“ • V'.: I ■yni—fin —- PRINTING ANYTHING FROM A VISITING CARD TO A NEWSPAPER For the World's News the Day it Happens GET PROMPT, COURTEOUS,, AND A SQUARE DEAL The Charlotte News News Printing House PHONE 1530 NEWS BLDG. Leased wire of the Associated Press with all Cable Connections OIIfarlnttT ICatm&rg DOES OUR WORK WHO DOES YOURS V Mecklenburg Amusement Company M. KIRSCHBAUM I LIBERTY PARK (2) Hardaway Hecht Co. Pocket Billiards and Pool Maker and Renovatorof H A"TB WHOLESALE GROCERS 32 Years' Experience 20 Years in Charlotte We Cater to The Soldiers ARMY HATS MADE TO ORDER I Make The Hat to Fit The Head We Renovate Hats and Caps 26 .West Trade Street PHONE 2536 ® (|) Cigars - Tobaccos PLone 60, First and | GKurcL Streets. t ■■ fV