X:‘^’ >V- A, ty's ’'.'i SPORTS ‘Soccer PUiyerf~ Speak Out After losing their third game in a row, the members of the MAC Soccer team ^^Ed^^e Bla^n^ard: “The morale of the team is pretty low for several reasons: 1.3 defeats and 2) loss of players due to injuries of individual talent, but wefe still learning as a team. Warren Wilson Collegj which has a nationally ranked soccer team, canceUed out i" . "is Past Tuesday^ game as well as the one for Homecoming. Coach Wilhelmi is presently working on Homecoming.’ . fho 77 7R vpar John Bassett: “I believe that the soccer team at Montreat for the 77-78 year possesses a lot of talent which through structured practicp and sup^rtive work ccould be developed into a well bred team. The talent of the team Pl"S the spirit of the players makes it a pleasure to play our games, although we have ^°Carl H^/on: “Compared to last year we have a lot of talent on the team, but as Eddie said ‘the morale on the team is pretty low. Thatfe a rnain factor right there, that because of this, we arenl playing to our utmost. All we n^ed is to Gree Green: “Soccer at Mon treat has a great deal of ^tential, but the sport is young and a lot of people want to seel it flourish. Being a tw^year college we are Umited in our formation of a team that can compete with surrounding teams. Itn looking forward to seeing Montreat truly place more time and funds into marking the program more extensive.’ Joe Peoples: “We are able to work well together and build each other up when mistakes might occur. Team spirit is a very important key to success, and I feel that if we develop a good attitude,we will have greater success in ^^Jack^Vdwards: “The college needs to build the soccer program by recruiting soccer players to the school, just as they do in baseball and '^^Van^Snegay: “I think the attitude for the first couple of games and preseason was great, but after three defeats some of the enthusiasm had gone! October 7, 1977 in g -if ■■ f f pnoto Dy Ken Lakin VAN KORNEGAY DELIBERATES OVER HIS NEXT MOVE IN A RECENT SCOCCER GAME. ^ , , , Since the team is now under a club status there seems to be a lack of com mitment or discipline that an atheletic team needs in order to win. In the future when the club elects a captain, since it will no longer be under a coachs jurisdiction, they will have to pick someone whom they all look up to, who takes total command of the team and to whose discipline they will sul^it. Discipline is the key for any team to win. You have to have someone who is continually pushing, driving, encouraging, and forcing you past what you think your physical capabilities are. Not only will each individual athelete benefit from this, but the spirit of the team will also improve.’ Steve Foley: “I can tell that things are beginning to come together because during the game one of our biggest problems is that we are keeping the ball at the opponets end of the field,, but are felling to score. I feel the law of averages will balance out eventually and well start scoring and winning. Another big problem wehe facing is the small turnout by students to the games. Some^ students may say ‘Well if the team would win a game wed come see them play. On the contrary, I feel that if the students would show enough interest in us we would be fired up to the point of winning-FOR THEM P CLASSIFIED ADS THEYRE ALL WEH WHAT DO YOU EXPECT FROM A WATER FIGHT? Attention Guys Stunt men needed now! To help MAC Cheerleaders If interested, and I’m sure you are, contact Wanda Brooks In Ma-Hall FOR SALE: Homecoming Flowers - See Carl Hanlon for .cor sages and bouteneers from Black Mountain Floral in Davis, rm. 108. Low prices! FOR SALE: Solid black 1975 Chevelle “Malibu Classic! 26,000 miles. Real sharp. DaterS special! Craig 8-track stereo deck, 2 Jensen speakers. See Leander Logan, Howerton rm. 314. FOR SALE: T-3000 tennis racket. Complete with lessons. See Chad Kapfhamer, Davis 120. WANTED: Heat for our dorm. Everyone in Davis! date for Homecoming. Mease hurry for I am in dire need! Earl Zelswick WANTED: Food!! 3-D is about to kill me. Barron Scar borough. ATTENTION: Looking for a ride to Charlottesville, Va. on the 19th of October. A ride to an area within an hour or two bus ride is o.k.. Contact Sue Sibley, Mcgr?gor 107. ANYONE: going near N.W. Georgia fall break please contact James Bernard, Howerton 315. Will help with gas and driving. ANYONE: going near West Palm Beach (or within 2 hrs.) for fall break please contact Becky Rose, MAHall 208 or leave a note. 10% on. J \ CLOTHXAiO \ lo*f West s+. B\qcK Mov/ntain P\\onQt off ot\ aii cUtWiiv^ +o^AC OfoOtr X* D 5;t\JQ£.K;T^ W«tW-