CONDUCTED BY MISS ELIZABETH P. UZELMEIER A SUNSHINE CORNER RECREATION GROUP IN THE RED CROSS BUILDING. I coking over the latest periodicals whi’e en'oying a few hours off duty, the little group shown above a-i-e taking advantage of one of the sunny corners of the new Red Cross building at the base hospital. The roomy Red Cross structure abounds in such cheery neeks and is fitted up for every comfo’t of the soldiers. In the picture above are Mrs. Fred Anderson, seated on the arm of the chair and Miss Maruerite M. Edwards, reading the magazine. The young man is Sergeant First Class Patrick Cosgrove, now attached to Evacua tion Hospital No. 30. OPERATdNG ROOM TECHNIQUE. Taken from N. Y. State Board Exam, papers'. POOR SURGEON! The linen, rubber gloves, gauze, drainage tubes and surgeon’s hands must be sterilized in the autoclave for 15 minutes with 20 pounds of steam under pressure. “HELPFUL HINTS. “Better late than never” does not hold good in reporting for c^ass. ) When in trouble ’phone Base Hos pital 19. Carefully observe the Bulletin Board before and after each meal. Be kind to “Frazzles.” Concentrate daily on'definitions of non-expendable and expendable prop erty. also accountability and responai- bi’ltv. A proper apreciation of just what these words inean will avoid Much Use’ess waste of time and effort both on our art and that of the medi cal supp'v. and will help to repay Cant-'in Darling tor his very valuab’e and-in=t’'uctive lecture to us last Thursday evening. MORE COMING. Information has been received from Washington to the effect that we may expect a contingent of fifty additional students to our army school of nursing on or before December 1. The stu dent nurses are bUsily engaged in leaving their outvrown shejls, that is the dormitory, for rooms to be shared with one room-mate. We hope our second invoice of stu dents will be as happy and cheerful an addition to the life and well being of the hospital as our first group has proven. Dietitian to Nurse: From where are the best steaks cut? Nurse: Take a slice off the porter house. j Define “Anky- of the ankle Instructor to Nurse: losis.” Nurse: Inflammation bone. NEW RECIPE. Examiupr in Dietetics to Nurse: How is chicken broth made? Nttrse: Take a hen and bctU It, BACK FROM MOUNTAINS. Miss Susan G. Parish, chief nurse, accompanied by Miss .Teble and Miss R"msdell, a student nurse, went to Asheville on Thursd-^y, Novf-mber 1918. for a few days’ stay at the Grove Park Inn. An uncle of Miss R-'medell has been m the emp’oyVif the beautif il bote' since its beginning.'about five years ago: this fact insured their being well looked aHe", even had it not been so ordered bv the ne-fect arr"ngements of-tbe hotel itself. F^om first to last the visit was-one of real joy. Tbe buildin" la of most unique con struction. bui’t entirety of rough stones blasted from the mountain, forming a Pu^e medioval looking pl’e. Inside the sense of maanifloent sim- p'ioity "reefs the visitor who soon real’zes that not'Mng is left undone to insure tbe comfort of the guests. Tbe vrounds are wmnde-fu’Iv laid out and extend to f'e beginning of the wonder ful golf courts sn-ead like a pan oramic view from tbe broad verandas. The vi"it restored Misses .Teble and Ramsdetl to a sense of well be'ng and they left hoping to come again some day. and also to advise any one in need of change and nerfect comfort to betake themselves for a visit long, or short, to the wonderful Grove Park Inn. DID HIS DUTY. “Frazzles,” the French poodle res ident of the nurses’ quarters, who follows Mi=s Parish on her’y rounds, faithfully took up the duties during the absence of Miss Parish and made bis rounds up one street and down tbe other true to bis supposed duty. We have tried to obtain bis pic ture but his modesty is great and he refuses to sit. To our great delight stoves are gradually being installed throughout tho quarters. HOW IS IT DONE? Nurse, half awake, reading docto’’’s orders makes a mistake in reading “eplgast-lum,” so we .get this ordeAi “Turpentine stupe to epigolottis.” Instructor to Nurse: How would yofi preuarp a room for operation in a pri vate honie? Nurs.e: First I would sprinkle the floor to keep It down.