate Commissions would be issued. Un- on their revommendatious Commissions were i.ssued to Brethren W. F. Davis, wards Commissioned Bro. C. D. Ilicy. The action taken has received the appro bation of the large mass of old Masons, from many of whom I Lave received let ters commendatory of the action looking means ol commnniention tliest j'ii|'en "ere | contain most wliolesome reading lualtiT how , lor the lamilv—piuticiiliirlv for chilihen; , and now, when there IS .'lu ll a flood ol meeting with merited success. Let us give them such an imjietus at this meeting as that abnudanl prosperity may cro*u jurisdiction is what we sincerely desire, j and hour of meeting arrived, if they j to Masonic duty, contemning Masonic re but will be hard of attainment unks; the I knew that on the opening of Ihe Lodge i qntremenl. kVitb ‘ proper enforcement of DISrE.N'tiATJOH. I have caused to issue dispensations lot Ihe establishment of new Lodges, vfhiclt will be particularly defind to by Grand Secratary. v {Concluded cm bthpage ) ;(

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