17HO IN MOITTR3AT Jiclon Hardio v;as born m Sao Paulo, Brazil on Octoocr^p, iJio, Sho first camo to tlio United Lo, fir State old .'ti v/hon sho v/as five but returned to Brazil onu year later to live in Patrocinio, oraall place in the interlor^o^^ Err^;!!,, Hero sho attended a ^ "ilIan Oens -■rnT-i,'-' q-hliriloa anu. :3Xi^ ^uuonaeu a chool whore all the Ics- wero studied and taught Laura I.'Iao r.oj visitod her s; 3dna Leonard U5'‘* 1 n ?'*' ■(3' ^ V-/ . thirteen years nt Port\i^ dlion Helen v;as GhiO returned to the Uni S-'-atoa. This v/as year in American and v/ill never, ee forgotten by Helen, ^ho t of the winter and in Ilia/ui, year sho toolc a twenty ’^■^ilo auto tour from tho ytlanaie to, the mot 'Poxas - ... Pac^?^^' Oco‘A:Uohi- y the Peolfio they travelled tler°Uoe the coTithorn ctatoe, north- to the Atlantic throuiJi th- orn onea. Helen «"t te leu tncl called to dhraSlly ing to Ubcrlandia v/nor^ a ^'^hd home is now j_an school ‘^i’othor attended a Br- father ^ht she was educated ^ y end mother. n^-o she . A year and/our and '■'fac taken to Rio ey_h ,\i:iorica father -uvayar, she sailed ^.oi She th.: SOCIETY I.Iany of the Honti’cat girls received visitors Thanksgiving week end. ah'.iong tho visitors were throe of our alumnae- Laura Liao Brown, Edna Leonard and Ruth Collette. : 'Jinthrop College :or i.nnabello here’ 3 tho guest of Isabelle Cart;;:,-;, osad Ruth Collette a student at S.tctson University spent a few days with her sister Jessie Collette. Hiss liathorine Johnson fro:'a V/innabov/, N.C. spent the v/cek with her sister, i.Iary johnsci, Ely Deaton ha.d aS' lier guo'-.te her father and mother from Ilontucky. Several girls have had their mothers with them roccntl^m iimohg those are Katherine hi Ikes. ■Kathleen Ivoll, Frankie Walker, Jack' Hubbard, and Jacqueline Capps. 'Patricia Piatt roceivod a visit from her mother and fathci and her grandmother, lirs. Currie, all'of Charlotte, N.C. hiss Kane-’- whore she saii^-^—- :ii carac / J^Jiiool. Ilolon . senior m higg nnllorc sho not decided ;^111 attend when sne ha aLsenu wu f^or.1 Liontreat, 1 ». .5 ... .A- but She piano to be kindergarten toacncr. has Helen 'ivo times louth of tho liinks the t ere teed tno °9uatg SNA end rhnazon ^avex one erritory v ■er^’' Lful. She ha: vl: wonty-eight state.e boau- '’O been in " in tho United j -^/-r'fi the Rocke- ;atcs. Sho visited aicr Eeteite _ gt f -r.oclcefollor, look hands ivitn ‘a/„dson. Helen Ms son y-1 y tondorful Links Now York %n]oyod vlsit- ■ ty and th/ou/ilY^ Building. ■Q the .Ihapira Sto. Helen io out .nlor College ^-^-''^/omoly popnl g student, ana ohg all the studen 3ts.nd- O'Ncal from Salon Gollcgo wt ,tho week end visitor of Harvison Smit]i. V/o hope theso visitors enjoyed their stav'- with us and will come again. Kartha Anno, Smith has returned . to schxool after a visit to her home in Cocoa, Fla. v/horc she was an attondsait at her sister's v;cddlng. Karjorlo bright and Betto Brown spent Thanksgiving day in Ashe ville v/here they attended tho aishovillo-IIigh Point football gsmo. Virginia Douglas and Helen Knoblock^are spending tho week end in Burlington, N.C. whore they arc'visiting friends. Dorothj?" Rundles made a recent visit to her homo in V/ashlngton, D.C, number of girls motored to P.sheville^ on November 20' to hear of Jose Iturbl, 'the'- the girls enjoyed . the coneerr , pianis't. All tho ■ trip and were greatly ,1m- nrossod by what they heard. ■The :Latin department ontortaino' with a banquet November 15. Roman style prcvs-ilcd, said ovorjrono (page 3)