DIALETTE Published by the Students of Montreat College MONTREAT, N. C., DECEMBER, 1943 Sunday School Class Thanksgiving Projects At a very beautiful and impressive ceremony, the Sunday School classes presented their Thanksgiving projects immediately following the Y. P. C. pro gram on Sunday night, November 21. Everyone had a part in preparing these gifts, and it makes us ah happy to be able to help someone at the Thanks giving season. As the president of each college class called the' number of her class, she asked the class to stand as she present ed the gifts. All of the college Sunday School classes sent their gifts to the Black Mountain Orphanage. Senior College Class number one gave as their gift two pecks of apples and a peck of oranges, while the Senior College Class number two presented the orphanage with a basket of orang es. Junior Sunday School Class num ber one presented two boxes of stick candy which also was to aid in making the children of the orphanage happy, and Junior Class number two gave them a large box of mixed fruits. As there was to be a Thanksgiving ban quet at the orphanage, Junior Class number three made favors of chewing gum and candy. The Senior High School Class sent a Thanksgiving box to Sonny, the lit tle crippled colored boy whom this class “adopted” when they were Fresh men. The Sophomore High School Class number one and Freshman High number two have presented magazine subscriptions for use in the Infirmary. Junior High School Class number two is trying to get bed lamps for the In firmary, and if this is not possible, this class is also going to subscribe to a magazine for the Infirmary. Sophomore High School Class num- , ber two is giving as its gift carol books, coloring books, crayons, and other ma terials to the primary department of a newly organized chapel in Valdosta, Georgia. We are glad that we could also help our own Montreat College at Thanks giving. Let us all thank our Maker, who was the perfect gift sent from above, that we could help to make someone happy by giving and remem ber that “it is more blessed to give than to receive.” I^ememlyer ? September 7—We all gathered in Fellowship tonite, singing and meeting more new people. We missed a lot of last year’s girls, but think the new ones will soon fill their places. September 8—^The Sun Dial Staff welcomed old and new girls tonite by a supper hike. The College students went to the waterfalls, while the High School hiked to the gate. September 9—The Y. P. C. Coun cils entertained College and High School students tonite on Winsboro Porch and at the Rec. Hall. .September 10—Tonite was a perfect ly beautiful moonlight nite. ^ We stumbled over rocks and sang “Pistol- Packin’ Mama” all the way to the top of Lookout, where we built a fire, sang, and looked down on the lights of Mon treat. September 11—We dressed in even ing clothes tonite and went to the re ception at the Inn, where everybody met everybody else formally. September 18—A lot of talent was uncovered tonite. It won’t be a dull year with girls like this to keep things jumpin’. September 25—The Athletic Board provided fun for all with folk dances, games, and all sorts of songs. September 26—Dr. Caldwell preach ed his last sermon today. He will leave Montreat soon for Atlanta. Ev en the new girls have already learned to love him as the old ones do. October 2—Mrs. Adams gave a spe cial concert for the students tonite. She played selections by old masters and contemporary composers, as well as some of her own compositions. October 9—Soccer season really got -under.way with a nite soccer game by teams composed of old girls. A big crowd turned out to cheer for the Blue and Gold teams. October 21—Tennis season reacliecl a climax today when Ethel Herring and “Honey” DuRant walked off with the championship. October 30—Everybody sat up in chapel this morning when Mrs. Adams’ young weekend guest from South Caro lina tickled the piano keys. She in spired the music pupils to practice (Continued on Page 4) Christmas Programs And Celebrations The annual Christmas pageant will be presented Sunday night, December 12, in Gaither Chapel. The Women’s .A.uxiliary of the Church,’ instead of having their regular monthly program, will join with the school for the pag eant. The Pioneers, the High School Y. P. C., and the College Y. P. C. will rake part. The title of this year’s pageant is “Christmas Pilgrims” and will be di rected by Miss Hoyt. It is the story of the birth of Christ and its present day application to our lives. The special music will be directed by Miss Wood- house and Miss Lord. The program promises to be beautiful and inspiring. The cast includes the following: readers, Barbara Stephenson and Mabel Lee Wells; in the pantomine, Ruth Wood Fields will act as Mary, and Frances DeLamar as Joseph. The Shepherds will be Joan Hobbins, Mary •A.nn Huddleston, Betty Edwards, Margaret Wilkes, and Mary Ashley Avant. Wanda Jacobs, Vivian Ed wards, Virginia Kettell, Eleanor Huske, Betty Powell, and Margaret Hunter will be the angels. The Wise Men will be Anne Smith, Pat King, and Carolyn Ash. At this time, too, the Joy Gift offer ing for the Ministerial Relief Fund will be taken. Wednesday night, December 8, the choir and glee clubs presented their annual program of Christmas music. This took the place of the Wednesday night prayer meeting. I'he program opened with “Glory to God in the Highest,” by Mrs. Cros by Adams. Following this, the Choir sang a group of three selections, in cluding two Slovac carols, “Song of the Angels,” and “Christmas Cradle Song,” by Prokaff. ■ The Glee Clubs then sang a group consisting of “0 Holy Night,” “Come With Torch es,” “While by My Sheep,” “jesu Bambino,” by Pietro Yon, and “An gels and the Shepherds.” Both the Glee Clubs and the Choir sang selections from the “Messiah” including “The Glory of the Lord.” Two solos were sung — “He Shall (Continued on Page 2) I i I 1