f I J A PERTINENT QUESTION If all business were to be required to operate without profit whence would come the $33,000,000 per day the war is costing America? It must come from ■ Profits or Principal. Southern Public Utilities Co. Mecklenburg Amusement Company LIBERTY PARK Pocket Billiards and Pool Soldiers PHONE 1511 Cooke’s L. G. COOKE PROPRIETOR Specialists in Art Portrait ure hy Photography PHOTOGRAPHS made night or day OFFICE HOURS: 8.30 to 6 p. ra,, daily Wednesdays and Saturdays 8 p. m. Sundays by appointment only Corner North Tryon and Seventh Streets CHARLOTTE, N. C. News Printing House. Charlotte. N. C. Phones: 2311-2312 R- H. Field Co. WHOLESALE GROCERIES ^PRODUCE FRUITS VEGETABLES 216 South College Street CHARLOTTE, - N. C.