Constructive Soldiers The officers and men of the nred.eal corps of the army appeal to „s esoee- tally by r«son of the fact that they are constructive soldiers. The "non- effective” is a liability to the organization. We note with great happiness the magnificent work being done by Col. Sheep and his official and enlisted personnel. It has and will be a source of pleasure to cooperate with them to the limit of our ability. Southern Public Utilities Co. (S' BELK BROTHERS ) headquarters for ANYTHING IN THE MILITARY LINE $25.00. $37.50, $39.50, $49 50 Sleeping Bags, 100 per cent.- Kopak ^°iO (in Pillows ’J'"' John B. Stetson Hats SO COME TO OUR STORE FOR ANYTHING YOU WANT YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME WHETHER YOU BUY OR NOT BELK BROTHERS 19 EAST TRADE ST., CHARLOTTE, N. C. & m- ;zl