EXTRA Vol, 2,-No. 3 Montreat-Anderson College October 11, 1965 MONTREAT:HO Montreat Normal .School for Young Women was opened in 1916 by the Rev. R, C. Anderson. The purpose, as stated by the first cata log, was "to prepare Bible taught and well trained teachers for the sub-col legiate church and mission schools." The campus of the Nor mal School must have seemed -bare compared to today's campus. The dam was newly constructed and Anderson Auditorium had not been built. Montreat Hotel, on what Is now the site of Assembly Inn, ser ved as ,doxT7iitory and class rooms. If we are wildly happy if we have matching bed spreads and curtains, what did the first Mon treat girls think about electrically lighted rooms? Have I heard grum bles when one book is not in this library? There were only 3,000 volumes in the Cora A, Stone Memoilal Library. Don't you wish the tuition and board were the same today? Board, in cluding room rent, heating and electric lights.- $90. Tuition for the term -i$3$. Total - $123. See HISTORY, page two. BIG FUTURE AHEADi MONTREAT TO GROW AND GROW Montreat•has grown during the last- fifty; years to a student body of approximately $00, but this last figure is not the end. Authorities expect the en rollment of Montreat - Anderson to increase annually until 1970, when the nunber of students is predicted to be approximately 1000. To accommodate the in creasing enrollment, there are many prospective plans for enlarging our campus facilities. Fellow ship Hall is to be renovated. An addition to the gymnasium, a new athletic field, and an amphitheater are included in the projects to be completed in the near future. How will these elaborate plans be sponsored fi nancially? The earned income of the college tuition fees, endowment interest, etc. - does not produce enough revenue for this purpose. Therefore, as in past years, the Current Funds Operation Campaign will be attempting to raise money, to insure the continued accreditation of Montreat-Anderson, to con trol faculty salaries in order to maintain a high quality of instruction, -to liquidate ooeratiny ex penses of past years, and to finance the proposed improvements and expansion of Montreat-Anderson. _It is evident that an especially intensive fund raising campaign will be necessary tliis year. The students of Montreat-Anderson College are encouraged to participate in the program by contributing their dollars during the Loyalty Fund Drive in February Only if the public sees that the alumni and students themselves are interested in the future of Montreat- Anderson will there be a successful money - raisint? campaign in the, community and bright future prospects for our college campus. ^ °