Vol. 1, No. 5 MONTREAT-ANDERSON COLLEGE November 13, 1965 NEW CLUB IN FULL SWING The Conservation Club of Montreat has been doing quite well on its projects and has more in store. At least twelve projects have been' planned with four of them carried out as of now. These four projects have encompassed a total of over 150 man hours» with both men and women participating. There will be even more projects in the near future which range from fixing a beauty spot at Moore Center to the building of fish dams, as well as a program for the Montreat Garden Club. Speaking of fish dams, and fishing, Mr. Andrews has asked us to tell you that a good many people , have been fishing here at . Montreat without a fishing I permit. This is illegal. You MUST have a Montreat ■ fishing permit in order to fish here. These permits i may be purchased at the Conference Office at Assem- I bly Inn and ' the grocery store. The Conservation Club is organized for the "Express purpose of enjoying to the fullest the ratural resour ces of streamsani woodland and wildlife in Montreat." ■ By accomplishing this and other purposesard projects the club may become one of the biggest and most help ful clubs on campus. But you are needed. The fee for the club is $2.00. If you are interested,you are in vited to join the club. Girls are especially invit- ed to join. SUNDA'^ SUPPER HUGE SUCCESS Last Sunday night , No vember 7, our Freshmen were "adopted" by many kind families of the Mon treat community for a real evening of home life. Most of the evenings began with frightened freshmen trying in vain to remember the names of their host and trying not to look scared. But as the evening progressed and the aroma of good home cooking permeated the atmosphere the freshmen realized that they must be in a frien'dly land. The evening meal was followed by more informal conversation and as our comfortably stuffed fresh men walked haok to their "homes," they knew that Montreat was niore than just a college. MEN HARD AT WORK BEAUTIFY- ■COLLEGE :EALL. ' A limited number of back issues of " The Dialette "• are -avai lable; b.,y simply contacting Frances Webb. CHESS ANYONE? The Adams family for mally challenges any and all members of the .Student body to defend the name of their respective dorms in a chess tournament begin ning Sunday, November 14, at 2 p.m. in Moore Center. It should be emphasized that the dorm with the greatest number of repre sentatives has the better chance of winning. (We feel we should also tell you that the Adams family really doesn't have any extra good p;1ayers'and the reason they said "chal lenge" is to scare every body else away so they could have the prize for themselves!)