T H E MASONIC JOURNAL rlKOMONT A.1U-LINK RAILWAY. Ru'h.moni) a Ltimimond A Dax- ^ viLf.K R. ^V Is. Division, and North EASMKRN N.C. R.w. I (X)NnKXSKl) TIMK 'I’AHLE Tn on and aftci* Snmlaj-, Jimo 4 1876 The Raleigh News, THE Alleger, Bowlby & Co’i ■ DsULY .‘.ND WEEKLY. A PCllLISIIKD BY TIIE NEAVS PUBLISHING COMPANY. PUBLISHED AT, STATIONS. Leave Cl'arlot.fo, “ Air Line .rct'n “ Snlisbury. '• C4recnsboro, “ Danville, “ i^undee. Burkvi]]c. Arrive Riclmumd. CU)lX(i NORTH. ICXPRKSS jiail. o:oo a. (!:12 8:80 I0:b8 '■M 1:40 0:40 0:80 p. in. STATIONS. GOING SOU'j'H. KXPK ESS MAII; p. in. Leave Hielmiond l.U) p. ni. ’ *• Burkville. 8:54 “ ' | '• Dundee, S:05 i *' Danville. 8:10 “ | '• Or'M'iisboro 10:25 I 4*85 “ ■■ S-ili4)uiT 12:;!2 a. m | 72jI “ Air Line.I'll 3:2f) “ i §.54 u Arrive CharleUe | 2:42 “ | ):08 • XoTK—The Espi-ess train stops at Toma' iiawk "(ling west; does not stop at (,'lovcr '>'0- Devoted to tlie best interests of llie Slate of j Norti. Carolina to the success oftlie (Amsen-a j tiye party, tlic (leveiopincnt ofliidden wealth i ot^ the Sate, cause, of itnniigralion into oin- j midst and tlie advanccniciit (if the welfore, of' (inr people in everytliino- tliat serves Vo make a State prosperous and iiulepeiident. Its j ADVERTISrXG COLrMNS I RALEIGH, H. 0. mg (01 St, GOING L AST. MAIL going wkst, MAIL stationh. j Lon VC Gi'i'cnsboro j ?11:55 uin „ .-\r. 4:20nm " k). Sho|-)s 1 g 12:14 S' “ 3:,54 . -Arc. at Raleigh | s 3:32 p m "S “ 11:--I3 Gold'boro 1 ; 6:00 ‘ sL’vefl:1.5ain w ill be foimd of great advantage, as the Daily enjoys tlie largest eiicnlation ofanv Dailv in the State and is donlile that of any 'daily puli- lished in Rahdgh, and the Wi'ekly ciic-.ulates in every county in the Stale. ludcs moderate. St'BCRIPTIOX RATES ■ Daily—one year, • 6 montlis, "Weekly—one year, 1,00 JOHX 1). CslMEIiOAT Editor, : R. RA XORTII (S,\T,ItM BH.tNCH.) ),eav(> Greenslioro - - 4 4,15 p .\rrive at Salem - - fi:45 (• Leave SaVmi - . g.py „ Arrive at Greenslioro - 10:31! “ I’assengertrain leaving Raleigh at 8:10 P. M. eonnec'ts at Greenslioro witii (he Northern boimil train: nniking the quickest time to all Northern cities. Price of tickets same as vi:i •ither routes, 'I'rains to and from points East of Green.s- boro connect at Gi-eenslioro with Mail Trains 50 nr from points North or South. Two trains daily, both wavs. T.ynchburg .Accommodation leaves Rich- inond dailv at 0.00 A. M„ arrive at Rurkeville 13.43 P. At., le:ive B"rkeville at A.iio .A. M., I'.rrivp at Riciimoiul at T-.'iS ,A Ah No Change of Cars between Charlotte and Richmond, 282 MUes. For further iufornmtion address JOHN. R. M ACMUUnO, D(.‘ii'’DJ'ifkct .Airnit, KkdimoiHl, Va M. R. TALCOT'I', EnTiiiccr A; Gcn‘1 Sup?rinlcndmit. GREENSBORO “PATRIOT." Established 1821. A THIRTY-TWO COLUMN WEEK Y. CONSERVATIVE IN POLITICS, and devoted to the progress of the State, ruUishetl by DUFFY & ALBRIGFIT, —AT— $2 i)cr Year—'^1 for Six Jloiilhs. A splendidjob Ottice attached. IS THE OLDEST AND LARGEST TEMPER ANCE FAMILY NEWSPAPER IN THE SOUTH. Established in 1867. It now iia.s a large and growing circulation, and numbers among its regular contributors someoftiie best writer.s iiilhe 8t?te: Ratos of SuToscription. SINGLE COIW, 1 AHLAR 82,00 FWE COPIES “ “ 9.00 For furtlicr iiarticvdars, addi-ess, R. 11. WHITAKER. Raleigh, N. C. Job Department. IVith a l.argesu]iply of new type oftliehitest style, we are enabled to do ail kinds of .Tob Printing in Die veiy ncate.st manner, on short notice, and at prices that will not fail to give satisfa'jtion. Give u.s a trial, and be convinc ed of (lie cheaiiness and superior class of our work. Address, R. II. AVIIITAKER. Raleigh, N. C. T The Pee Dee Herald. PUBLlSilED EVERY WEDNESDAY, —AT — WADESBORO, N. C. ONLY O.NE nOEUAH PKII VKAK. Brilibt. cheerful, jtrogT OSsive, always up to the aclvaticinii' thoiiii^iits of ilu* times, tlie Jluii A AUl) takes rank witli the leading Journals of tlie day. It is on ihe side of Cliri.Mianity. The nKHAUi) is devoted to the family circdc. It contain.s original and selected stories, wit, humor, etc. Every'famiiy n the land should suliscribe fT it. Its low price (only one dol lar) places it within the reach of tlie poorest in the land. AVe pay all postage. Oarolina Central Railway Co.' OfFICK GENFU.VL SuPERrXTKXDENT, 1 Wilmington, N. C., Jliiy 12, 1876. / Change of Schedule. On and after the 14th inst., trai.is will run ovt'r this Railway as (ollows : Passenger & Mail Trains—Daily (Sundnys execjited.) Leave Wi'mington at fi-.30 P. M. -Arrive in Charlotte at 6:4(1 .A. M. Le ive Charlcilte at 6:30 P. M. Arrive at Wilmingion at 7:30 ,A. M. f*H"Fasf Freight and Passmiger Trains le..ve Wilmington—Mondays, Wednesdays ami Fri days. Leave Charlotte—Tuesdays, Tluir.sdays and Saturdays. Leave Wilmington at -ASO .A. M. Arrive at Charlotte at Il:4a P. Jl, T.eave Cliariotte at .5:30-A. M. Arrive atAVibmiigton at 11:30 P. il. Shelby Division. Lrnvc (.'Innlotte at 7:00 A. M. .Vrrivc at (Tuirlotte at 0:00 P. ^1. Arrive at Siiclby at 11:80 A. M. Leave Shelby at. 1:80 P. M. L’oniHN'.t* with tlie T. A O. R. R., and ^Yc.'tein N. C., closely. Connects at M’il- mini;ton with IF. & HR Road at 7;8('A. M., and (J:'20 P. M., and IF. C. & A. Railroad iTosely, Time from IFilmingt.nn to Henry’s, 28}ioin's. Close, connect'on noth ways, and on to the Nortln S. I.. FRFMOXT. ’hief Engineer and Sujievintendent. 8FAB0A^R> a ROANOKE RAIL ROAD. Otticc^fthcSuperinb'ndenr of T’ransporta- lion, ot the Seabord ct Roanoke Railroad Com- pany. PoHTsMovTir, Va., Jan. 1 1870 On and after this date, trains ofthis Road will leave Weldon daily, Sundays excojited as fol lows: Mail train 4 p. m No. 1 Freight train at 4 a. m. No. *i Freight train at 8 a m. Tu-efdAys ami Fridays at at 8.00 a.m. ARRIVE AT PORTSAIOUTH. Aljill train R 7,15 y). m No. I Freight train at 12, Noon No. 2 Freight train at 4 p. m. Freight trains linv(‘ a passemger ear a(- lached. Steamer for Edenlon, Plymouth^ and landings on Black water and Chowan Rivers leave Franklin at 7 ,40 a. m.. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. E. G. GHIO. Supt. of ITanspertatioii. IJK.VO WHAT THE 1‘HKSS THINKS OF FS. T'iie Polkton (N C.) Ansonian says: The Herald is one of the nente^t papers in the ate. The Concord (N. C.) Register says: We congratulate our friends of the IVadesboro Hercdd n}>on the ajipearance of their paper. The Piixlmont (N. C.)Press say.s: Tlie //cm/r/is a sprightly sheet, fidl of news and other interesting reading matter. TTie ITkkaed is a FirstClass Paper having some of the ablest writers in North Carolina The paper is now in its .second volume, am. I has a large and growing circulation. At the ! same time that it is the Official OrganoflheN. jc. Conferenee, Methodist Protestant Church, i such is its liberality and catholicity of spirit that it is snccessfull^ roaciiing out in all di rections and among all denominations of the State, and wherever it 1ms appeared is received with unexceptionable heartiness and approval. One of the features of the Ceniral Profcntani and whieh is part and parc*el of itself is the brevity and spiciness of its articles, on wbieli account the leading newspaper man of the State pronounces it superior to all others. attach*d to its-‘^taff. 'i'liere is enough humor , , ,. ,, i ous nmdhig in it to make yon laugh fiir a nvok i ) I'l'lbreally ooucede that there —enough to keep yon jollj’- till the next conies. ^ —Rockmart [Ga.] News. I is no appeal from Ms judgement. I A paper so eagerly sought and so thorouglily i I'cad,must also beau excellent The Wilmington Star. Established only Six Y'ears. B AILY star has the largest (Jircu^ L.ATlON of any daily newspaper in the State, and a circulation in Wilmington NEARLY TWICE AS LAtiGK as that of any other paper. All the ne'v.s of the day will be found in it, condensed when unimportant, at length when of moment, and always presented in a clear, intelligent and interesting man ner. Subscription {in advance.) One Yiair ■Six Jlontlis 3.50 Three Mouths 3,00 WJHEJiLY STAR—Price Reduced. The Weekly Star is how oomhinetl with the Carolina Farmei, and is one of the cheapest papers in the country, at the fol lowing EEDUCED RATES ; One Ycmi- Six Months 1,00 Clubs of five to ten, one year, 81,25 pel copy. ADVERTISING MEDIUM, a fact ^Ybich the prompt and repeated answers to its adverlisements abundantly proves. If you want a papci- that is readable, lively, enter taining and profitable siib.cribe for the Cen tral Protestant. If you liavean advertisement wbicli you desire should have attentive con sideration, insert it in the Ceniral Proiesiunt. Address the editors, Gi eensboro, N. C. SUN. ■ -1 THE CHRISTIAN The advocate ofChristiaii Union, and organ of the Christian organization. l^nblished weekly. Price 82,10. In its 29th volume. Rkv. "W. B. Wp:luoxs, D. D., Editor. THE CHRISTIAN UNITY. Devoted to the unify of all believers in Christ. Undenominational and FJvangelical. All 8-page monthly, illnstriited. 81 a year. 'W B. Wklloxs, D. D.,-) Rev. Ttio. J. Mkltsii, Vl-Iditors Rev. 'W. C. McCune. J THE LITTLE CHRISTIAN. ■"Tl The Central Protestant, A RELIGIOUS IVEEKLA' AND FAMILY NEWSrARER, I'ubliyhcO ^tGreensborii, N. C. Subscription Price, witli postage, $2,10. i J. L. MICHAUX, EdUoi, A\L R. ODELL, A.s.^oeiutc, An Undenominiitionnl and Evangelical pa per for the Sumhpv Sehool. Seini-inontbly. r'('lulls often or more, one 3’car, only $1 I 4-5 a.year; in clubs of 10 or more. 33 " cents. per copy. g®" Specimen copies sent on application Addres.s, ■VVJt. H. BERNARD, Editor aiul Proprietor, Wilmington, N. C. Rev. j. T. IViirTLEY'. Editor. .Ml three papers sent fir $3 a ye.-ii-. Address D. B. DUNB.AR. Jlaiiagor, Suffolk, 'Va. Snrpa.sses in tone and power any Reed Organ heretofore manufactured in this country. It has been test ed by many competent judges and : Gives Universal Satisfaction.; By a skillful use of the stops, and of the patent knee swell, the music is adapted to the hu man voice, ranging from the softest flute-like note to a volume of sound, Unsurpassed by any INSTRUMENT. The iiropriotors have noted carefully fo,- maiij^ years the imperfections and needs of the reed instruments, and directed their practical experience to the correction of suoli imperfec tions, and their experiments have rcsnlled in the production of a quality of lone wlucli ns similates so closely to the Pipe Organ Quality Tliat it is difficult to di.^tinouisli between the two. THIS INSTRUMENT HAS AFX 41TE Latest Improvements, -And every organ is fully •warinuted. Large Oil Polisli, Bl.ack IValnut, Paneled Cases tlnii forms in addition to a SPLENDID in strument of MUSIC, A Beautiful Piece of Furuiture. This org.iU needs only to be seen to lie aji- prcciiUed and is sold at EXTREMELY LOW PRICES FOR CASH. AGENTS WANTED (Male or female) in every county in the Uniled Stales and Canada. A liberal discount niadt; to Teachers, Jlinislers, Cburebes, Schools. Lodges, etc,, wlieie there is no agent for Die STAR' OliGAN. Illustrati'd ciitaioane and price list free. CoiTespondence .solicited •Iddress tlie JlaliUfacturers, ALLEGER, BOWLBY A CO,, 'WASHINGTON, N. ,T. H. W, ALLEGER, 0. P. BOWLBY, 18- T. B. McMURTRIE, EDAVAED PLO'r'I'iS,

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