■ ■>*.•-* 4;Pr-;. THE CADUCEUS. OFFICER’S PAGE (BY LIEUT. WILLIAM L. MUNSON.) MAJOR RETURNS DON’T ASK US. SOLILOQUY. What a wonder is one’s memory. When we think it o’er, How in times of silent revery Through the past we soar; Things that once were of the morrow Now appeal' anew; Times of pleasure, pain and sorrow All come into view. BY P. A. S. CALLED HOME. CAPTAIN NELAN. APPOINTED% BACK AFTER STAY IN NORTH. Major .Joseph H. Way of kindly word and courteous mien, who left the base hospital the latter part of May under orders for study at the Rockefeller In stitute, New Y’ork, has returned to “his proper station” at the base. During his stay east he also enjoyed the priv ilege of a two weeks’ stay at the army school lor tuberculosis now being con ducted in the United States Military Ilc.siUal No. IG, New Haven,^Conn. His former patients in Ward B-4 missed the major greatly, he having as Captain Way had charge of this ward from the opening of the base in the summer of 1917 to the day of his departure on his recent trip. One of his first acts on his return was to visit some of his old patients scattered in different wards. In his larger field of operation Major Way will be brou.ght in contact with pa tients all over the base who will doubt less cherish for him that kindly ap preciation which made B-4 one of the popular wards of the baje. Lieutenants Algood and Collins have had cards printed reading, “No, we haven t heard anything,” and when it looks like some one were going to make inquiry concerning "54,” they pass out the cards. Lieutenant Algood is breaking in his boots after wark. JUST LAUGH. Captain Leonard Hart has been called to his home in Meridian, Miss., by the serious illness of his father. Captain Choate is at his home at Louisville, Ky., on a visit to his fam ily, which was recently enlarged by the advent of a baby girl. Mrs. Ellen and little son, Bruce, who have been visiting Capt. Cimero Ellen, have returned to their home. Captain Darling, Lieut, and Mrs. Wm. L. Munson motored to Columbia, S. C., last Sunday. Major Morris, who was operated upon some weeks ago, is now back to duty. Captain Strong is enjoying a ten days’ leave at his home in Nebraska. Lieutenant Hadley is on a fishing trip in the .Gulf of Mexico. Capt. Thomas J. Nelan has been made commanding oiricer of the de tachment of Base 54. The captain is especially well qualified for the posi tion, having received military training at both Forts Harrison and Oglethorpe training camps. Lieut. Minor, who trained at Oglethorpe, is assisting Captain Nelan. PRETTY FAIR ARMY. A company commander the other day wanted a stenographer and sent the “Top” to the personnel officer to look one up. One of the men who had registered as a stenographer was called in for an interview with the sergeant. “Can you take dictation?” he was asked. “A little,” said the man. “Can you run a typewriter?” said the “Top.” “Some,’’ replied the prospect. To try out the man the sergeant read from the M. M. D. several min utes and directed that it be put S;: letter form. The can sat down to the machine .and rattled it off like Pader ewski playing a sunrise song. The result was perfect in every re spect. “You’re a pretty good stenograph er,” said the “Top.” “What did you do before you came into the Army?” “Oh,” replied the man. “I was just Charles M. Schwab’s private secre tary.” I pause to remark, “Pretty Fair Army.” Captain Miller thought that he was a regular Muggsy McGraw until he took his “Tigers” out for a game with real ball players. Some how the story of a country boy who was made sec retary of war comes to mind. The great man was paying a visit to his home town after years of absence and was being driven from the station-to his hotel when he asked the man who was driving him; “What did the folks say when 1 was made Secretary of War?” The old driver replied: “They didn’t say nothing; they just laugh ed.” FORGOT “HALT!” Assistant Adjutant T.ieut. Allen has been quite upset over the loss of Phi- plio, a pet turtle which he wag tam ing. With less than ten days train ing the animal could do “facings” to perfection. Some one must have given the com mand “to the rear march” and forgot to say “Halt.” Captain Milliken hag returned from ten days’ vacation spent at his home in Portland, Maine. Captain Clarke is back from a visit of fifteen days in Chicago. WHEN THIRSTY DRINK Pepsi-Cola Orange Julip Charlotte Pepsi-Cola Company fiear end of Hoskins Car Line Fully Equipped Soda Fountain Cigars Cigarettes Tobacco KODAK WORK a specialty ^ ' l i: ' : ! m J'lj VI Hi I