Ifie c5\letheia VOLUME 11 NO. 5 MONTREAT-ANDERSON FEBRUARY 8. 1988 There's Trouble. But Who Cares? GREG FERRELL There Is trouble in Israel. You know that if, recently, you've picked up a newspaper or caught Dan Rather on the nightly news round up, Talk about dirty laundry. The statistics are: twenty-nine Palestinians dead and 1,000 in jail, some possibly on the way to deportation. Who cares? isn't this a lot like the sports page where you pick and chose which scores are Important and which are not? It's only Important if your favorite team is playing. In this case you'd have to be an Israeli Jew fan or pull for the West Bank Arabs. These aren't ball scores and it ain't no game. There is a civil war going on in the Holy Land. Remember, this is the former home of many great men of history. Who cares? Well, to be sure, there are at least two Palestinian families that are concerned. Last week, as Newsweek magazine reported; an Isreali soldier shot a young woman hanging out laundry. Also last week, according to the New York Times, another of the rebels was shot and killed. The Arab terrorist was 10 years old. The violence, in no way, is completely isolated against the Palestinians, The Palestine Liberation Army has seen to that in the past, through acts of terrorism, Jews are afraid to walk the streets of Isreali cities after the stabbing that took place in the old city of Jerusalem recently. The villlan is not defined In Isreal as simply as a villlan is defined in the last episode of the A-Team. Who is right. Who is wrong? This is not the issue. There is no black and white. If you believe there is— either stop reading or suspend support of your team long enough to place yourself in the shoes of the other team. As Christians, we are not called on to love one another according to a stringent set of guidelines and criteria. Christ told us to love our enemies, whether they are Redskins, Broncos, Jews or Palestinians. Let's pray for all the people In the land where our Lord once lived. Sex Talks to Result in Shorter Classes It Again GREG FERREU Sex will be the topic in a series of sermons called the "Staley Distinguished Christian Scholar Lecture Program." This program is featured at Montreat-Anderson and at other colleges throughout the United States. It 'was started In 1969 by the Thomas F. Staley Foundation of New York. The purpose of these events is to communicate the gospel to the nation's college students. They are also open to the public. The speaker will be Stephen A. Hayner, He is the vice president for Student Affairs at Seattle Pacific University, He holds degrees from various American Universities and a Ph.D. from Scotland. Dr. Hayner has v^orked many different areas of Christian service. He is a friend of Dean McDov;e11 and was one of the ministers that officiated at the Dean's wedding in 1984 Dr, Hayner is married and has two children. The meetings will take place Monday February 15 at 10:00 A,M, and 7:00 P.M., Tuesday the 16th at 10:00 A.M, and 7:00 P.M, and and conclude with the 10:00 A.M, chapel on Wednesday the I7th, Things ‘will be complicated on the Monday Schedule, Here's how it will be for Monday. con't on pg.fc WE GOT SPIRIT, YES WE DO! NANCY NICHOLS This year’s M-AC basketball team, as most of you know, has been one of the best ever, if not M best ever! The team's opening games were exciting but it seems as if with every game the players get more excited about the fans and the fans get more excited about the players. Beating the 7th ranked team in the nation last semester and winnng the Little Brown Jug tournament has only increased the affection for the team on the part of the fans. Last week, the cheerleaders Invited the college to a special dinner for the team in the cafeteria and are planning to do the same for the girls team. The dinner was a success. One of the cheerleaders commented that she couldn’t believe how much the guys ate. She also ,^id the team "loved having us wait on themrend everyone just had a blast!" ■ ' ■ I don't want to overlook the girls basketball team either. .Sometimes it seems as if they don't get' as much support or recognition. I think though. that all their efforts have also added to a heightened level of school spirit. I think the most recognizable attribute that both our teams have though is their great sportsmanship. When I see one of our guys or girls helping an opponent up off the floor, that's when I want to stand up and cheer the most. Thanks to both the teams and all the fans lor making this basketball season a great success. Has America Been “Reganized"? scon RUSSO Unfortunately, I believe that the American public has indeed been Reganized. And I think it will have a profound effect on the upcoming election as a result. However, before I go any farther, I should first clearly define just what I mean by "Reganized". I believe Ted Koppel put it best by coining the phrase "Vannanized" in a speech he made before the graduating class at Duke University last May. He defines it as follows; "When the American people praise someone when we can't honestly decide what it is they do, but we know that they do it right." While he will not commit this theory directly to President Reagan, I have this feeling “Vannanized" was once "Reganized". The name was, changed to protect the- Innocent, or in Reagan's case, the clueless. After all, Vanna White can not provide the retribution against Koppel that the Regan administration could. As I sit at night and watch the news, this theory becomes more evident. Of the thirteen Presidential candidates on either side, only three are adequately qualified to fill the office of President effectively. Bush and Dole for the Republican party and Gary Hart for the Democrats. But like previous Presidential elections, it is not the issues that will decide who wins the election. It's the person who comes off better in front of the camera. con’t on pg. 7