FROM THE EDITOR Hey, guys, Thanksgiving break is here! I knoAv I'm ready for it. After all of those pre-Thanksgiving big assignments, my cranium is sufficiently crammed. I intend to fully enjoy Thanksgiving break visiting my boyfriend, watching movies, maybe getting some Christmas shopping in... basically being as un-scholarly as possible for a week. Two little things: first, a note from SGA Secretary Mk Bellamy regarding last is sue's article on voting to move convoca tion and chapel times: "We did our first survey on a Tuesday night in the cafeteria and roughly 70% of students (50 out of 70) said 'yes' to the change. We wanted to get a larger sample so we had a vote after chapel but we rejected the results (roughly 35-40% said yes) because many of the people who said 'no' had fears about their classes conflicting with an immedi ate change. We realized we didn't give students enough info. In our student-to- student survey we asked students one more time and 65% of students said yes to the change." Secondly, Michelle Weeks sent me a note about Operation Christmas Child, a drive to collect toys and other small items to fill shoeboxes to distribute to needy children worldwide. "McGregor Hall hosted an Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Drive this year to sup port this ministry of Samaritan's Purse," Michelle wrote. "We promoted the event through fliers and information. Even a group of 6 students went shopping to gether for their shoe boxes. We collected 11 shoeboxes! Montreat Presbyterian Church is also hosting a shoebox drive with a goal of 200 boxes. We gave our boxes to support their drive. Thanks for everyone who participated!" As always, if you have stories or photos from Thanksgiving break that you'd like to share, feel free to send them in for publication in the Whetstone and/or on our website. Imari Scarbrough Editor ^Cjj/hctitonc ^onmit Cofftqt's Stv/nt ^eUi Writers Imari Scarbrough Jared Nielson Marta Hennigan Lucas Smith Dane Gomez Nathan Adams Caitlyn Chambers Staff Imari Scarbrough Heather Carr Kara Fohner Meredith Florence Photography: The Whetstone is published bi-weekly while school is in session. The views expressed in this pubiicatioD are not necessarily the views of Montreat College or its staff. All submissions become the property of The Whetstone. Funding for this paper is provided by or advertisers ant the Student Activities budgest .Please direct any questions or comments to the ditor in chief at mcwhet$ione® I I XhinK INTERESTED IN WRITING FOR THE WHETSTONES E-mail us and let us know. We’d love to have your voice represented! mewhetstone (S'gmail. com source: /Ty irony cron// so^ ono nuuv ^ PrH>crE 27:17 ^’{hf^fjetstone is afso onfine! Qcck it our at www.mcwloetstone. MDONFACEBM [Page 2 I November 17,20TT] Please direct any questions or comments about articles to the editor in chief at