.... 8 THE CADUCEUS The Caduceus WE THANK YOU “DEDICATED TO THE CAUSE OF WORLD WIDE JUSTICE.” -f- Published every Saturday by the En listed Personnel of the Base Hospital, Camp Greene, Charlotte, N. C. Business Office ; ’Phone 1530 Editorial Office—Building C-1, Base Hospital. Five Cents the Copy. Sponsor Lieut. Walter Mytinger Editor & Mgr. ..Sgt. Verlin J. Harrold Associate Editors— Avery Toohey Harold Mills Associate Business Managers— Private Theodorlo Neal Ivan H. Law. Roy A. Evans. Subscription representative— Private Harvey Haynes. TIGHTEN UP “Everybody, tighten up.” It is the call from Washington. It is the echo of the appeal which sounded through England and France months and months ago. It is ad dressed to every department of our civil and military life. “Tighten up” brings the same thrili to every red-blooded American that it -did when it rang across the athletic field in other days. .It makes one think of the nerve-tingling movement when the result of the big game hung in the balance when the rival team was weakening and the score coming good but still the game was not won—when a careless error or a moment of laxness might mean defeat—when every person in the grand stand stood up, with muscles tense and all their spirit battling for the home team. And in the moment before the next vital play the captain raised his hands to form a megaphone before his mouth and shouted, “Tighten up.” Every member of the loyal host of “rooters” would have gladly taken the place of any player in that testing moment. So is every true Amer ican wrapped up heart and soul in every act of the brave lads who are playing our greatest game. They know that the boys who do battle across the sea .are expecting every support from, the “democracy fans” back home. The soldiers are forced to give their energies to war work, now that they have joined the colors, by the system of their organization. They are willing to do more. In France we have the fine example of the Sammies us ing the time of their leave from the front in aiding the French peasants to harvest their crops of grain. We who have been spared the shell shock and the watches on “No Man’s Land” are asked to do just a little more saving than has been our want. It is brought to us as an individuaT matter. “Tighten up and win the war in 1919” is the call. Use as little sugar as possible. Conserve gasoline. Mix all flour with other cereals. Make labor count for the allies. Keep every mandate with a war winning will. “We must strip to the bone,” comes Hoover’s latest appeal. “Make the great conflict your most important business.” How it rained last Saturday, from morning till night! The weather offer ed no sunny prospect for nearly 10,- 000 copies of The Caduceus. Hut The Caduceus spirit proved it self. Thousands of civilians stopped in the midst of the downpour to fish out a nickle for the camp paper. Hundreds of regular Caduceus customers waited on the front porches of their homes for their salesmen to appear. It was the flnest kind of support and “we thank you.” There need be no patting on the back for the fellows who supplement ed their hospital work 'by a jaunt through .the rain to stay by the job of getting The Caduceus to the pub lic. These men, who came in water drenched, on Saturday night, ask no Ijraise, but their “fighting it out” shows the spark of that stuff which is winning eternal fame “over there.” COL. L. W.V. KENNON The enlisted men, as well as the official staff of Camp Greene; feel deeply the loss of Colonel Kennon, whose influence as. camp commander had come down through the ranks as a spirit of gentle yet firm leader ship of rarest quality. If) was the whole-hearted will of all that social activities in which Camp Greene soldiers had a part be suspended during the period covering the inter ment of the late camp comman der. We all feel that Camp Greene suffers the loss of one who was planning for the building of one of the best army camps in the United States and one who felt an interest in .all the men un der his command. PERSHING’S BIRTHDAY. Friday, the thirteenth, was the fifty- ninth birthday of America’s war leader in France, General John J. Pershing. It was indeed an unlucky thirteenth for Prussianism that gave to the Unit ed States that trusted leader who has so well organized the fighting sons of democracy. Ths Americans rubbed that fact in by carrying on a new at tack upon the southern Tuton lines and bringing the gravest peril to the military machine of Kaiserism. Germany could meet no more formid able loe in the pain of her world con quest than that self made general leading a host of determined marines and infantrymen against a portion of her war strained line. General Pers .ing is known as one of the Dest of the “Common sense” leaders as he works out his stands upon a simple military basis and not upon conjectured theories. He was born at Laclede, Missouri, in 1877 taught a negro school in his home town. He graduated from West Point in 1886 and was a captain in the 10th cavalry during the Spanish-American W9,r. He has been in every campaign since. On March, 24, 1917 Pershing was placed at the head of the American forces abroad and on October. 4th of the same year his commission as gen eral was sent to France. WAR JOKES NOW BECOME CHESTNUTS. “Tighten Up.” We should deem it a privilege to skimp and save and give for the war cause until it hurts. We must show our allies that we mean business to our last man and dollar. The liberty we promise, the justice we demand, is worth suffering for. We must consider a “bit” as a slacker’s allotment. “Everybody tighten up.’ The joke about the firm that is mak ing shells tor the Germans and will get them over by seeding them to France and let our boys deliver them. The joke about the Irish officer who said, “You too.” AH jokes about colored soldiers and saluting. All jokes of that character which be gin “The Germans have taken calomel and cannot hold it.” Exchange.