t7i 1^ t' f ll THE CADUCEUS THOSE FLU MASKS YOU WOULDN’T EVEN KNOW YOUR BEST GIRL. “SLIPS” over to the women of Belgium and turn our backs. THAT SLID IN FROM THE QUAR ANTINE CAMP. “Focli plans blow after blow,” says headline. Whaddja expect him to do, eit down and,rest? Our dear girls, in writing to the boys in khaki must not think that in fol lowing Thos. A. Edison’s instructions and signing themselves “Yours for the Fourth Liberty Loan,” they have to take up the room on the last line that they usually leave for X X X X. Somebody must have told the Kai ser that he cbuld walk on the water with his army. Perhaps if the Clown Prinz had more of a chin he could tstop the fldw of words and not make himseelf out such a liar. Doctor says you can always tell a woman’s age by her knee or her elbow; well, we either have to take their word for it or ask to have a peep at the elbow. Manufacturers say the story about button shortage is a bare lie. Sure, look at the number of boneheads in Germany. The way things are going for the Huns, old Hindenburg may decide not to deny the next report of hie, death. We do not believe skirts will be, worn much shorter until some way is found to make knees more silght- ly. Somehow we object to the cry “hang the kaiser.” Let’s hand him 11 HELP THE SICK. It will probably be of interest to the readers of the Caduceus to know just what is being done for the boys in the Base Hospital. Mr. Mangum has, des ignated a secretary from each Y. M. C. A. building in camp to visit in the hospitai. These men meet at Y. M. C. A. 282 in the mornings to get their assignments to the wards. They car ry with them writing paper, stamps, Bibles and reading matter of different kinds. Then, too, the seecretaries hold theemseelves ready to do other service for the men such as writing letters and looking after the mail. Besides sereving the sick men, Mr. Bergman, Camp Athletic Director, is giving instruction in constructive gymnastics, to the convalescents. HOLD SELVES READY. As far as the Spanaish influenza is concerned it is extremely infectious and if you have to kiss any Czech-Slo- vak or Serbian generals, kiss ’em thru a handkerchief or over the long distance telephone. The drawback about the young man who knows it all is that he has a whole lot to learn and nobody to teach him. The Kaiser wants a crown for each one of his sons. Well, the Hun pro geny will require several crowns apiece before the Allies get through with them, to say nothing of the bridge and porcelain work. The longer we live the more firmly convinced are we that the man who keeps his troubles to himself has the secret of popularity. It generally happens this way: The man of the house was watchina thu painter mixing up some brown paint and said to the painter, “I told you to paint that lattice green.” The pai ater patiently said, “Yes, I know you did, but your missus said to paint it brown, and when you and she get thru ar guing, I want to have it all ready to put on.” Thank you. “PETE.” It does not seem to be ■ generally known that a number of the Y. M. C. A. men are ministers. On several oc casions persons wanting to see a min ister have not known where to find one! These Y. M. C. A. secretaries hold themselves ready and are anx ious at all times to render any ser vice or instruction of a religious na ture. They have left their pastorate to serve the soldiers. Use them ae you would your own pastor. Y. M. C. A. NOTES Dr. Jackson, who was a secretary at this camp last spring and summer, is expected to resume his duties as ward visitors of the Base Hospital within the next few days. Rev. Charles Martin, religious di rector of “Y” 282, will return Satur day from Louisville, Ky., where he has been visiting relatives. Rev. P. H. Rassiter, of Win;iton-Sa- fim, N. C., has been assigned to Y. 282, having arrived here from the Blue Ridge Training School. Mr. Ras- sister has been doing evangelistic v/ork for the past several years. Mr. Dan W. Milan, camp singing di rector, not being able to continue his singing classes lately, has been put ting in his time visiting men in the hospital, bringing them mail and cheerng them up. m.AKES AUTO SERVICE We Never Close Cars for all Occasions Our Office is across from Selwyn Hotel 2 South Church Street Phones 1177-1175 #