K 14 THE CADUCEUS PHONE 1511 Cooke’s L. C. COOKE PROPRIETOR Specialists in Art Portrait ure by Photography PHOTOGRAPHS made night or day OFFICE HOURS: 8.30 to 6 p. m., daily Wednesdays and Saturdays 8 p. m. Sundays by appointment only CUPID’S Corner North Tryon and Seventh Streets CHARLOTTE, N. C. Southern Hardware Company CUTLERY AND ENAMELWARE MILITARY SUNDRIES PUTTEES AND LEGGINS Opposite Selwyn Hotel PHONE 253 ■ vi lir ■Mf/P'’ ";AMERAt> ' COLUMN SURE NOT. Dfar Ethyl: I amin somewlrat of a quandry and want to ask your advice, I am keep ing company with a young lady in Sev- ersville and she seems to think a whole lot of me. As I am somewhat bashful and would not like to do any thing to offend her, I have never tried to kiss her. Do you think she would be offended if I tried? BASHFUL. Dear Bashful; You certainly are in an ’awful stew. But there is hope tor you, Dear Boy, because all the girls I know in Severs- vUle seem to like to be kissed. TAKE A CHANCE. Dear Ethyl: Last week my Buddy and I went up to Greensboro and we met two swell Janes, up there. The one I was with chews snuff, now she is a very pretty Girl and I would like to know how to break her off of the habit, for it is too bad that she should have such a distasteful habit. Awaiting your reply I am Very truly yours, liUB McLUE'. Dear Luke: She must be a swell Jane if she chews snuff. About breaking her of the habit, I might suggest giving her a chew of Old Navy cut, or you might steal her snuff when she isn’t looking. The former might make her sick, and the latter might change her opinion of you, but it you like her enough to try and reform her, take a chance. GET SOAP , Paris—For delivery in the next three months the Y. M. C. A. has contracted for 1,800,000 bars soap to be used by soldiers in discouraging dirt and cooties. Most of the soap is for toilet purposes. ACTORS ENTERTAIN. New York—Twenty-eight famous American actors are on their, way un der Red Triangle auspices to keep bright American boys “over there.” They will also entertain in the hos pitals. HAS WORKED WELL LABOR OF HARRY HER2FIELD ARE APPRECIATED. Many of the good results accru ing to the men undergoing training in the Reconstruction department are due in nb small measure to the in valuable work being performed by Harry Herzfeld, Y. M. C. A. physical director. Mr. Herzfeld came to Camp Greene last may from Hartford, Conn. When he first arrived in Camp his assign ment was that of physical director in “Y” building No. 105. He spent the greater part of them late spring and early summer there but on the de parture of the two divisions of regu- alr troops from Camp he was trans ferred to the “Y” building at the Base Hospital. Mr. Herzfeld is a graduate of the Posse School of Gymnastics (.Bos ton:) the School of Physical Train ing Chattaqua, N. Y.’ and the Chalif Normal School of Dancing, New York. In his work at the Reconstruction Dept., here in the Base Hospital he has introduced new methods of in struction in circle ball passing, zig zag ball passing, dogde passing, bask et ball relays, volley ball relays, in door baseball and Swedish gymnas tics. The course of movements are graded day by day, varying in accord with the capacity of individual pa tients to take the exercises. We understand Mr. Herzfelds stay amongst us is to terminate about the middle of September. He intends re turning to Hartford Conn., to take up Public School work and re-organize his classes in aesthetic dancing—both of which pursuits he was engaged in before joining the ranks of the Y. M. C. A. The Stalf of the Reconstruction Dept., express their regrets at his de parture from our midst and wish him further success in his choosen line of work. —By SGT. P. J. COSGROOL. DOWNWARD TRIP. “Prom this place whither do we go?” The Crown Prince softly spoke. His father answered, “I don’t know. But I can smell the smoke. I know the climate will be hot Where we shall reach the goal, And there will be no shady spot Where I can Me extol. “The ice trust hasn’t got a friend Where you and I shall stop. A cooling drink we cannot blend. Or hear a wine cork pop, But, though to be the Lord of All I failed, and must atone. I’m plotting now Old Satan’s fall. For I have earned his throne.” Marcel A. Franck, INSURMOUNTABLE OBSTACLE. “I’d hate to be a hen,” said 4-year- old Charles, who was visiting in the country. “Why, dear,” askdd his grandma. “’Cause,” replied the little fellow, “I’d have to lay eggs and I don’t know' how.”—Exchange. ■J t i,. 4, i •• ■i