F P ,4t€ Ninth Edition Montrcat College, Montreat, N. C.. I,fcy, 194J. TrJ£ fJjSTORYOf TfJr CLASS Of 194-J SCHOOL THE HlJSTOilY @F THI CLASS ©if 1941 HIGH COLLE.GE'. Crash! The thunder rumbles. The s^ is-dark and overcast. The rain ^ome-s dovm in sheets', and the clouds bunc'h'^y^' like pillows. In his cave on Beard Mountain, Old Pete, the hermi^,, sits stroking his long white beard 'w^'fch- a trembling hand. As he gazes intoV^^B^ ball,dt clears. Slowly appears . likeness of' a bright sunny day back—iAA September of the year nineteen toAdred j thirty-seven. IVhat ■ is this/ sl^^l I gro.up of shining faces that he- seesi be fore him? Ah!" Pete' smiles, knows. That was the 'day when cent senior high school class Ibntreat as green Freshmen. jveri Ah yes, he remembers Well ths|i That.v;as the year when imder year, gui-1| dance of Miss Vfoodhouse, sponsor/, ancf; Katie ?fagner, president,- the j ffdshsieii' "whooped it up" with a weiner / /roast'. ' the class was very small, to pa exact, rnly four now survive. ' TheA-A,/ cry stal clouds, and then again it. li® clear. : The year of nineteen hundred 'nhirjby- ei'gh-t flashes into the-ball, and Pbte laughs as he remembers tha-t ncm the small class of the year before/has/in creased, although some members /dropped out. This year the class dip tileir ’tvhooping up" at a supper-hikc| a-t damp Montreat led by Miss McElroy, |spinpor and Thelma Corpening, presidettitj year was colored by the memoralbie Df Hazel Harris cutting h«|r I Again the crystal clouds andFajgaib- i'^L :i s clear. This time the scene Oh, my! These past tiro years have ly florm by. It seems only yes- rday that we walked these groimds, iwildered and awed at the sight of pse impressive seniors. It didn’t us long to get acquainted v/ith one though, did it? Our big sis— helped a lot. Remember the tvro eceptip^^for the students and faculty in Septembei^, ’39, Those were a big -daodp. \ o wi],l e-vpn forgot those ' sore shins got c.ovm \ at the soccer field that st dc-qoberl Live and learn! Didn’t vre have\ fjon :^t College Night in the Home ?£>. Room! That v/as about the fihst, affair -nhat we, as Juniors, gave. Than ^ame that mountain - climbing, truoy^ji‘idingyi song-singing good time we had/g^ing ^ Mt. Mitchell. Later in ' r^,the/month /b^e the Latin Banquet and \ theNii^dei’f'ul time wo had at the Hallo- ./given by the "M" Club. One of the Junior • plays, Oili'EDEN, and THANKS. AYJFULLY, (cas st/enjo’axble m.emories of this :he recital given by Mrs. oy Miss Brown, the Junior sponso: Iff .'COUSIN Fjiw., . Tailk abouu a. flu epidemic v/hat \vas an epidemic, i well, we had one. Snow fell jv st apou-is this time in November, and seme of us| sax-; our first snoxv looking out oti tne infirmary xvindoxTS! That’s why xvei f}ad| our Thanksgiving banquet in fining room, instead of the )od was delicious, and so 2at the faculty gave us in xer Hall aftervrards--tho opening night of "Epomanondis" and "Cinderella." the Al|oa (Turn to page 4 A Then came the drought, and there vrant ) (Turn to page 2 )