PIEDMONT AIR-LINE RAILWAY. Richmond & Danvilde, Richmond & Dan ville R. W., N. C. Division, and North EASTERN N, C. R.w. CONDENSED TIME TABLE. In effect on and iiftei- Sunday, July IG, 1876. GOING NORTH. Leave Chaiiotte, “ Ah' Line J’ct’u “ Salisbury, “ Greensboro, “ Danville, “ Dundee, “ Burkville, Arrive Richmond, JIAIL. express 5:55 a. ni. 2:15 a. m. 0:13 “ 2:40 “ 8:30 “ 4:19 “ 10:58 6:17 “ ':36 p. m. 8:51 “ 1:49 “ 9:01 “ 6:49 “ 13:45 p. m. 9:36 p. m. 319 “ GOING SOUTH. STATIONS. MAIL EXPRESS Leave Richmond ” Burkville, Dumbe, “ Danville, “ Greensboro “ Salisbury Air Line J’n Arrive Charlotte 6:50 a. m. 9:00 “ 1:39 p. m. 1:43 “ 4:35 “ 7:01 “ 9:06 “ 9:08 “ 1.10 p. ra. 3:54 “ 8:05 “ 8:10 “ 10:25 “ 13:32 a. m. 2:29 “ 3:43 “ GOING EAST. going west. STATIONS. MAIL MAIL I.eave Greensboro “ Go. Shops Arr. at Raleigh “ Goldsboro SI 10:55 am 1 12:08 t) 3:38 p m % 6:20 '* ^Ar. 4:10pm s “ 3:05 1 “ 11:29 «L’ve 8:55am STATIONS. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, Leave Greensboro: S’ 6:80 am; |'AiT.5:50am “ Co. Shops : £11:80 “ ; iLv. 4:05 am Ait. at Raleigh : | G:06rM: |Ait 6:46pm Arr. at Goldsboro: 511:30 ; Lv.3:15pm NORTH WESTERN N. C. R. R. (SALE.M BRANCH.) Leave Grcen.sboro - - 4.45 p. m. .\rrive at Salem - - C:45 “ Leave Salem - - 8:15 a. m. Arrive at Greensboro - 10:38 “ Passenger train leaving Raleigh a t 11:29 A. M. connects at Greensboro with the Southern bouml train; maidng (he quickest time to all Southern cities. Accomnioclation Train leav ing Raleigh at 6:46 P. M., connects '.vith Northern bound Train at Gieensboro for Richmond and all points East. Price of tick ets same as via other routes. Accommodation 'I’rain leaving Greensboro at 6:30 A. Ji , connects at Goldsboro with Northern and Southern Ixinnd Trains on the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, Lynchburg Accommodation leaves Rich mond daily at 10:'2o A. M., arrive at Burkeville 3:4 5 P.M., leave Burkeville. at 5:30 A.M., arrive at Richmond at 8:80 A JI. No Change of Cars between Charlotte and Sichmond, 282 Miles. Por further information address JOHN. R. MACMURDO, Gen’l Passenger Agent, 46— Richmond, Va Carolina Central Railway Co. Office Gener.vl Superintendent, \ Wilmington, N. C., May 12,1876. / Change of Schedule, On and after tlie 14th inst., trai.is ‘will run over this Kailway as lollows : Passenger & Mail Trains--Daily (Simchiys excepted.) Leave Wi'mington at 6:30 P. M. Arrive in Charlotte at 6:40 A. M. I.eave Charlotte at 6:30 P. JI. Arrive at JVilmington at 7:30 A. M. B^”East Freight and Passenger Trains le„ve JViimington—Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri- vlays. Leave Cliarlotte—Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. I.eave Wilmington at 5:30 A. M. Arrive at Charlotte at 11:15 P.M. I.eave Charlotte at 5:20 A.M. Arrive at JVilmington at 11:30 P. M. Shelby Division. Leave Charlotte at 7:00 A. M, .Arrive at Charlotte at 6:00 P. J[- .Arrive at Shelby at 11:80 A. M. Leave Shelby at L80 P. JL Connects, with tlie A. T. A O. R. R-, and Western N. C., closely. Connects at IFil- inington with IT. A Jf , Roal at 7:30 A. JL, :md'0:20 P. M., and IT. C. & A. Railro:id ■closely. Time from IFilmington to Henry’s, 33 hours. Close connection both ways, and ■on to the Nort-li. S. I.. FREJIONT. Ciiief Engineer and Superintendent. 50 Cents. Every Democrat should send 50 cents to W. A. Davie & Oo., Oxford, N. C. .'find snhscrihe to the Torch Lights alive Dem- ‘Oeratic, Campai^tn paper—Every Conserva tive voter should send for it. Contaiuo all the latest Pclitical !N"ews. W. A. Davis & Oo. Eds, and Proprietors, Oxford, N. 0. THE ji MASONIC JOURNAL SEABOARD & ROANOKE RAIL ROAD. ^ Oflice of tlie Superintendent of Transporta tion, oi the Seabord & Roanoke Railroad Com pany. Portsmouth, Va., May 6th 1876 after Slonday, the 8th instant, trains will leave Portsmouth daily, except Sundays as follows: Mail train 5 5Q ^ jjj No. 1 Ireiglit train at 10,30 a. m. No. 3 1 reiglit train at 3,00 p. m. ARRIVE AT PORTSMOUTH. Mail train 6,45 p. in. Ao. 1 Freight train at 12,00 m. No. 3 Freight train at 3,30 p. m. Mail train Smitli will stop only at Suffolk Franklin, Ne-svsom’s, Boykin’s, Margaretts-^ ville and Seabord. Mail train going North will stop only at Seabord, Boykin’s, Fraiikliu and Suliblk. Freight trains have a parsenger car attach- ed and will stop at stations for ))assengers. Mail train connects at Weldon with the mail trains of the Wilmington and JVeldou and Raleigh and Gaston Railroads. ’ And oil Mondays, Wednesd:iys and Fridays at Fianklin, with steamer for Trenton, Ply mouth and landings on Blaekwater and Chowan River. Freight received daily (except Sundays) from 8 a. m, to 4 p. m. E. G. GHIO, Superintendent of Transportation. Time Table iVestern N. 0. R. R, NUMBER 23. In effect on and after Monday, April 10, 1876. Arrive. 9.20 A. It,10 10,50 " 11,13 “ 13,10 p. 12.3.5 1.00 “ 3,00 “ 3,45 3.40 " 4,25 ’ 5,15 Arrive. GOING WEST. Salisbury 8,1 ..Tliird Creek 9. ..Statesville 10, ..Plott’s 10 .. Catawba Station.. 11 ..Newton 13 Canova 13 . .Hickory . .. Icarcl .. Jlorgantnn . .Bi'hlgewater . .Marion . .Old Fort. GOING EAST. Leave. ,50 A M 30 “ ,25 “ ,53 “ ,18 “ ,15 PM ,35 “ ,30 “ ,05 “ ,55 “ ,45 “ ,30 " 30 “ Leave. 4.15 P. M Salisburjr 3.30 “ 3'hi id Creek 3,35 pm 2.35 “ Statesville 2,,50 “ 13,07 “ Plott’s 3,10 “ 11.40 “ Catawba Station.. 1,45 “ 13,50 “ Newton 12,55 “ 13,35 “ Caiiova 13,30 “ 1.35 A. M Hickory 11,55 am 9.40 - lean! 10,45 “ 9,45 “ Morganton 9,55 “ 8.55 “ Bridgewater 9,00 “ 8.10 “ Marion 8,15 “ 7,20 “ Old Fort 7,35 “ Going West, Breakfast at Salisbury, 8,00 A. M., going East, Dinner at Hickory, 11,35, A. M S. McD, TATE, General Superintendent. W. S. Pearson, Master of Transportation. HEALING Fob Sale at CALLUM’S- The Sentinel for the Campaign. The canvass now opening Is the most im- liortant in wMcIi the people of North Carolina have been engaged since the momentous elec tion of 1800. Upon its result depends the weal or woe of tlie State and Union. The Raleigh Sentinel will, as ever, he in the front of tlie fight, sustaining fearlessly and faithfully the candidates of the National Democratic party, and the action and nomi nees of the State Democi atic Convention. To tins we pledge the whole power and iuiliience of a journal which, in tlie past, has done what it could to serve the interests, and preserve the rights and liberties, of the people of North Carolina. In order tliat it may be within the means of every Democrat in the State to read The Raleigh Sentinel during the canvass, we have established the following campaign rates, ,/5'ec of postage and for counfrg subscri bers only, beginning this day and ninuing^ to the 15tli of November, a period of tour months: DAILY EDITION. 1 Copy ® 3 5t) 5 Copies 10 00 10 Copies 17 50 WEEKLY EDITION. 1 Copy 50 cents. Ill every case the money must accompanj' the order. THE PUBLISHED AT, RALEIGH, H. C. IS THE OLDEST AND LARGEST TEMPER ANCE FAMILY NEWSPAPER IN THE SOUTH. Established in 1867. It now has a large and growing circulation, and numbers among its regular contributors some of the best writers in the State: Rates of Subscription. SINGLE COPY, 1 YEAR $2,00 FIVE COPIES “ “ 9,00 For further particulars, address, R. H. JVHITAKER, Raleigh, N. C. Job Department. JVith a large supply of new type of the latest style, we are enabled to do .all kinds of Job Printing in the very neatest manner, on short notice, and at prices that will not fail to give satisfaction. Give us a trial, and be convinc ed of the cheaoness and superior class of our work. Address, R. II. WHITAKER. Raleigh, N. C. The Central Protestant, A RELIGIOUS WEEKLY AND FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Published at Greensboro, N, C. Subscription Price, with postage, $3,10. J. L. MICHAUX, Editor, W. R. ODELL, Associate, The paper is now in its second volume, and has a large and growing circulation. At the same time that it is the Official Organ of the N. C. Coiiferenee, Methodist Protestant Church, such is its liberality and catholicity of spirit that it is successfiillj reaching out in all di rections and among all denominations of the State, and wherever ithas appeared is received with unexceptionable heartiness and approval. One of the features of the Central Protestant and which is part and parcel of itself is the brevity and spiciness of its articles, on which account the leading newspaper man of the State pronounces it superior to all others. Those who know him,really concede that there is no appeal from his judgement. A paper so eagerly sought and so thoroughly read, must also be an excell eiit ADVERTISING MEDIUM, a fact which the prompt and repeated answers to its advertisements abundantly proves. If you want a paper that is readable, lively, enter taining and profitable subscribe for the Cen tral Protestant. If you liavean advertisement which you desire should have attentive con sideration, insert it in the Central Protestant. Address the editors, Greensboro, N. C. THE CHRISTIAN SUN. TJie advocate ofChristian Union, and organ of the Christian organization. Published weekly. Price $3,10. In its 39th volume. Rev. W. B. Wellons, D. D., Editor. THE CHRISTIAN UNITY. Devoted to the unity of all believers in Christ. Undenominational and Evangelical. An S-page monthly, illustrated. $1 a year. W. B. Wellons, D. D.,J Rev. Tiio. J. Mbi.ish, }■ Editors Rev. W. C. MoCdne, J THE LITTLE CHRISTIAN. An Undenominational and Evangelical pa per for tlie Sunday School. Semi-monthly. 43 cents a year; in clubs of lO or more, 33 cents. Rev. J. T. Whitley, Editor. All three pa^fs^seut foj^3 a y_ejir: Address O DCU.li iV/1 . B. DUNBAR, Manager, Suffolk, Va. Alleger, Bowlby & Go’s I i{ I .;'|u x: I i - , -Pi... J >• I . V , Surpasses in tone and power any Reed Organ heretofore manufactured in this country. It has been test ed by many competent judges and Gives IJnivGrsal Satisfaction. By a skiliful use of the stops, and of the patent knee swell, the music is adapted to the hu man voice, ranging from the softest flute-like note to a volume of sound, Unsurpassed by any INSTRUMENT. The proprietors have noted carefully for many years the imperfections and needs of the reed instmments, and directed their practical experience to the correction of such imperfec tions, and their experiments have resulted in the production of a quality of tone tvhich as similates so closely to the That it is diflicult to distinguish between the two. THIS INSTRUMENT HAS ALL THE Latest Improvements, And every organ is fully wan anted. Laige Oil Polish, Black alnut, Paneled Cases that forms in addition to a SPLENDID in» strfiinent of MUSIC) A Beautiful Piece of Furniture. This organ needs only to be seen to be ap preciated and is sold at EXTRE JIELT LOW PRICES FOR OASH. AQERTS WAHTED (Male or female) in every county in the United States and Canada. A liberal discount made to Teachers, Miiiistei’s, Chui'ches, Schools. Lodges, etc,, where there is no agent for the STAK’ OKGAN. Illustrated catalogue ami pi-ice list free. Con espondence * solicited Address the Manufacturers, ALLEGER, BOWLBY A CO., ASHINGTON, N. J. H. W. ALLEGER, G. P. BOWLBY, 13“ T. B. MeMURTRIE, ED AEDPLOTT8. ill fl'v •f'J 1 Fl. I ■>¥ . >•1 ‘i > ■ • ? -

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