IHB CMUei^ VOL. I, NO. 6 NOVEMBER I, 1968 MONTREAT-ANDERSON COLLEGE Jacques Loussier The Jacques Loussier Trio will be playing at Montreat-Anderson College Saturday, November 9th. As the follow'ng details indicate, we will be highly privileged to have musicians of such competence, experience, and reputation, performing in our midst. JACQUES LOUSSIER, the leader of the group, was born in Angers in 1934. He entered the Paris Conservatory of Mus'c at fifteen and ranked first out of five hundred candidates. In 1959, Loussier became intrigued with the idea of playing Bach in jazz. He chose two renowned French jazzmen, Christian Garros on drums and Pierre MIchelot on bass, as partners and PLAY BACH was launched. Jacques Loussier's original jazz interpretations gave a new intricate dimension to the music of Johann Sebastian Bach and brought the group instantaneous acclaim abroad. $1.00 DISCOUNT ON ALL TICKETS FOR MAC STUDENTS - premarital SEX. WHAT ABOUT IT? A panel consisting of Grace Mitchell, Red Alderman, Charles Lance and Blanche Morrison will discuss the Issues and deal with questions. Fellowship Hall, Sunday night. 7:00 P.M. Sponsored by the S. C. A. Winner of the coveted Grand Prix du Disque, with well over one million records sold ‘n Europe (five releases on London Records), PLAY BACH now makes its long-awaited Premiere American Tour. RERRE MICHELOT is incontestably the outstanding European specialist of his instrument. He has been selected as leading bassist by the readers of "Jazz Hot" since 1952. The Jazz Academy of Par's officially recognized him as such by awarding him the Django Reinhardt Pr^ze In 1962. CHRISTIAN GARROS began his musical career in the Quintette of the "Hot Club de France" w'th Django Reinhardt. Garros played for the "Birdland" tour wYh Miles Davis and Lester Young, and acted as accompanist for Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong. He is presently also a member of the "Paris Jazz Trio" and for the last several years, has been ranked first as a jazz drummer by the readers of "Jazz Hot", a leading French jazz publication. COMING EVENTS by Jill Wolff The calendar rolls on toward new excitement with the coming appearance of the Jacque Loussier Trio. They are classical Bach Jazz Musicians whose skills are reported elsewhere In this issue. Th’s attraction is scheduled for Ncvember 9th at 8:00 In Anderson Auditorium. T’ckets can be bought within the coming week and group rates may be establ’shed. Our English Department has taken a swing from the sedate to the unusual. Janus Films presents the New Cinema. These are films ranging In length from 5 to 30 m'nutes which are to be sponsored by the English Department. We are to receive our first 2 hour program within the next few weeks. These films, previewed at the ACU-I Convention, have had several sell-out performances from Los Angeles to London . Sharing in this new program with us will be Warren Wilson College and Asheville Biltmore College. Since fall is well underway. It seems only appropriate that we should have Fall Frolic, November 23. We will have plenty of Soul Inc., our dance band for the planned festivities. ba>llots With elections only days away, our roving reporters asked several elig'ble voters for whom they would vote and why. Miss Hoyt: Humphrey "His beliefs in the Civil Rights Bill, particular laws, liberal policies, a fair deal to the Negroes and all classes. " Miss Tyler: Nixon "Because we need a change of administration. He has the most experience." Fred Greene: Nixon "I would vote for Wallace, but I would be afraid that It would slip Humphrey through, so I will vote for Nixon. " Miss Stone: Humphrey "I look for a man who makes his program known and can be relied on to follow through; I don't want a man who doesn't make his views on any subject public." Mr. Fbrks: Nixon "Experience" Caesar Sanchez; Wallace "He has all the characteristics to become a good president." And non-voters had this to say. Sam Giltner: Wallace "I can't buy Humphrey's background. Nixon is not pulling for the common man. That leaves Wallace." Maray Greemore: Humphrey "He is the only one that can be any good for the country. Best record, most intelligence, h'sownman." Tom Poe and Scott Van Hensbergen: Nixon "He's the only one who can save us." Bob Burgess; Wallace "The country needs a big change." Janet Osterman: Humphrey "He is for the people. Humphrey has a cause. " Judy Wynes: Nixon "He promises to bring the Viet Nam war to a close. " Gene Fuller: Wallace I think he can end riots and looting. I think he can handle the situation In Vietnam and get Congress on the move." Harvey Davis: Humphrey "He can bring peace to the nat'on through strong legislation. He is a strong and capable leader." Ronald Brigham: Humphrey "Because of his stand on civil rights."