!Pq0e ‘Two, ‘Tht Jifetheia National Briefs Statesmen Gonvicted-The jury of a federal district coijrt de liberated ditiy 90 rninutes be fore returning the verdict for S.C. EJembcratic State Repre sentatives BJ,: Gordon and Larry Blanding. The repfer sentatiyes Were convicted of bribery and drug charges as a result of a videotape showing the representatives accepting cash filled envelopes from a gov'tinfornlier in exchange for their support of a bill that would have legalized horse and dog racing in the state of South Carolina. These Repre- ^ntatiyeswere amongl41egi islators; and 6 lobbyists in dicted oh either drug or brib ery charges as a result of the. F.B.l. investigation. Operation Lost Trust. Science Update- Increased fish growth, up to 20-50%/ts the topic of study for Thomas Chen, biologist and professor of the Biology Sciences Depart ment at the University of Marytand-Baltimore. This; growth is promoted by genetic engineering which alters the genetic makeup of the fish and growth hormones. The fish are dipped in this liquid solu tion once a week for 4 weeks; Chen believes that increased growth is necessary in provid ing a larger sotirce of food, speeding fish growth to mar ket sizeat an accelerated rate, and to decrease the U.S. trade deficit for fish products, which stood at $4 billionin 19B9. The growth treatments have been successful in both rainbow trout and oysters^ Upcoming Trial-Pdmela Smart, 23, former teacher; in New Hampshire will go to trial for persuading her 16 yeardld lovertokill her husband. This case and trial has been highly publicized in the nation be cause of the situation and age of the alleged killers. Last May, husband Gregory Smart, 24, was shot in the head in his home located in Derry, New VHampshire. ^ Night of a Thousand Stars B)u Kim Sillman Business Manager The 33rd annual Grammy Awards extrava ganza took place on Thurs day, February 21st. The Awards were most definitely a success despite the contro versy surrounding them. The chief controversy started when Sinead O'Con nor, an Irish pop/alternative artist newcomer in the United States, boycotted the event despite her nonunation for four awards. Prior to the awards show, O'Connor appeared on various talk showsexplainingher feelings that materialistic gain is the solitary quality that the Grammy Awards encour ages. Never-the-less regard less of the fact that she did not show up, she did win the best alternative music perform ance award with her single "I DoNotWant What I Haven't Got." Another less noticed controversy was the boycott ing of the Gramm/s by rap group Public Enemy. The reason for this boycott was the fact that some rap Grammy Awards were pre- Police Rampage By: Shaimon Hodgins Assistant Editor Los Angeles-Police bru tality is being exploited fully as a result of a videotape which shows an Afro-Ameri can man, Rodney Glen King, being brutally beaten by po lice officers. IGng was shown on a two minute video tape being shot with a stun gun, kicked by surrounding offi cers and bludgeoned with billy clubs. This video tape also shows King pleading that the officers to stop, but to no avail. The attack left him with brain damage, internal bleeding, missing teeth and a broken ankle. King, out on parole after serving time for second degree robbery, is preparing a complaint and does plan to sue for damages. Newsweek dies informa tion that the American Civil Liberties Union receives "55 police-related complaints each week from black and hispanic citizens." Ramona Ripston of the ACLU states that "This is not an isolated incident. The difference this time is that we have the proof." L.A. Chief of Police Daryl Gates was also highly criticized by not condemning the patrolmen, but because of public opinion has changed his view on the case. He has asked the D.A. to prosecute the three officers who were shown beating King. Racism is another aspect of this case which has caught the atten tion of the nation. The videotape, extraor dinary evidence, was shot by George Holliday who just happened to be experiment ing with his new camcorder. This videotape has been shown on local and national news, contributing to public outrage at the beating of the helpless man. The three offi cers shown actively beating King face criminal charges, while charges have not yet been filed against the officers shown watching while the beating occurred. sented before the televised portion of the ceremony. Public Enemy felt that this was a racist action on the part of the Academy. However, many other awards given to musical artists of different religions and ethnic back grounds were also done so before the televised portions of the show. Quincy Jones, a multi talented artist who did attend the ceremony, did not go home empty handed. He won six awards this year, bringing -See "Grammies" on page 3- Night Light They (the guards) brought the sacred shrine out of the temple of Baal. They brought the sacred stone out of the temple of Baal and burned it. They de molished the sacred stone of Baal and tore down the temple of Baal, and the people have used it for a latrine to this day. -2Kings 10:26-7 Quotables No man is absolute lord of his life. --Owen Meredith It is easier to be gigantic than to be beautiful. “Nietzche Nietzche was stupid and abnormal. - Leo Tolstoy