Pag^ 4, December 15, 1977 Royalties May End Free Music (Taken from Elon College Student Neswpaper) Free music may be about to end at colleges and universities. Royalties amounting to several million dollars a year are about to begin. On Jan. 1, the federal copyright law will no longer exempt in stitutions of higher education from payment of royalties for music played on campuses. College of ficials are hiring lawyers who are experts in music copyright law and negotiating with powerful music licensing organizations. During November all groups will be trying to agree on a model licensing policy to cover all types of non-exempt musical performances on campuses. Each college could then adopt the nationally negotiated form of agreement and spare themselves time and expense of separate negotiations with music licensing agencies. Gary English, executive director of the National Entertainment and Campus Activities Association, said the impact could be “devastating’ ’ because the change takes effect in the middle of the college year, and budgets do not include music royalty money. English said he believes licensing fees might be as high as half the total budget of student-activities boards. A lot of musicians will be out of work, he forecast, and a lot of concert schedules will be reduced. Almost all royalty payments are made to one or three organizations which represent composers and publishers who own copyrights: The American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers ( ASCAP); Broadcast Music, Inc. (M.M.I.); or SESAC, Inc. Since a college cannot know whose music may be per formed in advance, it may have to pay license fees to all agencies. The alternatives are not at tractive: a $250 minimum fine for performances that are unlicensed; or a music diet of Stephen Foster and older works on which the 75-year copyright has expired. Clearly exempt under the revised law is music played within a non profit educational institution by an instructor or students in the teaching of music otherwise , a musical perf ormance will oe exempt Salt Lake City, Utah (I.P.)-A new regulation at the University of Utah may be one of the first moves of its kind in the country to help “cool off some of the high grading practices^’ according to Dr. Pete D. Gardner, vice president for academic affairs. Beginning with the current quarter, letter grades on student transcripts will be followed by the average grade all students received in the class. It will be a numerical equivalent based on a four-point scale and will appear on both the report card and transcript. “This is not a mechanism for solving the problem, but a step in that directioni’says Dr. Gardner. “The grade which prospective employers or professional school admission committees are seeing on a student’s transcript is not an ac curate measure of his achievement’ The new procedure - recommended by the University Senate - will better reflect a student’s scholastic ability. It will allow students to evaluate their relative performance realistically, and also will be of value to honor societies, seriously concerned with academic achievement. But the vice president believes the real impact of the new regulations will be felt in the graduate schools where entrance requirements are highly com-' petitive. if there is not direct or indirect admission charge, or if there is one, all proceeds go to educational, religious, or charitable purposes. Or there is no direct or indirect com mercial advantage and no payment of any fee or other compensation for the performance to any performer, promoter or organizer. Several organizations of higher education are suggesting that student groups sign no agreements with licensing agencies until after the outcome of the national negotiations. Institutions should have legal advice before they act, these organizations also say. Student Aid Not Countering Rising Costs Washington, D.C. - (I.P.) - While student aid programs are important, “as^ currently designed”they are not “an effective counter to rising student costs” and if not modified, “may become counterproductiveVaccording to Allan W. Ostar, executive director of the American Asscxiiation of State Colleges and Universities. ^ j ^ *.u r> • Among the reasons for needed changes, Ostar noted that the D^sic Educational Opportunity Grant program “induces states to raise tuition ”in order to “capture”more federal funds; and creates a false set of expectations. He also noted that, “present student aid practices are turning educational access into a system of bureaucratic maladies and of potential abuses similar to those that characterize our present welfare program’ ’ Ostar cited the growing default rate on loans and the increasing number of enforcement of ficers needed by the Office of Education as evidence of the welfare mentality that is beginning to invade higher education policy. As steps in a policy to achieve equal access, Ostar recommended elimination of incentives in federal aid programs for states to raise tuitions; and a maintenance of effort clause for federal aid programs which would prohibit states from reducing their effort on behalfof education. He also recommended the creation of a new “Tuition Cap Program wh(»e funds would be used to keep tuitions from increasing.” Ostar said the funcls could be distributed to public and private institutions on a perstudent basis using an inflationary cast formula, most logically the Higher Education Price Index. High Grading Practices State Personnel Meeting Synopsis by C. Larry Wilson, Ph.D. Dean of Student Affairs In a recent meeting which four of our Montreat-Anderson College staff members attended, ther was one seminar on Student Values which I think warrents sharing. Three panelist presented viewpoints: a Chaplain and Religious Professor at Elon College, a Professor at Davidson College, and a Director of Students Activities from Chapel Hill. The opening discussion af firmed that student attitudes have greatly changed. Further, the unrest of the 60’s was attributed to breaking down of family patterns, crowding of students on the large university campuses, thechnology emphasis, and the war no one wanted (Vietnam). \ The concensus was that presently there is some unrest due to spiritual voids, too few jobs, lack of educational relevance, less socialization, and too much emphasis on instant success. Bible study and interest in eastern religions support the noticeable shift in attitude back to an identity with God. There seems to be renewed emphasis on friendships, respect for authority and ‘getting one’s self together!’ Students currently value group interaction (a sense of belonging), moral values, inquisitiveness, and a revived response to music, art, and culture. Students seem to want deeper and stronger roots and more than ever are searching for self-idsntity, spiritual truths, and resolution of current problems: political credibility, human inequities and suffering, pollution, energy conservation, and peace in the world. Whereas students previously were reactionary or ‘tuning out’the establish ment, it appears that the trend now is toward self development, i()b preparation, and search for answers to major problems. Further simpliPed, it can be said there has been a shift to internalizing or ‘centering’on self, others and society in general. Certain of the remaining problems surrounding student values are: com munal groups, living together outside marriage, hedonism, alcohol and drugs, broken families, and uncertainty of the future. These were just the mam issues discussed by the panel and members of the group. There was general agreement that on our campuses, in North Carolina at least, there was a spirit of optimipm, cooperation, respect, and a greater appreciation for things of true value. What Other Students Are Reading. • MAC reading on campuses 1. Your Erroneous Zones, by Wayne W. Dyer 2. Passages, by Gail Sheehy 3. The Silmarillion, by J.R.R. Tolkien 4. Trinity, by Lion Uris 5. All Things Wise and Wonderful, by James Herriot 6. The Grass is Always Greener over the Slelptic Tank, by Erma Bombeck 7. Star Wars, by George Lucas 8. Roots, by Alex Haley 9. The Lincoln Conspiracy, by Daved Balsiger, et al. y 10. The Dragons of Eden, by Carl Sagan The Chronicle of Higher Education’s list of best-selling books on college campuses was compiled from information supplied by stores serving numerous U.S. campuses.