GREATEST EVER THE CADUCEUS QUARTERMASTER TREATMENT OF ENLISTED MEN HERE UNRIVALED LOVER is heaped and pil ed about the enlisted men of the U, S. Army Base Hospital,' Camp Greene says First Lieutenant J. H. Huan, of the 17th Bat- allion, U. S. Guards, who is a patient in the hospital and who has paid a visit to the Red Cross building. Lieu tenant Huan has been in the army twelve years and as line man who has come up through the ranks feels that he knows whereof he speaks. “I have never seen anything like the treatment of the enlisted men at your Red Cross building” says the lieutenant. “I have been to several hospitals and have been through two campaigns and I know that you en listed men here are enjoying a priv- alege that is most rare. ‘Tf you folks had been with me through the army life as it was before the war you would appreciate the more that you can never repay all the debt of gratitude that you owe to Mrs. Baldwin for the splendid way she has made for you a home at the Red Cross house. The nurses have been gracious to you in associating with you at the Red Cross building in a way that the old army never knew. You owe it to Mrs. Baldwin and to the nurses to be every inch a gentleman virhen you visit the Red Cr\>ss and are given a chance to show your appreciation for Q. M. Sergt. J. W. Miller is with us again after a brief illness in the hos pital. But Ward B-6 isn’t so bad is it Miller? Sgt. John Barth, has just returned from a ten day furlough at his home in Philadelphia, due to the death of his father. Attention there old Medical Supply. The Feud is off; You are now a mem ber of the Honorable Q. M. C. Detach ment. It isn’t worth the time and what ever you do please remember “our Rep” is at stake, please be care ful. * * Sgt. Paul R. Raymond has just re turned from a furlough spent at ‘‘his’’ and “her” home in Boston. The little Sgt. claims that it is very lonesome here without his “Dear Clarrisse.” Would the man that accidentally picked up Sgt. Rico’s pocket book please return same? OH, NO, He doesn’t expect the money to be re turned. But $4S.OO would come in handy. The month is long. How about that Rico? Corporal J. W. Johnson is no more. It is Sgt. J. W. Johnson now if you please. * * * AH, another Mystery! We are all trying to find out why Pvt. Arledge is seen around the Chatham Estates so often. We sure would appreciate any information. Why not enlighten us BOB? * * ^ Corporal Charles Kerkhoff, the de tachment decorator is still mourning. Why? Because his Sweet Ma. Ma. has left him for good. * * * Corporal J. W. Moreland and Cor poral Don O. Mo’hr, are both looking for a speedy retirement from Uncle Sammies army. Look out girls in Iowa and Nebraska. What cha say Jack? Talk about your endearing young charms! Ask Sergt. Rico, he knows. Sergt. 1st class Walter J. Reel has returned from a furlough in his home in St. Joe, Mo. There sure is some Bea-u-ti-ful Girls in St. Joe. How about that Reel? lis * * the fine surroundings you enjoy.” James J. Leahy of New York and Paris, is enjoying a ten day furlough at his home in “America.” New York is the only America to you isn’t it James ? Famous Sayings of the Day. “Where’s the Plumber?” Come on States on the job. Q. M. Sergt. Elrod is quite busy these days. You tell him Julious while I mark time. Say on.? By Sergt. A. G. Coleman. «««««««««««« SPECIAL PRICES ON UNIFORMS THIS IS NO BULL We’ve just received a lot of very fine quality 0. D. Wool, Whipcord, Gaberdine and Serge Uniforms, that owing to circumstances we will sell at very special prices: $18.50 $25.00 $29.50 $35.00 REGULATION ARMY HATS - «|»3.SO STETSON ARMY HATS - ST.50 ALSO 500 PAIRS OF SPIRAL LEGGINS AT $2.50 Per Pair SERVICE STRIPES, 20c each, 2 for 35c, 3 for 50c. All Military Goodi now being offered at a Big Redaction. Wear a New Outfit. BELK BROS 19-21 East Trade St V:’? ■■ : ■ / - 4: