4 5 / For the World's News the Day it Happens GET PRINTING ANYTHING FROM A VISITING CARD TO A NEWSPAPER The Charlotte News PROMPT, COURTEOUS, AND A SQUARE DEAL Leased wire of the Associated Press with all Cable Connections , News Printing House PHONE 1530 NEWS BLDG. Jorti European Plan ^alt0h«ry:, N. Two blocks from depot. Cafe and Dining Room in connection. Private Telephone in each room. “Y. & B.” Ice iB Coal PHONES 210-211 YOUR PATRONAGE INVITED ROOMS SI AND UP E. W. BRADY MANAGER QUICK DELIVERIES BEST QUALITIES The Charlotte Supply Company General Mill Furnishers and Manufacturers of Leather Belting and Dealers in Machinery Machinists’ Tools, etc PHONES 2417-2418 Dixie Stores Co. Corner West Trade and South Hint Streets CIGARS ^ CIGARETTES SODAS CANDIES GENUINE COCA-COLA COME AND SEE US! Across from Postoffice