^age 4, ITte i^letfieia CAMPUS NEWS Shakespeare Cont. from Page 1 to keep an edge on things, and so this play will please everyone all the more. As You Like It is just this play. As You Like It is one of Shakespeare’s most popu lar comedies and teils the story of the lovers Rosalind and Orlando who flee the city forthe pastoral setting of the forest of Arden, a place where physical beauty and tranquility of spirit replace the harshness of life at court, and where love flourishes. Withinthis iyrical and roman tic setting, Shakespeare in troduces some of his most brilliant and witty characters: Touchstone, the clown; the banished Duke Senior; the simpie country shepards, Phoebe and Silivius, and the melancholy phlosopher, Jacques, who observes that “all the world’s a stage.” The college is very ex cited about this first year production coming to Mon treat-Anderson College. [We encourage all students to come to the free production and encourage all faculty and staff to participate for only $6.00.] Memories Cont. From Pagel Coach Barrett urges the Cavaliers to victory against Toccoa Falls came near a close, bal- Overall, Homcoming loons filled with glittering was a great success. Many confetti were dropped new memories were made from the ceiling. and will last a lifetime. By Tara Paquette Staff Writer My body was totally suspended by the air; it took my breath away. The wind was so loud that I could barely hear any other sound. The force of the wind was pushing me higher, higher, then sud denly I lost my stability and in a split second I was falling. I tucked into a bal I and landed on the cush ion; it was a successful flight. Flyaway in Pigeon Forge, Tn. is an indoor Explosive Adventurers skydiving center. This was the first trip of the T- N-T Adventure Club this year. On Sept. 21 agroup of 17 people got a taste of what skydiving is like. The adventure club is rela tively new at Montreal. This is the second year and the interest is grow ing. The purpose of the club is to “allow students, fac ulty, and staff to partici pate in activities that will challenge them physi cally, intellectually, emo tionally, and spiritually.” To be a member of the adventure club you must do the following: attend 10 meetings (bi-weekly Wed. at 9:00 in the sci ence lecture hall), partici pate in 5 events during the 91-92 school year, take part in 2 service proj ects, and pay a $5 fee. For those interested, it is not too late to join. Some possible activi ties of the adventure club range from bike touring, canoeing, and camping to hangliding, cliff diving, and bungee jumping. There are relaxed as well as intense adventures com ing up this year; this al lows members to pick and choose which events they want to participate in. Soren Kierkegaard once said “to venture causes anxiety, but not to venture is to lose one’s self... and to venture in the highest is precisely to become conscious of one’s self.” This is what the adventure club is all about. This year Stuart Nan- ney is the President of the club; Trish Lewandowski is the Vice-President; and Catherine Martin is the secretary/treasurer. These student are doing an excellent job and are excited about the club. Stuart Nanney said “it is an excellent oppportunity to challenge oneself with new exciting activities and to experience life on the cutting edge.” This year the sponsor for the adventure club is “Mr. Daredevil himself”, the notorious Brad Daniel. He enjoys the activities as much or more than the students. He led a group on a 35 mile bike tour down the Blue Ridge Parkway a few weeks ago, and he will continue to be involved in the activities throughout the course of the year.