' *''• .'»■-«• «( i *rj'.'i ' J ■• T ‘ -i' ■ , >• THE CADUCEUS NOT ALTRUISM “WE FIGHT TO SAVE OURSELVES” STATES RECORD. America _ is fighting as one would battle against a mad man and will not quit until the issue of conquest is forever settled, is the attitude of the daily bulletin of The Manufac turer’s Record, which attacks the theory that we are fighting because of altruism, in the following readable article which was brought to the attention of The Caduceus by Lieut C. F. Harvey, Jr., Q. M. C. “No people ever went to war in a more altruistic spirit,” is a statement by Rev. J. B. Gambrell, one of the foremost religious leaders of the South, with which we decidedly take issue. Dr. Gambrell is wholly wrong. This country went to war from the selfish motive of saving itself from destruction; it went to war from ex actly the same reason, and no other, that a man tries to shoot the mur- derer or the burglar and the out- rager trying to break ino his house and destroy his family. THIS GATESS^^TIRE RAN 23.000 MILES CONTINUOUS SERVICE WITHOUT BEING REMOVED FROM THE RIM. THIS HALF SOLE TIRE WAS USED ON A CAR OWNED BY RODERICK HARDWARE CO„ DALLAS. TEXAS COST HALF AS MUCH INTERNATIONAL RUBBER SALES CO. 404 SOUTH IRVON SIREfT CHARLOTTE, N. C. That was our position as a na tion. Oh, no; we did not go into this war from any altruistic motive, and against us history, with its cold and unerring decision, will record the fact that while our neighbors were being destroyed while the greatest immoral- itey human history running rampant, we stood aloof and said, “It is none of our business.” We did not even protest against Germany’s black crimes. We gave no, we did not give; he gave himself—the man whose tremendous organizing power saved Belgium from starva tion, but we individually and as a na tion contributed only about $30,000,- 000 of money to succor Belgium while England and France, despite their tremendous losses and fearful woe, contributed ten times as much. France, one of the sublimest figures in all human history, a nation which was civilized and Qhristionized and a leader hundreds yes a thousand years and more before America was discov ered; France, wos being trampled to death. The friend who had befriended us in the time of contest, the friend r who had always honored and loved us, met a doom as great as that of Bel gium. Millions of barbarians over its fair fields and its glorious cities wrought ruin such as civilization had never known. They destroyed woman hood _ and childhood with the same gloating glee with which they destroy ed cathedrals and churches and the very fruit trees of the land, and France, our old-time friend, must have stood aghast as it looked in vain for help from one it had helped in times past. Well might France ask the question \yhich a French officer put to Dr. Hil- lis, when he said; “How could Ameri ca for two years leave the women and children of France in hell?” England, the great civilizing and Christianizing power of the world un der whose fiag are found law and or der wherever it floats, on land and sea; England, the land of Shakespeare and Milton, and Bunyon and Tenni- son; the land dear to America by a thousand ties of kinship, threw into me great fight to save Belgium and France millions and millions of the very flower of life; and the English army, like the armies of France and Belgium and Italy, and the English battle fleet stood between us and the hell of German domination, and we as behind those armies and that battle fleet and saved our own precious hides. Oh, no; it was no altruistic senti ment which sent us into the war. Not until we definitely learned that England and France could no longer stay the onrush of barbarism, not un- til we knew that those who had sacri ficed millions of lives and billions of treasure to save civilization could no longer hold out without help, and not downfall meant the immediate overwhelming destruction of this country, did we as a nation enter the war. Altruism! Let us forever hide our hea,ds in shame that we had no al truism; that we stayed out of the war possibly could do so without being destroyed, and that when we entered it we entered it only because we knew that our destruction was in the near future unless on the battlefields we could help those who had fought for three years to keep on fighting and save themselves. We did not enter the war to save Belgium nor to save England nor to save France nor to save Italy. If Germany had not attacked us, if it had not sunk our ships and murdered our people, if it had left us unharm ed, would we have gone to war in a spirit of altruism to save England and Prance and Italy and Belgium? Not a bR of it, and every man who talks about altruism knows it. We said that we were not our broth er s keeper, and we glorified in the campaign slogan “He kept us out of war. Did that indicate altruism? Altruism! When a man sees his neighbor’s family murdered without going to their rescue and then when the murders and outragers turn on his family and throw some of his children to the sharks, outrage others and try to murder his wife, is it al truism that makes him fight when thus forced into a corner? There is just as much altruism in our being in this war as there would be in the man who finally roused himself against the murderers and outragers of his own family. We are fighting a war for self- pres ervation, a war against the murder ers of our own people, a war against a nation of murderers and looters who sought to sti» up Mexico and Ja pan to fight us, whose spies blew up our factories, killed our people, bought our newspapers for the pur pose of upholding their crimes, lied to our government, sought to stir up race riots here and to conquer Ameri ca by the power of money, of pro- German deviltries in one form or an other, seduced men and women from the paths of rectitude to become Ger many’s willing tools to fill the land with lies against our nation. Altruism! We had none of it in en tering the war. In the presence of our allies,! who so gloriously for three long years en dured the agony of fighting our battle, we should stand with uncovered heads and thank God that they had the cour age the manhood to fight, while we stood by and reaped enormous profits from selling them foodstuffs and muni tions at prices which were staggering ly profitable to our country. “No people ever went to war in a more altrustic spirit” is wrong. It is erroneous teachings. It saps the moral stamina of the nation, it praises- oursel ves when we do not deserve it. Rather should the word go forth from the pul pit and from the press and from the public men that we stood aside as long as'it was possible and that we permitted our neighbors to be murder ed, unwilling to come to, their rescue and assume our responsibility for the maintenance of civilization and Chris tianity throughout the earth. Then would we in a spirit of humanity un derstand why we must now sacrifice as England and Prance and Belgium pd Italy and Serbia'have sacrificed in men and in money. —(Dally Bulletin Manufacturers Record.)