n A ! u A L_ 7ol. 12, No. 7 . U :L-. -MOUTREAT COLLEGE c 4 n.. ■ i-i g ■ WILLLEA'D ' -.Apzil„l5,.. 19_47. L„ lU HP l\ V H I™ happened 1 ^ Booause;,Qf ■' ill health our printer '-in Black Mp-unboan^ Mr„ Cupninghoia^' had to’-give up. his ■work. For thi.s reason, ' this tissue of the Dialette could not he ,pointed„ Me hope to have . things in > linp by next■ month and a fing last, j issue of the .paper for you. DOT JEAN»S PECITAL ■' ■ On April 12, at 8>00 p.m.. Montreat Chlie'ge presented Miss Dorothy Jean - ■ •Sandefer in her Oenior Recital, assisted by-Miss Ida Lou Gibson, Soprano. ' '' Miss Spndefer’S- brunette beauty vms set off b-y ,an . ice-blue satin govm. Her fio^TOrs were,pink roses. Miss Gibson' vm-s'becomingly attired" in black and white. Her flowers were red.carnations. " The fi.rst par-t of the' program con sisted, of. "Prelude in*E flat Minor" by Bach and "Sonata Patheti'que, Op. 13", "Grave-Allegro de Malto", "Adagio Can- tabile", and "Allegro" by Beethoven, During the.intermission,, a large basket of -yaried fl'ov/ers waS; pres,ented Miss'Sarfdefer and red roses were given to Mrs'S Lord, ’■ •’ The" second part of the p'rogram xvas ■■ three* solos by Miss Ida Lou .Gii)son,. ' Si'prano, "Alleluia", by •'Mozart, "The';',. L’xttle Shepherd Song" by Watts," andi■ '■ "The Bliie 'Danube", by Strauss-Li ebling, *The 'last part of the program consis ted of "Polanaise in C sharp Minor" by G‘. ,.r-pin, "Liebestraim?' bj/- Li-szt,''"’'Rondo Gapriccioso'.'tby Mendelssohn-Beach,"From ■ a Log 'Cabin" ;and "Hvingarian" by MacDov/ell RODRIAil On Tuesda;9- high-t, ;April 8,''the nev; . Cabinet' for 'the coming .yean vr&s' in- , .staJL.l.ed, '■■ Joa''n 'Rodr'iap .of, Hluefield, .jfest Virginia’, a^-junior end house-pres, of Fellov^ship, v.rill^ servo- as student body-..president next .year. Succeeding Dorothy Je'aii Sandefer in this - office, she will preside over meetings of the Cabinet and lead s-tudent. government on the campus,* ' . , . ■ Ifforking v/itH her e^s .vioe-prebident iS; Helen'Cassell of Roanoke, Virginia, This year Hel'en' has been a hoUse-pres. in the Inn, . Jo-Anno'-Heizer‘of Ravtlings, Virginia, was elected 'president .of. the College Ath],ea-bo-Board,_''She .ViT^s. on the Board this year 'and vras' also chairman of the Spiritual L^fe Group. Our.’noiT- editor_,i]or th.o. Staff of Student Publications is Mabel Lee Yfells of Cynthiana, Kentucky. She has had expoi’ience on both the Cabinet and the Staff_, having been Secretary of the Cabinet -bhis year and-.Bditor-in-Chief of the; S., P. Si in ber-'sophomore year, Gladys Goodman of Mooresville, North Carolina, is the new president of the .College Christian .Yo.uth Fellowship., "She held this same office in her sopho more year, - ’ ■ The house-presidents, for next year are:.- .Ruby Brotming,. Qarey. Lee Pratt, and Mary Katherine Yfopd* . Ruby and J.'Ir.ry Katherine are serving on-the second and third floore. of the Inn, respectively, Carey Lee. is* at Fellowship. . , . - • sj«5}« >|o5c :Jc . ' 'Wfjion you 'ha-te' nothing to say, say - nothing. —'C'i' C,’Colton