PIEDMONT AIR-LINE RAILWAY. BlCHjrOND&DANVJLLK, RtOIMOND & DAN VILLE R. W., N, C. DivIbicn, and North EASTERN N. O. K.W. CONOKN'SED TIME TABLE, In effect on and after Sunday, Oct 15, 1876. GOING NORTH. STATIONS. Leave Charlotte, . “ Air Line J’ct’n . “ Salisbury, “ Greensboro, “ Danville, “ Dimd('0, “ Burkville, Arrive Eichmond, 4:50 5:20 7:85 9:55 12:02 1:46 5:05 7:43 p. m. p. m. GOING SOUTH. STATIONS. MAIL Leave Richmond “ Burkville, 10i4C ‘ “ Dundie, 2:55 p. “ Danville, 2:09 ‘ “ Gr '('iisboro 5:'0 “ “ Su]i-'l)nry 8:>r> ‘ Air Lin" J’n 10:25 ‘ Arrive Charlotte 10:37 ‘ OOTNO EAST. STATIONS. I.cave Gn'ensboro “ Co. Shops Arr. at Hale’gh “ Golds>M)ro r 10:05 am L 11:21 am 5 2:41 p ni ; 5:05 STATT'^NS : ACCOMMODATION TEA L’ve Gr^'f'U b'u-o ; Co. .Shops ; Arr at I?a'(‘i di ; Arr ::t Goldsboro' ?6:30 p m: 11:10'- : am: "11:80“ : i\rr 9:00' a m ^Lv ,6:50 a m ?- Ar r 9:50 p ni ^ Lv 5:20 p ill N^'^nTT WESTERN' N. C. R. R. fSr.T.EM BRANCH.) I/cavo C’'oen4)oro - - 6.00 p.m. Arrive at S-de:n - - 8:15 a. m. Leive6-d'M5 - - 70:3 “ Arrive at Greensboro - 9:15 “ PasRcm.ortrai’’ leavlngRahdgh at 12:3-' P. M. cor.nects at Greensboro w'tii tbe Southern bound tr.d''.; malduT th«‘qniekr-st tiino to all Soutlie- n eiiies. Price of ncki't'^ same as via oth.er rout(*s. Acc''mi'nrdad''n 'Train leaving' Gr ensboro at 10:15 A. , connects at Goldsboro with IsTorti'err. bound 'i'lainson the 'Wihnington and Weidtm ILulroad. No Change Atlanta and Miles. For further information address JOIIiSr. R. MACMURPO, flen’l Pass'-nger .Agent, 52— Richmond, Va of Cars between Richmond, 5d7 Oarolma Central Eailway Co. Office General Sfperintkndf.nt. \ Wilmington, N. C., Sept, 16,1876,./ Change of Schedule. On and aft"!* ^nedaj' the 17lh inst., traias will run over this Railway as lollows : Passenger and Mail Express heavu Wibnington at A. AF. Arrive in Olnrlutte at ^:8rr p. M. Le:ive 1'harlo‘te at 6:30 A.AF. Arrive at Wilmington at 8:30 P. At. ' Daily except Sundays. Through Freight. I.oaFc IVilmtn.gfon Mt 7:ii0 P, M. -Arrive et Cliarlotle lit ISi.l'i^ I’. M. Leave Clipriottc r,t 6:4'! P. M. .Vrrive at IVilmiii.gtoii at 12:00 M Daily except Sunday. Local Freight. Leave Wilminirton at 0:40 A. .Arrive at Lnurinbnrg 6:'C5 P. AF. Leave Laniinburg 5:00 .A. AF. -Arrive at Charlotte at 4:35 P. AT. F.oavc Charlotte at 5:00 ,\. AT. .Arrive at Taiuriuburg 4:30 P. AT. Leave LanrinF)urg 5:00 A. AT. .Arrive at AVilminoton 4:30 P. AT. Leave Wiliniunion—Alondays, AVednesdays and Fridays, Leave Charlotte—ATondaj's, AVednesdays and Fridays. Ro Pas-'eng'ers allowed nr Tickets sold by Freight Trains. V. Q. JOIIATSOK, 1- General Superintendent. OLDEST AND LARGEST TEMPER •' ANOE FAMILY NEWSPAPER (lOINQ WKST. MAIL . Ar,5:2‘ipm -M-v 4:2.6 I Ar 12:30 «Lvel0:10pm Seaboard and Eoanoke E. E. Ofliceof theSuperintonclrnt of Transport':- tion, ot the Seabord* Roanoke Railroad Com. p.iny. Portsmouth, Va., May 6lh 1876 vvinb““’ 'd tl^eSthiCtant, tmin- ^ tbllo'ws: ° Mail train ro JNo. 2 Pi eight tram at 3,00 p.m. AtDUVE AT PORTSMOUTH ilail tram .n i- Ly. 1 Freight train at 12 00 In ^0.2 Freight tniin..., .....' p. IIt Aladtram Sontli will stop only at Suffolk Primklm, Newsom’s, Boykin’s,'^ Marmretts- villeandSeabord. ai„aieus Mail trakigoing North will stop only at beabord, Boyiiin s, Franklin and Suli'olk; I leight trains have a jiinsenger car att'icli- ed iindwil! stop at stations for passeno-o-s' foail Irani cornocts at Weldon with'the "’‘ai>nd Weldon and Raleigh and Gaston Railroads. ' And on Mondays, Wednesdays :ind Fridays at iHauklm, witli steamer for Trenton PlV- mouth and landings on Blackwiite’r and Chowan River. Freight received ... from 8 :i. m. to 4 p. in. ^ . E. G. GHIO, buperintendent of Transportation. Time Table 7v^estern N. 0. E. E. NUMBER 23. In effect on and after Monday, April 10, 1876. Arrive. 0.20 A. M P.lf “ 10.50 11.18 “ 12.10! 12.35 l.OC “ 2 00 “ 2.4.5 “ 3.0 “ 4.25 “ 5..15 “ Arrive. 4,15 p,M. 3,80 “ 2.35 “ '2.07 “ 11.40 “ . 12.50 “ . ■:2,25 . 1.35 A. M. . ■0.40 - . 3.4-5 “ . 8.-55 “ . .8.10 “ . 7.20 “ . GOING WEST. Salisbury Tliird CrL k St'desville Plotf’s 'Catawlia Slalion.. Yewt;)ii Panova Ilickoiy' 1,20 Icai'd 2,05 “ Morganton 2,.55 ‘‘ Bi'idgewatcr 3,45 “ M.'U'ion 4.30 ‘ OhlFcit. 5,20 “ GOING EAST. l.eave. Leave. 8,50 A Ji 9.30 “ 10,25 “ 10,.53 “ 11,18 “ 12,15 pm 12,35 IN THE SOUTH. Established in 1867. It now has; a largo aoE yr^iwiii.T circulation. anC numbers among its regular contributors some of the best writers in the State: Eates of Subscription. 1 A'E.VK SINGLE COPY FIVE COPIES ...82,00 ....9.00 For further particulars addi'cs.-i, R. li. WHITAKER, Raleigli, N. C. Job Department. With a largesui'ply ofnew type of tlielatesl .4yle, we arc enabled to do a’l kinds ef,Job Printing in the ve;-y m-atest manner, on shoi t notice, and at iirices tli-it will not fail to give Salisla'-tion. Give us a trial, and beonnviMc- ed of the clieaDiK'ss and sup: laor class of our work. Addi'es.s, R. II. WHITAKER. Raleigh, N C. !'ury .'rhiru Creek 3,35 r ji Stat'a,vllle 2,;>0 M ■ Plott’s 2,10 . .Cct.av.’baStation.. 1,45 ..Ne-.vlon I2,:55 ..(.'■uicva 12,30 ..Hickory 11,552 ..Icai-d 10,45 “ .. iUorganton 9,5-5 “ . .Pvidgewater 9,00 “ ..Marion 8,15 “ ..OldFort 7,25 “ Going We.-t, Breakfast at Salisltnry, 8,00 A. M., going East, Dinner at Hickorjg 11,35, A. M. S. -MuD. TATE, General Snperintendent. IV. S. Pearson, Master of Transtiortation. The Central Protestant, A RELIGIOUS 4VEEKLY AND FAMILY newspaper. Published at Greensboro, N. C. Subscription Price, willi postage, .$2,10. J. L. MlflTAUX, Edito), R. ODELL, Associate, \1 Don’t Forget THAT W. B. Farrar, Watch-Maker, Jeweler, Optician and Engraver, Hr.: been jiving in Greensboro for nine years and exiiect.s to make it his nome for life. He has been faithfully serving i.is pati.ms during tliat time, and f-als that lie has giv.-n sati-sfac tion. His applianci'S and effeieney in the different branclv'S of in.« trade reed no con.i- iiient. He is n-ry tliank.'ul for past patronage and favors, and liopes lor a coutiauauce of the same. He does not wish to flatter liiinself, but he advises all who have not been derding wilh In'-.n to give him a call before they purchase tlieir v'atclies. Clocks, Silver Ware, Plated Ware, Eng.agemeut Rings, Gold Head Cane.s, Gold Pens, Diamond Rings, or any kind ol Jewelry, elsewhere, W. B. Farrar, 29- Greensboro, N. C. The paper is now in its .second volume, ann lias a large and growing eirciil:ition. At the same time that it is tlie Oiileiai Organ of tlieN. C. CenI'erenee. Methodist Protestant Clmrcli, such is its liberality and c.atlioliclty of spirit tliat it is siiccessfuiiy reaching out in all di- reotions and among all denominations of the State, and wherever it lias appeared is received with unexceptionableheai tiness and approval. One of the features of the Central Protestant .and which is part and iiarcel of itself is the brevity and spiciness of its articles, on which I account t’ne leading newspaper man of the State pronounces it snporioi to all others. Those wim know hiin,re:dly concede that there is no .appeal from his judgement. A p:tper soe.agei'ly sought and so thoroughly read, must also bean excellent ADV EF.TTSING MEDIUM, a fact whicii the prompt and repeated answers to its advi'rtisemenis abundantly piroves. If you w.ant a paperth.at is readable, lively, enter- t.iiu’ng and profitable subscribe for the Cen tral Pratest-ant. If you havean advertisement which yen desire should have attcnt.ve con- side-atiou, insert it in the Central Protestant. Address the editors, . Gieensboro, N. C. rpasse.s in tone and power' any Reed Organ heretofore manufactured in tljis coiint.-y. It has been test ed by many competent judges and Gives Dniversal Satisfaction. By a. skilifnl use of the'stops, and of the patent knee swell, the music is adapted to the hu man voice, ranging from the softest flute-like note to a volume of sound, Unsurpassed ky anj The iiroprictors have noted carefully for many yea i s the im| ertectionsand needs of the reed insti'i'.ments, ami directed their practical experience to the enrr: ctioii of such imperfec tions, and their expei'iments h.avc resulted in the producrien of a quality of lone wliicli as siinilates so closely to the The Indian Herald Is a weekly newspaper published by W- McKay Dougan & Co, at Osage Agenc3b Indian Territory, at per Year. $1,00 The Indian Herald defends the Pe,ace Policy, and advocates Indian civilization and the supremacy of civil over military power. REGALIA MANUFACTORY ! ! I am prepai'cd to supply, on short notice, coi of friexds or tlmipekance, lODfiES of GOOD TE;;1>I,.U!S, AAD ODD 'FELLOWS with Regalia appropriate to each. I will funrisli setts for FRIENDS OP TEMPERANCE, Merino trimmed with gold lace. |15.00 ilei'ino Lrimined 'rvith gold lacs aird stars 18,00 Oflicers sett French Mei-ino trimmed with two incli gold fi-ingc, lace, stars, $25,00 Velveteen, gold lace, fringe and star’s 35,00 When Jewels are w'.anted $10 in addition to the above prices must be sent, GOOD TEMPLARS, Officer’s sett delaine trimmed with two inch gold fringe, lace letters and wreatlrs, $25,00 Delaine trimmed with gold lace and lettered , $15,00 MRS. M. B. WHITAKER, Raleish, N. C. Thiti it is difficult to distiuguisli between the two. THIS INSTRUMENT HAS Latest AI.L THE Improvements, And every organ is fully van anted. Large Oil Pohsli, Llack ahiut, Paneled Cases tliat forms in addition to a SPLENDID in- strnmeiit of MUSIC, A Beautiful Piece of Furniture. Tliis organ needs only toDe seen to Fte ap preciated ami is sold at EXTREMELY PRICES AGENTS WANTED (Male or female) in every county in the Uttrfed States and Canada. A liberal discount made to Teachers, Ministers, Churches, Schools. Lodges, etc,, where there is no agent for tire STAR’ ORGAN. Illustrated catalogue and price list free. Correspondence solicited Address the Maimfiicturers, ALLEGER, BOWLBY A CO., WASHINGTON, N. J. H. W. ALLEGER, T. B. McMURTKIE, C. P. BOWLBY, EDWARD PLOTTS 13-