STAFF Editor-In-Chief Doris Hodges Business Manager...Marjorie Miller Assistant Business Manager Mary Leslie Thomas Literary Editor....Elaine Williams Society Editor Estelle Sellers Sports Editor Ellen Fisher Photographic Editor Marietta McFall Snapshot Editor ....Jean Cartwright Joke Editor Peggy Jones Music Editor .....Virginia Douglas Alumnae Editor Sarah Clark Exchange Editor Betsy Stuart REPORTERS Ruth Bowen Lucy Kuykendall Virginia Barron Beth Baghy Anne Williams Jean McEachern Anne Banks Dorothy Key EDITORIAL With the completion of exami nations marking the termination of another semester, we are looking forward to the new semester as one mho opens a new book, scanning the pages eagerly and seeking each un read page v/ith pleasurable antici pation. Unlike the reader of a book mrho can do no more than read what has been written by another, we are writing our own book. Each page contains just what we may place there, and the concluding chapter depends upon us alone. At the c' of the semester when we read the SPORTS Wednesday night, January - one of the best basket-ball- ever witnessed in Montreat was played between the Junior CoU®S > iJunlor and Preshruah High and Senior College and Senior Sophomore High School. The ^ i>opnomore High School. & h-ne was fast and very close nT-s entire period of play. The J^ni ,and Freshmen won 22-19, but no without a hard fight. , ^2 Sealy was high scorer witn points, and Segars and were runners-up with 7 points g 3. Woodruff, Dunn, and P. Hil-^ out-st andlng guards. Summary of the game is as follows: SENIORS FOULS GOALS FRED PLAYERS Hutton P Andrews P 2P Segars P ip Magann G Hill G L. Wilson G ‘ Sups. I. Martin G IP B. Brown G H. Knoblock P fTotals 2 3 3 2 1 2 shots 1 1 1 prr P jSealy p plyatt F At the closeiE. Plsher G read the iTimmons G finished book, will we close it wlthWoodruff G -4 ^ JUNIORS a sigh of despair or contentment? Will we feel like closing the book forever, or will we reread it many, many times, remembering with pride and joy all that went into the mak ing of such a book? The book will be a short one, for so little time remalns--so little time for the beginning of new projects, for the completion of all that has been begun, for the making of new friendships and for the broadening of old ones. When we look over the material to be Included, we realize what a diffi cult task is ours. Of course, every book has its comedy and pathos, its pages of happiness and of sadness. Situations IT IP 2P Subs . M.Hlll P L. Bedinger P A.Fisher P iS* Dunn G Carrol G I. Parker P 5 1 2 1 1 1 2 0 2 0 Totals 5 lO Semester Honor Roll College ;Acree, Andrews / tyrant ,Hazle,G. Key, Kolb, Kuy ^, Walter,Welton,Wllllamson,'-'J School ;R.Bowen,Capps» HarrlT, Harrison,Johnston^^Jgg^ Platt,Porter,P.Rogers, Wood.