Pago Tv;o T:ni; dijiLET"i October, iA‘\ !! \"f. U 4r a i±:z3 lLj I I jiflir.TS STA EDITOR-IN-CIIIEF. LITEIbuRY EDITOR. BUSIi^ESS TAlTACrER PUBLICITY FjaU'.OE' EXC:IA;"GE ?'iAl!ACL'r. EEi'-TUIiES. . • • • pictorial. . . . ! ary P.udulph ,’USIC. . , SPORTS. . EPOi'TSORS. . . Patti Fitzgerald . . .Lathleen Ilc.rdoe .Catherine Y/ilkinson . . .Ilarjorie Jordan , . .llariorna Johnson .... l.yra Pittnan . . . .Jane Bcu.-hton . . . .Francos Tc.ylor . . . ■ .Miss McElro'')' *J Miss Brandon 'i s s VfatV.ins PRODUCTION STldlP PRCDUCTIoI; ST,*'.'T CIiAIR-iuI: Ro'.^land Jirninio TY?I STS : Chairimn 1 lary latche 11, Alliene Fields, Edna Campbell, Madelene Hearn, Cfirailla Colei.nn, Angola Ropers, Piazie VjhitaFcr. STEHCILISTS : Chairmoai-—Ava Roil Taylor, Jev/ol Houcl', Vivian Martin, Catherine V/illiaias, IHMEOGRAPHERS : Chairman-—Aina Sharpo, Juanita Milson, Edna Eorl Hearn, r’rancoS' Ilanloy. Aijr EDITOR: Irma Jean Sholor: Assist ants: Lavna Plovrden, Mary Lou Elwood, Henrietta VJhite, Loi'ise Enorson, Lnla Loo lioal, .i’arporie PIcKay. n. JT HJJ Tlffi 13ULLETIH BO/uRD to Tnc Student has a suE-'’Cstibn - gji^'e to evory student and faculty; tron- bor in H..ho school. Read the bul.i. Fin board. Rave you noticed thaJ: S'=- o.f the ov.llotin board, reserved .fcr ficial a’.nouncements? Wo students e.r© hold responsible for those aj..'.novnco- S.';.'OHSORS: Mrs. Spears, Miss. Blachbdiin ■ g*? “ ■fcll© nents, so it is up to us to ^ - bulletin board habit," A p-lance tv'o tAo bulletin board on our way to aird Prom classes vyill keep us posted on any-n'miS 110*^7- m-l r«‘U-+- _ jTt r. n V A* £ili now, and might keep iis from missing ho-v-i4- j_» — I-- j'cnd iiu^or'ban'fc Tnoetingj, So I the bulletin board. remember, r DEMERITS Yfe have heard quite-a bit of grumbling lately about deraerits. Hone of -I:, ires ac b a inely to get a domerit, and if we 0^d sensibly, \re need not g;ct Tnen let us look at the other the question. The monitors ana .-jvh3r people in authority dislike g.ning demerits too. They irould much canher have everyone on first class and eA" i^led to all privileges. But no ^ have gjOtten a demerit, it is cest juso to mark it doarn to on m;rienoo and oe more careful the next ti o. Grumbl ing and .fx'ssiir'^, about it is not sports- And rnll not hel;- at all-' 'umr y‘ilof;} ab I.'ontre;.*,! cxro The highest- culture is to speak no ill. —V'.Taeeler verp- hard to keep. Tr^r it and 300 . fee i'.'.por rant rule v/e m.ust ]-e:.Tier.i.bcr is ^Respect i-,he Study Sign." hlion wo hang "-'^Ay sign or our door, it means vre ^^0 not ^ ■’.'.'ont a.ny -visitors, not oven our Iriend. .But then it is v.-'" to us - o 0 o - Be sure you are ri-'-nt, then go ahead, —Da^/id Crocke'tt - o 0 o - Ho legacy is so rich as honestp'-. to hanr; up our Stud-^-- Sirn onlA’- v.Hori rea.lly ua-nt to study. ' If wo v'ant to -the Stu.dy Sign ef.(ectivo this year Ti'O .Ausb all cooperate in res-oecting --Shakespoaro COhSCIEi-.CE—j\xi inner voice tha.-b v/arns AS uHon someone is looR.lng.