Page Six THE DIAiETTE Peceralier, 1941 COII'T EEOM PAGE 5 Santa; Tfell here it is tine for iytar annuo. 1, XT. sit. We want nothing hut peace and c;uief. Could you w:rc.p up sone and put it_ in everj/ room of evef^' dordto'ry? And Santo., please brinr_, all of us sone balls o-nd chains so that we can beep these dear, ST.reet gi}-ls. in their placc.s they've cultiv'tod such a habit of x'isiting h Just one uoro thing; brin;; us a switch . thr.t wc can pull c.t 11 p.n. r.nd ha.VO all the lights c.utonatically go out. . b'o really v;ant nothin,.; for our- sel'ros; -it's c.ll for the .good of our -children. Hoping we'll hoarv'froia you ( .nd no one olse). be rcaain cs always,'s faithful houseiaothers, "Snoopy", "Poepy", ■"Creepy", r.rd "Drip". Ah, ah, -e- Santa, Guess vdio? *** The pianos ' need tuuin,;, the ^iris are off key, which iicans We aaa,iri risking for a. box .of Joo?a box-s, pi'.ying "Boat Mo Daddy,- Eight to the •Bar". And send soncthing to our altos , thc-t'wi 11 awaJnon then and i.r.ko 'un sing (nopo», ala.pjj, clocks -non't do, wc've tried that). "G-ood-byo Little Darling, 'Ao'rb IcLA-ing." "Lib" Woodhousc and Jlaiy'- P. Gontleaian (woo); oa yar vrould nr.k'V no tho ...foot person in our hi-opy vr.Uoy If you uould .Lino no ■ 10 oosy Icon* “‘““.y drivt H'.d I bottor p,--r!: "dopin' U-rio" until I ho--r . fro..i you? ^oni)n” it's tho con- earned ' Bring a.ll studonto big rod apple I'n trying r. new systoi.i vice a"crs':.--(l hope) 1 Love ^ ?) Elsie Fletcher My dear 0^2112300^^; ^ . ■ This is so silly, but since c\e-ry body else does it, I shall conply^ tp their r.ianif.-stations of -this Yuln iide S S O -.1 • The p--rasitoo in eiy cl'isses are tho biggest -.lixtures I've scon. "Their aio'fctc is: "Tho r.'iore \rc study, tho Vopre^ ■i:e no tho .laoro v;c fOrget, the lsrjs.oU no so . v/hj^ s-tudy-'-t h.ll?" U can readily see why I'm asking for a newg motto to guide my pupils to tho higher realms of knov/ledge. Ah'm still scientific PLAMK, could be log, bored, COi'I' T- FROM PAGE 5 ture of that day will be the dinnei' and business meeting- which i'ollovjs. We hope all of the Adumnae will,plan now; to be wdth us at the next Home coming and Founders Day, October 31, 1942. ' We '.'/are all glad to se«-- so-iwfiny Al- ■amna.e, 32 .in. a.ll, back in Montreat during the past .month but our person al listing vdll have to come out in another issue. COH'T FROM PAGE 1 > Baskets of food and clothing for needy families are being prepared by the Junior High School Class, the Freshman High ‘School Class, and Senior College Gla.SS Ho. 2. "A Merry Christmas and a .Happy Hew Year," from the staff and sponsors of’ you r paper. Hold our Montreat ideals, high during your vacation i .